Hello people at the survival section of ATS.
I had a thought earlier today and wish to share it.
This thread is regarding celebrities in the wake of a SHTF scenario on a global scale. I'm talking complete collapse of government and law and order,
looting, lack of supplies... the works.
I am talking about the overpaid politicians, royalty, wealthy businessmen and CEOs, Hollywood stars, singers, TV personalities, athletes and also
wealthy but otherwise talentless personalities who are adored by the general public and are constantly in the media for any reason they can find.
1. Would they have a better chance of survival?
Its obvious that in case of a SHTF scenario, they would all be reduced to nothings and nobodies as people and the media (if it is left) would finally
come to their senses and get their priorities straight. But would these celebrities have a better chance of survival, because of their wealth?
I imagine they'd convert their mansions and estates into barricaded safezones guarded by private armies? Maybe pay them with food rations and shelter?
I'm not sure how long this would last, as in a scenario where all law and order has collapsed, how would they go about trusting anyone, especially
armed men?
2. To put it rather coarsely, are they all just plain screwed?
I highly doubt the ultra-wealthy and famous even think about SHTF scenarios affecting them let alone how they could prepare for them. Even if they
survive, and even if society starts rebuilding as smaller independently governed communities, what can they contribute and how? In a rebuilt society,
if social status were to depend on your hands on skills, such as farming, plumbing, carpentry, animal rearing etc., just what kind of skills could
celebrities who've only known the good life and getting things done by others possibly contribute form the benefit a survivalist community.
edit on 10-4-2013 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)