posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 12:49 PM
The DNC for years has counted on the oppressed to give them political victory, promising social programs, free this and free that, min wage increases,
rent control on and on pacifying them all the while never giving them the opportunity to break the chain of oppression and go out and grab their own
piece of the American dream.
The Dems offered handouts and always used fear (the Reps will take away all we have given you ) to secure this base. Don't forget who destroyed the
social security program by opening up benefits to everyone and their mother when this was originally a very good program to supplement seniors in
their retirement years.
Americans are not that naive to accept what the Dems are handing them, and a shift in these votes are dooming the party.
The oppressed gave the Dems control of Wash for years and never saw their status improving, sure the Dems threw them a bone now and then , but they
never gave them the opportunities to succeed which is what they want.
In order for the DNC to come back to prominence, they must throw out the old tactics, treat Americans as intelligent citizens and offer a new and
clear message of hope and opportunity to what once was a guarranteed base.
Closer to the center, where the majority of Americans sit, and stop pandering to the far left.
If the Dems do not start to overhaul their message, do not be surprised if the Libertarian party makes huge strides in the coming decade as Americans
look for another choice when they hit the polls.
That said the Republicans are in a "put up or shut up" period, having control of Washington, their agenda must go through and the results must be
seen fairly quickly, before the next elections in two years, the biggest roadblock to progress (Daschle) has been eliminated so now it is time to get
the people's work done. Americans will not put up with 2 more years of failed progress (IE: health care, tort reform, education, energy, employment
Once again, if the Reps fail in these two years, the Libertarians should benefit.
Just my two cents... I am just relying on my memory for most of the Dem bashing and could be off a bit but these are only my views on the Dems
failures of the past few elections.
BTW: I almost voted Lib this time but did not agree with the candidate's plan for withdrawal of our troops, but agreed with alot of the Lib platform,
hopefully this movement can form a strong central party from which to choose from in the near future, I am sure that most would agree that we could
benefit with a strong 3 party choice in future elections...