Behind the veils of the night lives this creature who brings offerings to love but only and only when a shudder of love was felt.
serious tones of love shudder are the one who makes senses to think before the thought is coming to life and then....a divine feeling is born from the
ash of the old one.
the thrill of love shudders somewhere in the corner of the night where a forgotten candle light of the old love rests
forever in her beautiful grave made of golden flowers ornate with dying endless diamonds glittering like the eyes of an angel with broken wings.
If the leaf embraces earth then earth feels the shudder of the leaf in her dancing fall before both close their eyes in an endless kiss.
a kiss which only the night will see with her moonly eyes in a white light ,a light waiting for the shudder of morning.
and when the morning is comming the fairies of love are going to sleep until the next night will come to pass like
the next falling leaf shuddering before dying to be reborn again.