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Title says: "Obama Will Let Me Go" ...So says a captured Illegal Alien

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+22 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:30 PM

"The Border Patrol agent was loading one man up, and he told the officer in Spanish, 'Obama's gonna let me go'."

Matt Gulick · Top Commenter QUOTE:

Obama the Infidel MUST go. He is selling this country to the lowest bidder while us, law abiding, honest citizens pick up the bill.

My grandfather was born in Mexico and my mother is 1st generation American. Our family came here legally and, once here, English became our language because, as my grandfather told his family, we are in America and we WILL speak in the language of our new homeland.

Why must we reward these criminals who cross the border while honest hispanics wait while seeking to move to the US legally as documented immigrants. The answer is simple, the Democrats are all about short cuts, everything they offer is a shortcut around establishe methodologies.

Affirmative Action - Short cut. DO NOT offer me an education or job because I am a hispanic, whom you assume to be less capable of getting the grades, scoring well on tests or meeting any other requirement. I am insulted when offered anything because of AA, either I am qualified or I am not, but do not accuse me of being handicapped because of my heritage and thus in need of your pity.

Ship all of these border jumpers back and tell them to get in line with the honest, hard working people who are willing to EARN they place in society. END QUOTE

The above was one comment which I have heard from more than one legal resident.. This story is pulled from 1200 WOAI radio web page and live broadcast. The other comments are also worth a read.

Quote from the article:
She says the current increase in illegal immigrant entries began last summer, at almost exactly the same time as President Obama unilaterally announced plans to no longer deport young people who came to the U.S. as children with their illegal immigrant parents: End Quote.

Regardless of how you feel about illegal border crossing immigration the fact is many end up dead in the South Texas heat and scrub.
One of the comment posters a Rick Shanks replied to a particular aggressive post by a defender of the current policies....

Rick Shanks · QUOTE:

Mr. Paulson, your statistics are a little off, what it is is during Obama's time in office, ICE has deported more criminal aliens (aliens who have committed other crimes, besides illegal entry), due to programs started under previous administration. Obama's policy changes have BP, turning back aliens so they won't have to arrest them, giving them ample oppertunities to find that "unwatched trail". Obama ICE policies have purged illegal entry cases from Immigration Court, by removing the cases from their dockets, so illegal aliens already in the system for deportation, are now free to establish residency, and prepare for residency. Before you try to bully me by your foul language and uninformed statements, look at my page and see I am a retired ICE Deportation Officer, and actually know what I am talking about. END QUOTE

Where ever you stand on the border policies that are in place today all I can say is, "Houston we have a problem" and it ain't getting better.

Scott Douglas · Top Commenter

Turning someone away at the boarder is not deportation but that's what this administration is calling it. The numbers are bogus Mick. You cannot trust our government.
"The House Judiciary Committee has obtained internal U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) documents, which show that the Obama administration is cooking the books to achieve their so-called “record” deportation numbers for illegal immigrants and that removals are actually significantly down—not up—from 2009. Beginning in 2011, the Committee has learned that Obama administration officials at the Department of Homeland Security started to include numbers from the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP) in its year-end removal numbers.… [I]t is illegitimate to count illegal immigrants apprehended by the Border Patrol along the Southwest border as ICE removals."
People are purchasing firearms in record numbers for a reason - not being able to TRUST our government is at the top. They refuse to be transparent on anything policy related. They've made everything political and pitted us Americans against one and another. Sad times. SCARY times. END QUOTE:

Again this is Texas so the ranchers and people who have to deal with the Mules and Illegals destroying property or worse have some very strong feelings on the subject. I actually read all the comments from the article especially the ICE agent comments and thought it was worth the read if for no other reason than some of the policies now in place and the effects they seem to be having on the border .

edit on 13-4-2013 by 727Sky because: bold

edit on 13-4-2013 by 727Sky because: and

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:35 PM
what hysteric bs...

they need to calm down, because

1) Gulick is 100% wrong


edit on 13-4-2013 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:40 PM

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:46 PM
Its not Barack Obama.

Its Barack Hussein Obama.

edit on 13-4-2013 by MyLifeRocks because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:53 PM
This thread makes me sick i cant believe people are giving him flags and stars are you guys really that stuck up in America? Really? why would you want to turn anyone one away? an at least the people thats giving flags etc could post an say why instead of hiding...

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by thePharaoh

First, best president ever?
I hope that was sarcasm.

And to the original post, I have a great deal of respect for people who go about immigration the correct way through the system. Having been born in the US, I've not known that pain. However I work with a man from Trinidad, who immigrated here for a better life, and I was absolutely APPALLED to learn that to complete the entire immigration process and become a legal resident of US took him almost 20 years.

Not only do these people have to struggle to survive for that amount of time but to wait, and go through a process that takes that long..really?..really? Should it take 20 years for someone to become a legal resident?

I know another man from mexico, he has been in the immigration process for 14 years, and still has yet to attain permanent residency status.

I agree that these people who come into the country illegally need to go about things the right way, because I've worked in construction for many years and I'm not being stereotypical, racist, and anything like that, but these workers have literally stolen thousands of jobs from american citizens in my city alone.

But the fastest I've heard of anyone getting a green card is 10 years, and a lot of those people don't intend to stay, they make money and stash it in a bank account back home so they can go back and retire.

So what can be done? What happened to that fence that was supposed to be built? And the BP, and INS.
Something needs to be done, both with security at the border and also the immigration policies, it takes entirely too long for these people to become citizens, and they make them jump through hoops, taking exams that have questions half of americans wouldn't even be able to answer, and I honestly don't know what it takes to become a citizen, but the fact it takes so long is just absurd.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by fortysixAnd2
reply to post by thePharaoh

First, best president ever?
I hope that was sarcasm.

And to the original post, I have a great deal of respect for people who go about immigration the correct way through the system. Having been born in the US, I've not known that pain. However I work with a man from Trinidad, who immigrated here for a better life, and I was absolutely APPALLED to learn that to complete the entire immigration process and become a legal resident of US took him almost 20 years.

Not only do these people have to struggle to survive for that amount of time but to wait, and go through a process that takes that long..really?..really? Should it take 20 years for someone to become a legal resident?

I know another man from mexico, he has been in the immigration process for 14 years, and still has yet to attain permanent residency status.

I agree that these people who come into the country illegally need to go about things the right way, because I've worked in construction for many years and I'm not being stereotypical, racist, and anything like that, but these workers have literally stolen thousands of jobs from american citizens in my city alone.

But the fastest I've heard of anyone getting a green card is 10 years, and a lot of those people don't intend to stay, they make money and stash it in a bank account back home so they can go back and retire.

So what can be done? What happened to that fence that was supposed to be built? And the BP, and INS.
Something needs to be done, both with security at the border and also the immigration policies, it takes entirely too long for these people to become citizens, and they make them jump through hoops, taking exams that have questions half of americans wouldn't even be able to answer, and I honestly don't know what it takes to become a citizen, but the fact it takes so long is just absurd.

Now this is how the OP should of been as its someone who understands ;-) , explained it in such a nice way unlike the OP who just seems to hate anyone thats an "Illegal Alien" "Rolls eyes"

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:03 PM
This is the best Prez ever?

This 'Man' (using the term loosely) is the one that is taking America and the World to the brink of destruction. This person is responsible for stealing freedoms and liberties. This man is responsible for the World hating America more and more.

This man is despicable and should never have the honor of being called a man.

A true man stands for his family, Country and fellow human beings. This Prez is not a man. He is disgusting.


posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by jude11
This is the best Prez ever?

This 'Man' (using the term loosely) is the one that is taking America and the World to the brink of destruction. This person is responsible for stealing freedoms and liberties. This man is responsible for the World hating America more and more.

This man is despicable and should never have the honor of being called a man.

A true man stands for his family, Country and fellow human beings. This Prez is not a man. He is disgusting.


Funny this as if it wasnt for the people this man wouldnt even be in power so who is to blame??

+9 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by mcdgray129
This thread makes me sick i cant believe people are giving him flags and stars are you guys really that stuck up in America? Really? why would you want to turn anyone one away? an at least the people thats giving flags etc could post an say why instead of hiding...

You know what makes me sick? Self entitlement and hypocrisy. Obama's stance on immigration is to ignore existing law while he demands you follow all of his new law.

That is not how a democratic republic works my friend. Spare us your lecture on human morality and accusations of "hiding". Nobody is hiding from your misplaced accusations of implied racism nor their feelings on immigration, they just don't and probably shouldn't care what you think about it as your mind is already made up.

I and most Americans I know are forced to live by, follow and obey draconian U.S. laws that just keep piling up day after day and enforced with an iron fist and a jack boot. Non U.S. citizens entering the country illegally shouldn't have it any better than I do, savy?

+5 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by mcdgray129

Well, I'm one who gave him a flag. My Father's side is American back past the Civil War. My mothers? I'm among the first generation born American. She came across, legally, as a kid at Detroit and lived in a small town outside London, Ontario.

There is no RIGHT to live in this nation any more than Americans can go to some other nation and demand the RIGHT to live there. As it stands, America is one of the most open nations on Earth for immigration. Far TOO open as I see it. Legal Immigrants who had to wait, pay their money, go through what is often years of effort and then..FINALLY...earn their place to become an American Resident are rightly proud of that in the majority of cases. Hopefully those folk, wherever they come from, go on to become Citizens at some point. Welcome to America I say, without regard to color or origin.

Now to illegals who short cut our system, broke out laws and have continued breaking laws since they arrived? (If they held a job..ONCE...I'd like to know what they used for Social Sec? ...false ones are a crime. Add another) I don't care if they came from Mexico, China or my own lands of heritage, Scotland or Ireland. Origin makes NO difference to the criminal offenses committed to getting and staying here.

As far as I'd ever be open to going personally is saying Amnesty SHOULD probably extend to their being permitted to apply for entry back....from their HOME nations ....and they can then wait in line FROM THERE, like every other immigrant who aspires to live here on a permanent basis.

You did ask.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by mcdgray129

Well, our votes don't really count. Case in point: We've never had a president Gore, and we should have So, in other words, the American people didn't vote Obama in.
The government is corrupt and whomever they want to be POTUS will be POTUS.

On topic: There's restrictions and borders because things run more smoothly that way.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:11 PM

Something needs to be done, both with security at the border and also the immigration policies, it takes entirely too long for these people to become citizens, and they make them jump through hoops, taking exams that have questions half of americans wouldn't even be able to answer, and I honestly don't know what it takes to become a citizen, but the fact it takes so long is just absurd.

You will never stop illegal immigration as long as people desire to come here. The only way to stop it is to make it worse for them than the place they are leaving. We know what businesses are hiring these guys so conduct bi-weekly raids. Any business caught with an illegal gets a 250k fine, second offense and they lose their business license are are shut down.

Deny all benefits or help to illegals with the exception of emergency medical care. Once they are stabilized they are dropped off across the border. Any crime committed by an illegal automatically gets 3x the amount of time as a citizen who commits the same crime.

Put them into desert camps in Arizona and re-institute the chain gang policy. Tell them they have 6 mo. before the law goes into effect so they have enough time to gather their belongings and leave. I guarantee you will see a massive migration back to Mexico and South America.

After this, we won't even need a fence on the border anymore.

+9 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by fortysixAnd2

I met and married my husband in China.
He's American and we applied for my visa to accompany my husband to America.
It took two interviews and 15 months for our daughter and my visa's and after arrival we received our first green cards good for 2 years.

We applied for our 10 year green cards and after a year more we studied for the Citizenship test.
We passed and are now very proud to be Americans.

Counties have borders and those laws should be obeyed.
Democrats are catering to the Hispanic's for their votes.
ETA: I F&S'd this thread too as if it's anyone's business but my own.
edit on 13-4-2013 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by mcdgray129

Originally posted by jude11
This is the best Prez ever?

This 'Man' (using the term loosely) is the one that is taking America and the World to the brink of destruction. This person is responsible for stealing freedoms and liberties. This man is responsible for the World hating America more and more.

This man is despicable and should never have the honor of being called a man.

A true man stands for his family, Country and fellow human beings. This Prez is not a man. He is disgusting.


Funny this as if it wasnt for the people this man wouldnt even be in power so who is to blame??

If you believe the true vote tally was for this 'Man' , you would be wrong.

Just like the baby bush second term, it was stolen and there is too much proof of vote rigging to even go into it again. Most people know what happened and it was only thru the apathetic population that it was allowed to pass without criminal convictions at a very high level.

The entire system in the US right now is nothing but a sham. The entire World knows it. Most of America knows it but the lesser percentage that don't know it are the ones used to put on the front page of the MSM as the VOTING PUBLIC.



posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Helious

Originally posted by mcdgray129
This thread makes me sick i cant believe people are giving him flags and stars are you guys really that stuck up in America? Really? why would you want to turn anyone one away? an at least the people thats giving flags etc could post an say why instead of hiding...

You know what makes me sick? Self entitlement and hypocrisy. Obama's stance on immigration is to ignore existing law while he demands you follow all of his new law.

That is not how a democratic republic works my friend. Spare us your lecture on human morality and accusations of "hiding". Nobody is hiding from your misplaced accusations of implied racism nor their feelings on immigration, they just don't and probably shouldn't care what you think about it as your mind is already made up.

I and most Americans I know are forced to live by, follow and obey draconian U.S. laws that just keep piling up day after day and enforced with an iron fist and a jack boot. Non U.S. citizens entering the country illegally shouldn't have it any better than I do, savy?

Well my friend i dont give a # for your president an i didnt vote for him since im not from th USA, so if you guys think he sucks so bad why did ye help him come into power again?.
Anyway this is not what this is about.
The should not be anything that can stop one person from moving from one place to another, if i wanted to leave my home tomorrow an move to america an work the should be nothing stopping me an the same if you wanted to come here imo thats what this is about, bnothing else. an someone thats crying cos myabe people had to move to the usa to make a better life whats up with that?, you seen the hoops people have to go though to become legal in the usa right? an you guys wonder why the is so many illegals go cop on dude.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest

Something needs to be done, both with security at the border and also the immigration policies, it takes entirely too long for these people to become citizens, and they make them jump through hoops, taking exams that have questions half of americans wouldn't even be able to answer, and I honestly don't know what it takes to become a citizen, but the fact it takes so long is just absurd.

You will never stop illegal immigration as long as people desire to come here. The only way to stop it is to make it worse for them than the place they are leaving. We know what businesses are hiring these guys so conduct bi-weekly raids. Any business caught with an illegal gets a 250k fine, second offense and they lose their business license are are shut down.

Deny all benefits or help to illegals with the exception of emergency medical care. Once they are stabilized they are dropped off across the border. Any crime committed by an illegal automatically gets 3x the amount of time as a citizen who commits the same crime.

Put them into desert camps in Arizona and re-institute the chain gang policy. Tell them they have 6 mo. before the law goes into effect so they have enough time to gather their belongings and leave. I guarantee you will see a massive migration back to Mexico and South America.

After this, we won't even need a fence on the border anymore.

I guess I can stop posting in this thread because I couldn't agree more with every word of this post. Real solutions that solve real problems often have to be creative and unorthodox and while I think many people would take offense to this proposed solution, I personally feel that it is exactly what is needed and would be quite effective.

FYI, for the record, I recommend this for border jumping Canadians as well!

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Your post is not even worth giving a real reply to as its clear you made up your mind, "all illegals are criminals" please dont even tell me this is not what you think as its clear from your post it is.....

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:16 PM


The profanity and personal attacks need to stop.

Thank you.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest

You will never stop illegal immigration as long as people desire to come here. The only way to stop it is to make it worse for them than the place they are leaving. We know what businesses are hiring these guys so conduct bi-weekly raids. Any business caught with an illegal gets a 250k fine, second offense and they lose their business license are are shut down.

Who's doing these inspections? raids? Because from what I've seen, the construction industry here is dominated by illegal aliens, and no one is doing anything about it. Hell they even get free passes onto Ft Bragg to do construction there, and nobody questions it. Because if you question someone's residency status, well thats racist.

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