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FBI Conducting 32 Gun Purchase Background Checks Per Minute Under Obama

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posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:39 PM
So people say that Obama is the greatest gun salesman yet, now we're up to almost 70.3 million background checks under king Obama. This tells me that Americans are firm in their stance against what this administration is trying to pull off. Now, we'll get the critics and nay-sayers that will just call us all paranoid conspiracy theorists.

Even with the stacking evidence showing that government will do whatever it takes to limit or outright ban our right to bear arms, but yet we have people that will continue to allow it to happen.

During Barack Obama's presidency there have been 32 background checks for gun purchases every minute.

Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama's presidency, there have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun purchases, according to data released by the FBI.

Using February 1, 2009 as our starting date, and March 31, 2013 as our end date, (the latest data from the FBI) Obama has been president for 1,520 days.

That equates to 36,480 hours, or 2,188,800 minutes.

Divide the 70,291,049 background checks by 2,188,800 minutes and you get approximately 32 checks for gun purchases every minute!

So, 32 background checks every minute

I think that is a clear indication on what Americans really think is going to happen, not the "92% of people support gun control measures" idea.


posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by eXia7
You know it's probably not logical, but sometimes I wonder if this push for gun control has been orchestrated between politicians and lobbyists for the gun and ammo manufacturers to boost sales at incredible levels. Reverse psychology as it were.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:46 PM

king Obama

Firstly, cut the guy some slack. Most of the societal problems we have today cannot be attributed to his presidency alone. Jesse Ventura famously said, and I'm paraphrasing here, whether you vote Republican or Democrat you're getting the same party. Not to mention the filibusters in Congress that consume time until members can go home. Point is, unlike under a monarchy, there are numerous individuals pulling the strings here. Foreign Policy recently released an article called "Mad Men: Who's more dangerous to Americans than Kim Jong Un?"

Ultimately, you have to fault the system, not "king Obama". How do you change the system effectively? That's the 1.3 Trillion dollar question.
edit on 10-4-2013 by MysteriousHusky because: spelling

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:46 PM
sales man of the year

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:47 PM
Well he may be a really #e president but he is a really good gun salesman

It should be no issues for anyone to see that obviously, with SOOOO many people buying guns right now before they get all banned and whatnot. The majority of people are good with guns and want them or they wouldn't be buying them...

So with ALLLL of the huge amounts of gun sales, and so many people with guns along with all of the other people with guns..

Why are we not having sandyhooks every day and mass murders at every school and town and biz everywhere, why is it not pandemonium out there with gun violence if guns are so bad and everyone is going to die because of guns...


You know who makes me feel unsafe to have guns, police and gov... When I walk around TX and see people walking around with guns on their hip, I feel safe, as long as they don't have a badge.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by MysteriousHusky

king Obama

Ultimately, you have to fault the system, not "king Obama". How do you change the system effectively? That's the 1.3 Trillion dollar question.
edit on 10-4-2013 by MysteriousHusky because: spelling

You mean the same king Obama that gives green energy industries taxpayer money, just so they can go belly up?

smells fishy.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by eXia7
So people say that Obama is the greatest gun salesman yet, now we're up to almost 70.3 million background checks under king Obama. This tells me that Americans are firm in their stance against what this administration is trying to pull off. Now, we'll get the critics and nay-sayers that will just call us all paranoid conspiracy theorists.

If the conspiracy was that the Obama admin wanted to enforce existing laws, then sure..but not much of a conspiracy, is it...nor is it some dark looming shot across the bow.
the NRAs biggest line has always been we don't need more laws, we need to enforce the ones on the books, ok..the ones on the books are being enforced..
whats the issue?

As far as the gun gimmick, well of course gun and ammo manufacturing are loving the paranoia of the gunners..hell, if I had a product that catered towards the paranoid, I would be constantly suggesting their need to grab it quick before its gone due to whatever...its called marketing. Raman Noodles should get on the bandwagon to demand people stock up on their dehydraded noodles before the oncoming zombie apocalypse or nibiru (ok, that may be a bit past date, but whatever).

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by eXia7

If you want to talk about spending taxpayer money, maybe we should turn to the several wars funded during the Bush administration. *drops mic

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
So with ALLLL of the huge amounts of gun sales, and so many people with guns along with all of the other people with guns..

Why are we not having sandyhooks every day and mass murders at every school and town and biz everywhere, why is it not pandemonium out there with gun violence if guns are so bad and everyone is going to die because of guns...

The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

There is a sandy hook every day..just not centrally located.

edit on 10-4-2013 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by MysteriousHusky

king Obama

Firstly, cut the guy some slack. ]


He's the President . He's also the same guy who pushes his own ideals on the American public at the cost of the American public. He gets No slack. The cult of personality comes with a price.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by MysteriousHusky
reply to post by eXia7

If you want to talk about spending taxpayer money, maybe we should turn to the several wars funded during the Bush administration. *drops mic

I never said I really sided with government, I know they waste trillions on war, government is not your friend. But, I'm only critical of the current admin because they aren't trying to eradicate the issue, they are simply enforcing it.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by MysteriousHusky

*dusts the mic*

Don't you know how some people's mentality work? Soon as the presidents term is over, country resets to 0. Meaning, all the money is reset to 0, all the laws are reverted back, and all the damage is repaired.

The New president has a fresh start and everything that is wrong is his fault. *drops mic*

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by MysteriousHusky

The man thinks he is above us. So we will call him King Obama. He had a chance to be the best president that we've ever had and instead he does this bullsh*t.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by zonetripper2065
reply to post by MysteriousHusky

The man thinks he is above us. So we will call him King Obama. He had a chance to be the best president that we've ever had and instead he does this bullsh*t.

what BS in specific?
What you object to?

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
So with ALLLL of the huge amounts of gun sales, and so many people with guns along with all of the other people with guns..

Why are we not having sandyhooks every day and mass murders at every school and town and biz everywhere, why is it not pandemonium out there with gun violence if guns are so bad and everyone is going to die because of guns...

The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

There is a sandy hook every day..just not centrally located.

edit on 10-4-2013 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

Yah and most of those deaths are in places that dont even allow guns and as well are committed with guns that were obtained illegally.. So feel free to inform us how more gun laws will help lower that number. Criminals don't care about the gun laws, hence they are criminals.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by MysteriousHusky
reply to post by eXia7

If you want to talk about spending taxpayer money, maybe we should turn to the several wars funded during the Bush administration. *drops mic

The same ones Obama supports? Gitmo is still open. We are still in places we shouldn't be. Bush gets No slack. King Obama either.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:02 PM
Very valid points. However, let us not digress from reality. Follow the money trail, it does not end with the President. The cult of personality may come with a price, but corporations and their political puppets hold greater sway than President Obama's veto power. Jesse Ventura also said something along the line of, protest is the greatest form of patriotism. While I respect all of your opinions, there is a fine line between being critical and being, for lack of a better word, a douchebag. Just understand that the system is more complex than the figurehead, and while you can criticize the figurehead, he is still a human being.... reptilian theories aside.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by zonetripper2065
reply to post by MysteriousHusky

The man thinks he is above us. So we will call him King Obama. He had a chance to be the best president that we've ever had and instead he does this bullsh*t.

what BS in specific?
What you object to?

The invasion of Libya comes to mind.

who needs congress anyway, certainly not Mr. Executive Order

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:13 PM
Just to give everybody a general idea of what this might look like in physical representation.

That is ~1.8 million people, now multiply that by 39.05. That is a lot of potential new gun owners just since Obama took office.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by MysteriousHusky

king Obama

Firstly, cut the guy some slack. ]


He's the President . He's also the same guy who pushes his own ideals on the American public at the cost of the American public. He gets No slack. The cult of personality comes with a price.

Agreed entirely. He also gets the credit or blame here, depending on one's side, based on something else. Bush was pro-gun. As Pro-gun as it came. He was accused...repeatedly...of being in the back pocket of the NRA in fact. You don't get much further than that. By contrast, Obama has been loud, clear and on the record for his very strong feelings against guns going many years beyond the time he first came to notice as a national candidate of anything.

Therefore, the contrast and most obvious source of the sea change in national policy direction is self evident. CT isn't new ..sadly...or unusual over the long term outlook. Tragic as that is to admit. The reaction is all that came as a radical departure. the leader go the accolades ...or condemnation. I think my position is fairly well known without having to elaborate on which.

* By the way, I wonder how many people recognize your Avatar (Brando) in terms of which movie and which part of that movie it came from? Nice choice! (Kinda sad...kinda mad
...and a little pinch of Brando, wasn't it?)

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