posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 01:07 AM
i admit that i am no quantum pysisyst (yet....) and while i dont have the resorces to build a railgun, i do understand them, and just because i am a
kid dosent mean i dont have something good to add to the convesation.
Ions are good because they can be guided, making targeting that mutch easyer, and while rebonding is a possible problem, ALL of them rebonding defore
they get to ther target is HIGLY improblable, and even then, Innersia will have taken over, Bullets are not self propelling now are they.
And what do you think radio waves are? ELLECTRONS. Beam dispersion is allso a problem, but once agin, full beam dispersion is unlikly, and once again,
innersia will take over, allowing the particals to continue on there marry way
And a EMP is more expensive thatn a bobm, and will most likly be used more on citys and infostructure than the battle feiled, and a partical cannon is
a Ion cannon with a diferent name.
Thank you for your time