posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:47 AM
I know, I know, I'm sitting here in this multiverse, April 9th, 2013, and typing at this laptop. Sending a message back, one that should be
recognized throughout time. It's really the only way right now. I don't have the means yet to link the two realities, but I will soon, after I
repair the damage he did.
Subroutine rewrite; code fix; rewrite timestamp -02356748; anomaly 4573.
Our character punches madly away at his keyboard trying to effect some sort of response.
*a loud explosion occurs outside*
What was that?
I may not be on the air long folks, it appears they are bombing this location. I'll log on from another location soon.
*a complementary burst of explosions, followed by static hissing*
*static hissing resolves to a voice.*
Hello? Hello? I was previously broadcasting on this same frequency at a different location, and they attacked.
You can here rapid fire keyboard clicking, someone typing very fast, and frantically.
I am trying a new subroutine. Executing now.
*more static*
*static resolves*
I think they have a lock on our posi *static*
Anomaly 4573, active.
Anomaly 4573, de-activated. Anomalies 0-2000, offline.
Anomaly 2001, active. Anomalies 2002-2013, offline.
It appears the grid is overloaded. The 2001 Anomaly is morphing through several congruent phases.
*more static*
Subroutine rewrite; code fix; rewrite timestamp -00067588; anomaly 2001.
*static, then soft melodious music*
All systems normal.
Is it fixed? Really?
*audible sigh*
I have to run a diagnostic.....
SYS Config; report; all; normal: 0-4900.
Anomaly 3760 Active.
Dangit, 1 BC again. That one always pops. Someone going back to see Jesus. Hhhmph. I'll give them 20 minutes.
*keyboard clicking heard in the background*
The attacks seem to have ceased, so I'll leave you wondering why a foot-loose time traveler has to mosey onto so many different terminals. It's
not because we want to, but we have to flow with time. This multiverse is free of threats at the moment, so I have to move along. Just remember, you
are being watched.