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Genesis 2: 21-22 - Why God Chose Adam's Rib to make Eve

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posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by WashMoreFeet

Are you saying the stem cells from Adam's marrow possessed the genes necessary for the development of breasts and vaginal tissue? Not to mention all the other anatomical features, both great and small, that denote the biology of a female human?

So right now, my bones possess the genetic basis for becoming a female?

If I add a allel to your sex gene to make it go from XY to XX and you do.

It is mostly likey what god did take the stem cells from the bonebarrow and alter the chromasone structure from XY to XX and then grew said wifey.

It is all speculation though.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by JW2002

If I add a allel to your sex gene to make it go from XY to XX and you do.

It is mostly likey what god did take the stem cells from the bonebarrow and alter the chromasone structure from XY to XX and then grew said wifey.

And how did he do that? Lemme guess...

edit on 14-4-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity

And how did he do that? Lemme guess...

No idea as I was'nt there at the time.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 04:13 PM
I may be wrong (it wouldn't be the first time)

But wasn't Eve his second wife?

Wasn't his first wife made the same way he was but this made her his equal and as such she refused to obey him

So he complained to the big fella and the big fella made him a new one from his rib so she would not be his equal and so would obey

Then the big fella banished first wife to the underworld where she became the first demon.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by marvinthemartian

Last time I checked that wasnt in the bible. At least in the christian one!

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by JW2002

As i said

I may be wrong

I haven't read the book of the word since i was in school many moons ago but i have a vague memory of it.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by marvinthemartian

It wasnt a stupid question. There have been alot of fake books and alternate versions of the "bible" written. And this idea may be in one of them.

But it is not in the basic standard Bible which for a christian should only be core source.

edit on 14-4-2013 by JW2002 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by JW2002

The only stupid question is the one you are to scarred/embarrassed to ask.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:51 PM
So if she was his equal then she could have done the same thing and complained to the big fella and he would have been doomed? Whoah! I'm glad we thought of it first.

So Adam an Eve were genetically identical (bar the XY thingy). And fom them came curly hair, straight hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, black skin and white skin, dimples, cleft chins, bulbous noses, straight noses and everything in between.
edit on 14/4/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Cinrad

So Adam an Eve were genetically identical (bar the XY thingy). And fom them came curly hair, straight hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, black skin and white skin, dimples, cleft chins, bulbous noses, straight noses and everything in between.
edit on 14/4/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

Its still possible due to random mutaions, Homologous recombination and Chromosomal crossover.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by JW2002

I was just making an observation. Even if we evolved then all those things had to come from the same genetic source either way. And mitochondrial DNA has shown that we all came from the same woman at least.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by WashMoreFeet

Are you saying the stem cells from Adam's marrow possessed the genes necessary for the development of breasts and vaginal tissue? Not to mention all the other anatomical features, both great and small, that denote the biology of a female human?

So right now, my bones possess the genetic basis for becoming a female?

Do you have an 'X' chromosome?

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by WashMoreFeet

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by WashMoreFeet

Are you saying the stem cells from Adam's marrow possessed the genes necessary for the development of breasts and vaginal tissue? Not to mention all the other anatomical features, both great and small, that denote the biology of a female human?

So right now, my bones possess the genetic basis for becoming a female?

Do you have an 'X' chromosome?

...and it isn't as if there aren't inadvertant clues left behind...gauche oversights, really...
Jenny 1:27...there ain't no mention of clay and ribs!
Jenny 2:7...2nd 'creation' of man...specifically 'formation' from 'dust of the ground'...(where's the lady, now?)...
Jenny 2:21/22/ now, A is alone?!...and a rib is used to 'make' E...

Interesting diversion...marrow is a great place to get DNA from...the tibia might have been a better choice, but, it was the rib that was used...whoever wrote this, either had a knowledge of this type of technology, or was standing next to someone who did!...

It begs more important questions...Would an omnipotent, omniscient almighty G utilise crude recent technology, after having a) 'made man in THEIR own image' (unspecified process) b)...then 'forming' man from the 'dust of the ground'?

There is another anomolous entry in the account...Jenny 2:7 'and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.'
Presumably in Jenny 1:27, there was no 'breath of life', and consequently did not have a 'living' soul?!

There appears, on the surface, to be 3 'creations' of man...the last of which involves the use of a technology only 'invented' in recent times...the first, where 'the breath of life' has not been used...and the second where 'dust of the ground' (carbon atoms?) is used.

...and a glaring oversight exists in Jenny 1:26/27
...narrative appears to change from many, to, one...1:26 'in our image'...1:27 'in his image'...


posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by akushla99

The narratives in Genesis are not a scientific text book, they are not so much about how we were made but about why we were made. On the surface there seems to be two accounts as to how, one in chapter 1 and one in chapter 2 but it isn't really, it is the retelling of the same event from a different point of view as to why we were made. We are to used to reading modern text books, whilst Genesis is 100% true it isn't told in scientific or chronological order, it is told using literary devices that we don't see anymore, we hardly see them even in literature. Trying to interpret it from our point of view within 100 years of American/English culture isn't going to give you the real meaning of the passage. We have two purposes, hence two accounts of the same story to show the two purposes of humanity.

Interesting diversion...marrow is a great place to get DNA from...the tibia might have been a better choice, but, it was the rib that was used...whoever wrote this, either had a knowledge of this type of technology, or was standing next to someone who did!...

And this is more logical than an omnipotent spirit, the first cause, living always and forever, outside of our perception of time/space told Moses? Where did whoever write this get this knowledge? Where did the one standing next to him get it from? Where did they come from?

BTW why "Jenny" and not Genesis, and why G????
edit on 14/4/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by vethumanbeing

See my first post in this thread.

I saw it, was crouching in wait (behind some bushes) to see if youd reply to this post before I did. Reminds me of South Parkian depictions of Northern Border peoples.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:40 PM
Originally posted by BlackManINC

Originally posted by WashMoreFeet

Ribs have bone marrow, which not only produces red and white blood cells and platelets, but also houses stem cells. It is from these stem cells that the blood cells and platelets are created.
He used the DNA and the stem cells and the blood and bone from Adam. Eve was literally of Adam’s bone and flesh and blood. If she was “taken out of man”, then God had placed her within man when He created Adam. She was there all along–or shall we say, what was needed to create her was already within Adam.
I never ceased to be amused by those willing to believe in little green men or the engineering of ancient alienzzzz, yet they ridicule those who choose to apply reason to creation by a benevolent God. A fascinating study in willful blindness, IMO.

Why use the rib, it has least amount of BONE marrow. The thigh bones are the major makers; tibula fibula...Umbilical cord is the best sourse of stem cells. Oh yes Adam was born without one. You are thinking you are in the wrong forum, this is Faith, Religion and Theology, not Metaphysics; and they would dislike being called "little green man-ers". You chose to believe in a god that has not shown itself to you or any of its creations other than "seek and you shall find rhetoric". Very tiresome. You have parents I assume, are they physically in your life? Your god chooses not to be and yet you trust it is there. If that is not an exercise in willfull blindness I dont know what is. There is the small problem of the Earth and Sun which sustain us and claim no God creator.

Exactly, you are one of the few people I encountered on this website with clear reasoning abilities. These same creatures that believe in the ancient astronaut clap trap will tell us that the verse which says "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" is talking about space aliens coming down to tamper with the DNA of apes to speed up the evolutionary process into humans in some laboratory.

Apes and humans were never the same thing. You are calling who a 'creature', I take offense to that there is only one Creature that of the Black Lagoon. How can God create man in its own image if it has no form itself; here is where you say "It Dreamed Us Into Being". By the way, who is the 'US' quotient in this statement? Gods wife was included in this discussion I suppose.

This type of foolishness is abound in the new age movement. Christians, do not be deceived, the verse has always been understood to be referring to the trinity, which is the father, son and the holy ghost, anybody that tells you differently is an absolute devil. This is how cults like the Raelian movement is formed, by taking a few lines of text from the Bible, robbing it of its context to spin it off into outer space about E.T's. This is where our entire culture is going and its where the theory of evolution is headed, and there is clearly a concerted effort to redefine theism with E.T as well. I guarantee you that this will play a key role as an end times deception referred to in the Bible as the "strong delusion". The reason the world will believe it, including those who call themselves atheists is because the lie will make so much sense.

Again, this is a different forum, you must have mistakenly thought 5th grade science class revisited. Enoch would disagree with you so would Ezekiel as they experienced the supernatural. OOPs you mentioned endtimes and cult deception in the same statement. It is well known the diversity of cultish belief systems and depending upon the one you belong to (always right) will throw flames at the others; this is the first time Ive seen a first salvo at Ancient Astronaut Theorists (again a different forum). Now then; what in the world do you have against free thinking Atheists, devout delusionists and those of us lacking "clear reasoning abilities".
edit on 14-4-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by JW2002

Originally posted by AfterInfinity

And how did he do that? Lemme guess...

No idea as I was'nt there at the time.

Well BlackManInc wasnt there either, so how does the discussion end or even start. Dont make me quote T.S.Eliot not with a bang but a whimper.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by marvinthemartian
I may be wrong (it wouldn't be the first time)

But wasn't Eve his second wife?
Wasn't his first wife made the same way he was but this made her his equal and as such she refused to obey him
So he complained to the big fella and the big fella made him a new one from his rib so she would not be his equal and so would obey
Then the big fella banished first wife to the underworld where she became the first demon.

You are correct. Lilith the First wife created at the same time as Adam (poofed into being) then becomes Satans consort afterwards, Lilith: (the night witch that menaced infants) and is concidered a powerful demon.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Cinrad
reply to post by JW2002

I was just making an observation. Even if we evolved then all those things had to come from the same genetic source either way. And mitochondrial DNA has shown that we all came from the same woman at least.

This statement IS NOT TRUE. Some of us do not carry the mitochondrial DNA expressed as EVE. Ask me how I know.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Cinrad

...neither is it an unabridged, and/or unmanipulated account...I don't dispute the veracity of the huuugely condensed/clipped version of cosmology in this one book.

Given the multi-layered 'black forest cake' nature of certain parts of this extended tome - codification occurs (if not within that codification)...there is a rich tradition of esoterica in most cosmologies (for a reason)...exoteric parable and/or 'little golden book - Aesops' fables are valid in their monontonous knew Jenny was Genesis, you knew G was God, but which one do you think I was talking about?...or indeed, the question might be better put - how many gods does it take to create a man?...and how many times?

Cheers again


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