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Joe Arpaio, Arizona Sheriff, Has Explosive Addressed To Him, Intercepted By Authorities

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posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Im sure if the bomb was addressed to someone the original poster liked- then the whole direction of this thread would have been aimed in a totally different direction.

Re read what I said in the OP, and try some reading comprehension this time.

You dont like the Sheriff, we get it.... but to say he sent a bomb to himself really shows how far you are willing to reach to paint your agenda.

I said that, because Arpaio HAS sent a bomb to himself. It's not a fantasy, it's actually happened before.

The man almost got blown up if it wasnt for someone else checking out the package.

If it wasn't a setup then a good thing happened and he wasn't hurt. I think that he needs to retire, not be killed. That doesn't serve anyone's best interests, least of all freedom.

Take your partisan blinders off for one second and 'realize the reality' of the situation.

Try again.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by SBMcG

The Cold Case Posse is merely a publicity stunt. A few months ago they announced they finally had undeniable proof (despite making his claim many times before and just presenting debunked "proof"). This undeniable proof is still forthcoming. If this were a legitimate investigation charges would have been leveled as soon as the proof emerged. So either Arpaio and his posse are frauds or they should be arrested for withholding evidence to a crime. Then there's also the fact that Arpaio spent tax payer money on this pet project which should technically count as fraud.

They have provided "undeniable proof" to my satisfaction that the long form birth certificate released by the White House on 27 April 2011 is a total forgery. I have taken it apart myself in Illustrator and Photoshop. I have tried to reproduce it. Can't be done. It's fake.

That doesn't mean Obama knows it's a fake. But fake, as far as I'm concerned, it surely is.

For the record, I do not believe Obama was born in Kenya. And I am not a devotee of the natural-born-citizen argument either, the definition of which, has never been clearly established and codified beyond interpretation.

I have, however, always found it odd that he has gone to such great lengths to hide or "seal" certain records that one would reasonably expect to be available to the public given the nature of the public office he sought and now holds.

His college records for one.

How did an admittedly "poor student" in high school (unless he was lying in his book) get into an A-list school like Occidental?

Was he admitted as a foreign student using an Indonesian passport?

If so, we have a problem. Or do we toss Article II of the Constitution out the window just in this one instance...?

If I were to make a list of all the documents and photos missing from Obama's self-proclaimed back-story that I would like to see, we'd be here all night. I have my suspicions, and they are serious and pointed.

If I were an Obama supporter, I would be eager for him to allay all these "kooky" theories and allegations about his origins and the paper trail thereof. If everything is as it should be, I'm sure he would have no problem doing so, right?

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

I suspect the possibility of a false flag. I cannot prove it, but he is the type. I also wonder about what nefarious connections he might have. Why does he want to be Sheriff so close to the Southern border?

Of all places, why there? No proof of anything. Just wondering.
edit on 12-4-2013 by EarthEvolves because: change

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by SBMcG

They have provided "undeniable proof" to my satisfaction that the long form birth certificate released by the White House on 27 April 2011 is a total forgery. I have taken it apart myself in Illustrator and Photoshop. I have tried to reproduce it. Can't be done. It's fake.

How can you make any judgment regarding the "birth certificate?" It's not the actual hard copy of the certificate. It's merely a digital copy of it. We have plenty of people experienced in Adobe and scanning technology that have attested to OCR accounting for the layers. On the other hand none of the people claiming it's a forgery have attempted to replicate the results using the same model scanner, software, and settings used to originally scan the document. Until that's done there is no "verifiable proof" that it's a forgery.

For the record, I do not believe Obama was born in Kenya. And I am not a devotee of the natural-born-citizen argument either, the definition of which, has never been clearly established and codified beyond interpretation.

Except there have been a number of court cases over the years that define a natural born citizen as a citizen by birth. A citizen by birth is anyone born on US soil or anyone born to a parent who is a US citizen. As Obama was born in Hawaii to a US citizen his citizenship status is undeniable.

I have, however, always found it odd that he has gone to such great lengths to hide or "seal" certain records that one would reasonably expect to be available to the public given the nature of the public office he sought and now holds.

He has sealed no records. The belief that he has is just birther propaganda. Just like any other US citizen his personal records cannot be attained without his permission. As far as I know the only President who has released his school records is W. The only reason he did this is because they were hacked and released via the internet. At that point he had no choice but to officially release them. If you think every other President has been open regarding their personal records feel free to prove me wrong. Go ahead and provide us with the transcripts of the last 10 Presidents. Hell, eve the last five would be impressive.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by SBMcG
the definition of which, has never been clearly established and codified beyond interpretation.

Yes it has actually, courts have even declared Obama a natural born citizen!

I have, however, always found it odd that he has gone to such great lengths to hide or "seal" certain records that one would reasonably expect to be available to the public given the nature of the public office he sought and now holds.

Why have you sealed exactly the same records as Obama has? What are you hiding?

His college records for one.

Why have you sealed your college records? Why has every previous President, vice President, every current member of congress, every member of the senate, every judge, every public servant, every policeman, every teacher,, every janitor, in fact everyone who ever went to college sealed their records exactly the same as Obama?

Was he admitted as a foreign student using an Indonesian passport?

Oh dear, you fell for a old April fools joke!

If I were to make a list of all the documents and photos missing from Obama's self-proclaimed back-story that I would like to see, we'd be here all night.

Exactly the same as every previous President....

I would be eager for him to allay all these "kooky" theories and allegations about his origins and the paper trail thereof.?

The birther nonsense is not about any bit of paper Obama produces, it is about a black man being the President.
edit on 12-4-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:55 PM
This might be due to the trial that is going on in Arizona right now,a big one maybe it is about that case which has everyone po at this time

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 11:09 PM
If it might help a bit... I once was a "Birther", in so far as buying the B.S. that Obama was hiding something material to his ability to serve as President. I STILL think he's hiding things..and I have a pretty good guess as to what it centers around. However, it's speculation best left for historians to sort out and has no relevance to Obama's ability to hold the Office. He's legit...

Timeline of Birth Cert Debate/Controversy

Birther Scorecard

As of the time that scorecard was put together, 207 actions had been brought to courts at one level or another, including over 2 dozen to Supreme Court levels. 201 of them had been outright defeated or dismissed with prejudice. The remainder were still pending....but probably dead by now.

This HAS been adjudicated to death and then some....although the people in some corners of media and the White House itself are content to let this whole issue keep playing as a divider among the ones who dislike him and those who have done the legwork to find everything. His people released almost all of it in 2010......they just have never made a big point of announcing that as you'd think they WOULD....but, hey, it IS out there. I don't link what I have for it because I don't find a fair portion to be in good taste by it's extremely personal family nature for dirt on Obama's Parents and Step-Father. I won't add to it.

However...that's the only issue that is really interesting. The rest of the hundreds and hundreds of pages of original reports and memos from Immigration and other agencies in the late 60's and 70's support all he's been claiming through his staff from the start.

(Check Snopes... and NOT for what they directly say. They LINK to everything for the original packages and FOIA document dumps. Just be ready to spend a few hours....that's how much there is, even at a fast reading speed.)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

First of all, I’m not a “birther”. I don’t see any way that Obama was born in Kenya. The timeline is too tight and it doesn’t make sense to begin with. I also don’t see any point in challenging his status as a “natural born citizen” because the definition of the term is not codified anywhere in Federal law and no court ruling has ever led to any precedent of exactly what the term means.

… courts have even declared Obama a natural born citizen!

Really? Which “courts” were they?

Why have you sealed exactly the same records as Obama has? What are you hiding?

Why have you sealed your college records?

I have released my college records to prospective employers and other colleges many times. Dozens of copies exist out there. I have never taken any overt legal steps to protect them beyond what is already provided for by law. Quite frankly, I could care less who saw my transcripts as long as they didn't use the info therein for ID fraud.

Obama has spent a considerable amount of money with the law firm of Perkins & Coie (the actual amount varies depending upon how one disseminates the FEC filings) defending against numerous legal challenges to his eligibility. One can reasonably assume that A) this representation was not free of charge, and B) it represents thousands of hours (or more) of billable time.

I don’t know about your attorney, but mine charges $275 an hour. You do the math…

Ironically, it was one of these lawyers – Alexandra Hill, representing Obama in a court in NJ during an eligibility hearing last year, who all but admitted the birth certificate was a fake.

Oh dear, you fell for a old April fools joke!

I fell for nothing. By his own admission (have you read both his books as I have?) Mr. Obama lived abroad for many years and traveled from that locale on several occasions. His mother had an Indonesian passport – this is undisputed. My question quite simply is did Barry Soetoro (Obama’s adopted name) use an Indonesian passport to register as a foreign student when he attended Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard.

If he did, he’s not constitutionally qualified to occupy the office he’s now in.

Finally, I find it rather odd that you went to all the trouble of responding to my post about Sheriff Arpaio and Obama's now-proven-phony long form birth certificate and completely failed to address that specific issue in your laughably-angry hissy-fit of a reply.

Good bye, Bruce

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by SBMcG

How can you make any judgment regarding the "birth certificate?" It's not the actual hard copy of the certificate. It's merely a digital copy of it.

You are correct. I should have said that the digital copy of the supposed long for birth certificate released by the White House 27 April 2011 is an obvious fake. As Obama refuses to allow investigators to view the original microfiche, the .pdf is all we have.

As for the OCR argument, that has been debunked to my satisfaction by credentialed experts, the CCP, and my own hands-on experimentation.

Except there have been a number of court cases over the years that define a natural born citizen as a citizen by birth. A citizen by birth is anyone born on US soil or anyone born to a parent who is a US citizen. As Obama was born in Hawaii to a US citizen his citizenship status is undeniable.

Could you please provide an example of even one of these cases or rulings?

He has sealed no records.

He has denied hundreds of requests and fought dozens of lawsuits specific to his college records. Why not just release them and put the issue to rest? If there's no problem (like foreign student status), he's got nothing to worry about.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Spoken like a true lib-tard.

When the fed's covertly encourage illegal immigration and only the states who are being invaded daily actually do something about it you start crying about him being a thug and a brownshirt?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by SBMcG
I have never taken any overt legal steps to protect them beyond what is already provided for by law.

Neither has Obama, a fact birthers keep ignoring.

Obama has spent a considerable amount of money with the law firm of Perkins & Coie

If you bothered to do some research you would know that was for his election, not the birther nonsense.... how about you do some research on how much other candidates spent....

One can reasonably assume that A) this representation was not free of charge,

More birther nonsense, why ignore the fact that Obama's lawyer has done work for Obama pro-bono....

who all but admitted the birth certificate was a fake.

Another birther lie, she made no such admission - it appears your "research" is just visiting birther sites and believing all the rubbish they have there!

Oh dear, you fell for a old April fools joke!

I fell for nothing.

Yes you did....

If he did, he’s not constitutionally qualified to occupy the office he’s now in.

Wrong again

completely failed to address that specific issue

It was addressed, but you refuse to accept the reality that Obama is the President, and was re-elected.
edit on 13-4-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by SBMcG
Why not just release them and put the issue to rest?

Because it would not put any issue to rest - birthers hate the fact that a black man is the President - and any bit of paper he produces will not change that fact - look at what happened when he released his short form certificate, birthers whined about that it was not the long form.... when Obama released his long form certificate birthers immediately falsely claimed it was a forgery.

The whole birther nonsense is not about Obama's documentation, it is about a black man being President..

Here is where a court has declared Obama a natural born ciitizen.

ANKENY v GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF INDIANA - APPEALS COURT OPINION - 11120903 Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents AZ - 2012-03-07 - Allen v Obama C20121317 - ORDER Dismissing Complaint and this precedent fully supports that President Obama is a natural born citizen under the Constitutionand thus qualified to hold the office of President. See United States v. Wong Kim Ark , 169 U.S. 649, 702-03(1898) (addressing U. S. Const. amend. XIV); Ankeny v. Governor of the State of Indiana , 916 N.E.2d 678,684-88 (Ind. App. 2010) (addressing the precise issue). Contrary to Plaintiff’s assertion, Minor v. Happersett ,88 U.S. 162 (1874), does not hold otherwise Charles Tisdale v. Barack Obama, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney (D.C. Cir. 15-June-2012 On January 17, 2012, Charles Tisdale of Virginia brought a civil action before the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the suit, Tisdale alleged that Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul each had a non-citizen parent, and therefore should be barred from the November 6, 2012, presidential ballot in Virginia. An amicus brief was filed in support of the Plaintiff by attorney Mario Apuzzo. District Judge John A. Gibney, Jr., dismissed the suit with prejudice because the Plaintiff "does not to state a claim upon which relief may be granted." Judge Gibney explained: "It is well settled that those born in the United States are considered natural born citizens."

edit on 13-4-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by SBMcG
Why not just release them and put the issue to rest?

Because it would not put any issue to rest - birthers hate the fact that a black man is the President - and any bit of paper he produces will not change that fact - look at what happened when he released his short form certificate, birthers whined about that it was not the long form.... when Obama released his long form certificate birthers immediately falsely claimed it was a forgery.

The whole birther nonsense is not about Obama's documentation, it is about a black man being President..

I wonder why you are calling persons such as myself racists merely because of the fact that we have certifiable proof that president Obama is a forger and a liar?

My hatred for Idi Amin had nothing to do with his blackness - his race. The same is said with respect to my un-abiding hatred for the democratic party in America, which just so happens to include racists like Eric Holder and BHO, but my contempt for them has nothing whatever to do with their race. These two men aren't even 'black.'

My disdain for the present regime is not founded in racial animosity. The simple fact of the matter is that my lack of respect for the current administration - despite race, is equal to that of any and all dictators that I am familiar with, national leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini notwithstanding.

edit on 13-4-2013 by POXUSA because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by POXUSA
I wonder why you are calling persons such as myself racists merely because of the fact that we have certifiable proof that president Obama is a forger and a liar?

Because you have no such information - no previous President produced his birth certificate, no previous President produced his college records, no previous President had to produce any of them, but as soon as the first black President gets elected birthers start demanding all sorts of documents from him.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by SBMcG
Why not just release them and put the issue to rest?

Because it would not put any issue to rest - birthers hate the fact that a black man is the President - and any bit of paper he produces will not change that fact - look at what happened when he released his short form certificate, birthers whined about that it was not the long form.... when Obama released his long form certificate birthers immediately falsely claimed it was a forgery.

I am not a "birther", I do not think Obama is a "black man" based upon his own narrative, and without any doubt in my mind the digital copy (.pdf) of the long form birth certificate released 27 April 2011 is an obvious and undeniable forgery.

The whole birther nonsense is not about Obama's documentation, it is about a black man being President..

And what does that have to do with me? I am not a "birther", and as far as I'm concerned Obama's not black.

Here is where a court has declared Obama a natural born ciitizen.

That is a judgment relating to Obama only, and does not define "natural born citizen" in general. And as I said, this is a non-issue for me.

Why does it make you little Barrybots so squeamish when someone asks a reasonable question about his background? Are you afraid that he's got something to hide?

My question is quite simple and it doesn't involve Kenya or whether or not he's a "natural born citizen" (whatever the definition of that turns out to be): Did he register as a foreign student at Occidental, Columbia, or Harvard using an Indonesian passport?

I would also like to know why the digital copy of his long form birth certificate is a crude and obvious fake, but we can start with the foreign student thing and work our way back from there.
edit on 13-4-2013 by SBMcG because: Punctuation error.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by POXUSA
I wonder why you are calling persons such as myself racists merely because of the fact that we have certifiable proof that president Obama is a forger and a liar?

Because you have no such information - no previous President produced his birth certificate, no previous President produced his college records, no previous President had to produce any of them, but as soon as the first black President gets elected birthers start demanding all sorts of documents from him.

No previous president has had the potential or opportunity of having registered for college as a foreign student either -- an affirmation of dual citizenship (at the least) that would certainly disqualify him from eligibility.

[Sorry for jumping in there, POXUSA]

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by SBMcG
an affirmation of dual citizenship (at the least) that would certainly disqualify him from eligibility.

Wrong again, what about James Buchanan and Chester Alan Arthur.....

Anyway, where does the constitution state you cannot be a dual citizen....

We are a sovereign nation and gets to define for itself who is a citizen of the US. Otherwise, Cuba could say that anyone born within 2000 miles of Cuba is a citizen of Cuba, and eliminate anyone from the Southern US ever being elected president of the USA. Or Canada could say that anyone with a Canadian grandparent is a Canadian citizen. (Which they do). The US don't care who other nations claim as their citizens. Other countries have different laws about who is a citizen, and none of them matter to US citizenship. Just because a child is born to two US citizen parents doesn't mean that the child isn't a dual citizen of another country. Some countries consider grandchildren of citizens to be citizens. (Italy, Poland, Canada, Greece, Ireland, for example).

But do not let the facts get in the way of your anti Obama rant.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by SBMcG
an affirmation of dual citizenship (at the least) that would certainly disqualify him from eligibility.

Wrong again, what about James Buchanan and Chester Alan Arthur.....

Anyway, where does the constitution state you cannot be a dual citizen....

A dual citizen cannot qualify as a "natural born citizen", Bruce.

Types of citizenships by birth

And again, why are you continuing down this path? I've told you I don't care whether or not Obama is a "natural born citizen" or not because there is no legal precedent defining it.

This thread is about an attempt on the life of America's Greatest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by SBMcG
A dual citizen cannot qualify as a "natural born citizen", Bruce.

Yes they can, why post lies? There are only 2 types of US citizen, naturalised or naturally born. We know Obama was naturally born, thus he is eligible to be President. As I posted, Obama is under US law, other countries laws on nationality do not apply.

This thread is about an attempt on the life of America's Greatest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio.

You mean the bomb he sent himself for the publicity, as he has done before....

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:35 PM
Brucey, you are so unnaturally enamored with Obama (ahem!) that you cannot recognize the problems with his own self-described back-story. You seem to have failed to think critically regarding the subject. You have resorted to angry little snipets that make no sense, and have completely failed to address the two main points of my query -- did Obama register as an Indonesian at Occidental and elsewhere, and why is the electronic copy of his 27 April 2011 long form birth certificate an obvious fake?

I'm not a "birther", I do not view Obama as "black", I just want a couple answers and then we can all move on.


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