posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 05:05 PM
I have long considered myself a conservative and would like Uncle Sam to stay out of my business and my wallet. I have had many discussions about
trickle down economics and other methods of stimulating the economy. I have always been for low taxes, and helping the little guy. I'm one of those
"teach a man to fish" kind of guys. However..............
We do need "raise" taxes on the wealthy. I think that we need to get rid of the loop holes and deductions so that we only have an effective tax
rate. The republicans consider this a tax hike or an increase in the effective tax rate. This is true it is an increase in the effective tax rate.
I pay taxes, so I can say this. Why is it fair that our tax dollars pay for John the small business owner's personal vehicle just because he put a
sign on it the size of a bumper sticker? Why should we pay for operating expenses, tools, vehicles, and interest? That is all part of being a small
business owner. You need tools, you buy them! You put them in the budget and you plan. Its what you do! I have seen the tax reports of millionaires
paying as little as 12%. I have paid more than that. I don't care what the dollar amount is, the percentage is what matters to me. That's why I'm
in favor of a flat tax.
A flat tax is fair to everyone. No matter what you make, you pay the same percentage. I understand why they do it the way that they do. Its that whole
mark up the price, offer a discount, but only provide the discount if the customer asks for it. You make more money that way because no matter how
good your tax attorney is there is at least one credit that got missed, or you over do it and they rape you in an audit.
Its like playing a game of Monopoly and the guy that's winning lands on Community Chest and has to pay a luxury tax, but since he is winning he gets
a break and only has to pay half of it. Slap! Right across the face of all the other players who have to pay the whole tax.