I was taking pics of my cats last year-and i noticed this strange blue aura around my cats-has anybody ever found such anomalies in photo's of
I've never seen this in any of the pics I have taken of my furry friends. Both Dawgs and Cats. As a experiment, I would clean the lens and turn off
the flash and take a couple more. The white in the cats do seem to be giving off the most "aura".
I took these with the camera on my Nokia Xpressmusic-not exactly a Nikon
i know! But the grass around them in some pics came out sharp and clear.Also,for a crappy camera which it Is,i usually get very good daytime
results-to take pics at night is a no-can-do,though.Here's some examples of other pics taken with the same cell:
I would guess that the white in their fur has certain mineral structure that reflects the blue spectrum and some of the ultraviolet light so that they
glow. Check the saturation on your camera, My daughter had messed with mine and I had glowing things. She is very good at photography and can make
many things happen. I wish she would learn to put my camera settings back to normal when she is done though
This doesn't look like an aura but then again, the aura is caused by reflection of energy by the skin or fur when it is charged up. Looks like your
cats are healthy and happy to be outside.
Well this is what the hubby has always been saying:"Cats are aliens that brough peas along to earth from their hideous planet"
he's learned to loathe cats less,but he still would rather eat roadkill than peas!
Hi TDawg,I wonder if it Could be the fur,maybe-just i've never seen this around in pics of my other animals,so i wondered,and no,not a digital
camera,just a cell camera.
Yeah they're my lovies,winofiend-well sadly the white+tortoiseshell cat has passed on by now,but my b+w,Cas,is happily still with us..but dang,she
OLD! And we kept 2 of Esmay's bebbehs.I occasionally clean the lens,i can honestly not remember if i did shortly before taking these,but the grass
came out sharply in some of the pics,so idk?
Nah,its fine to be practical,rickymouse-i don't think it's anything wildly supernatural either-but on the other hand..cats Are strange,mysterious
creatures-so i was wanting all sorts of input on this.My cell camera's pretty much always on the same regular settings-my daughter has her own
digital camera-so mine's safe from her clutches
Also this was taken in winter-and in winter,i see and experience some strange things here,for some reason,and my family too,sometimes.
It looks like rays of sunlight reflecting from the cats' coats to me, but I like the "aura" explanation better. If my inside cat had an aura
it would probably be red- because she is definitely Satan incarnate!
Ive had similar results with the white parts on birds before, it depends on where the sun is and what the camera iris is set to as well as if youre
hand was shaking even slightly while taking the picture
I have a long haired white and ginger cat that comes out similar in the right light
I don't know the technical reason why but it's your poor camera for a fact, some sort of glare. The dog and grass actually have the same thing
happening but it's not as noticable, but you can still see the white glow and lack of shadows in the images