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North Korean: "We are ready to remove USA from Earth forever!" Video

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posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:06 AM

They are ready to remove USA from the earth forever...

Brainwashing master level... north Korea

This video shows what NK is made of.. generations and generations of brainwashed poor people
its really sad, and I never hope it will come to war, but I hope someday the north Korean people will be free

edit on 9-4-2013 by Spacespider because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

Without going deeply into all the NK topics found here, I do gather that NK seems to think that all of their oppression and trouble stems from the western world and not their own government/military.

I think at this point they stand firmly in that if they do take down the west, all their troubles will be solved.

When people have nothing to lose they are willing to do anything, or however that saying goes.

Either way, it is tragic and a dangerous situation for everyone.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:11 AM
maybe they could just remove all of our government for us and we can take it from there and fix everything. Feel free to blow up everyone on the forbes richest list.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

Is this the first time that i see somebody talking about "Backpack Nukes" ? at 1:06

I'm not sure but this is interesting.................
edit on 4/9/2013 by SheldonCooper because: info

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

Just watched the video, it makes me wonder why on earth the big push for gun control when these guys are wolves at the unsecured borders. If an invasion were to happen, we would want every man woman and child to be armed and at ready. of the few brave men and women I know, these poor guys do dont stand a chance on our soil. They seem to be running on fear and propaganda.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

I too hope that NK's people will be free. But even if the current regime is overthrown, they will end up no better than the rest of us. Especially if it is the US that liberates. Another puppet nation for capitalist imperialism. Sure we have the illusion of freedom, but most of us are slaves, they just take slightly better care of us in order to maintain the illusion, they use more of the carrot than the stick.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:21 AM
lol..............the guy in the foreground at 1:51 , hilarious

pushs the trigger and nothing happens, awesome clip

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:21 AM
Where will this lead? How long will the people of NK wait?

Then again, in pretty much every other nation people are promised things by their government that they keep on waiting for just as well, so NK probably is no different. People are the same all over this globe, they dont care, as long as the future is promised to be better, yet it never is. The economy will get better! We'll get out of the MEaand stop fighting! ...

Whatever "TPTB" except from NK, i hope the opposite happens. I hope governments will crumble, fair and honest systems take their places, people get educated again,...
edit on 9-4-2013 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:32 AM
But in all reality, the number of countries US War machine has bombed, and dared to even nuke

does warrant its removal.

What sucks is NK has only about 5 nukes, at best whereas US war machine has thousands and even its little young nation Israel has a couple hundred, at least.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:33 AM
And we've been ready for years to wipe them off of Earth.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:38 AM
I dunno NK.

You think google with let you erase the US?

Not on their maps they wont.

Plus I still have an old paper atlas. I'll be able to find it.

Silly nk.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:40 AM
i wonder how accurate the translation is?

actually i found it rather amusing. just how brainwashed are they? happy people?, i guess even starving people can be happy. but don't they realize the aggressors in all of this is THEM?
but heck i guess they only see the crap that their government spews forth.

i also love the guy on the end who's gun does nothing, in fact his top mount drum clip seems to wobble when he moves the gun.
so either the weapon is crappy or his training is crappy, either which doesn't bode well for them.

as for the "backpack" nukes mentioned. if they have something like that they would not only be rather big but heavy and i would think rather obvious to everyone.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

generations and generations of brainwashed poor people
its really sad, and I never hope it will come to war, but I hope someday the north Korean people will be free

Americans think they know what is good for everybody else and can read us all chapter and verse on why all those pitiful people on the other side of the world aren't free, even if those same Americans can't quite figure out why THEY aren't really free.

Maybe you missed the part in the video about fighting for the reunification of their country.

History has taught the Korean people not to trust anyone. If South Korea is able to free itself from the grip of the United States, the unity of the two countries might not remain just a dream

Hassan Tahsin

South Koreans want to abolish the 38th parallel to unite separated families, experience real independence and liberate themselves from the grip of a superpower. They look with admiration at the unification of the two Germanys and the economic development achieved by Vietnam after it was united and the Americans were expelled. Vietnam has become the second largest rice exporting country in the world.

Who stands to lose the most if Korea reunites?

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by frazzle

If it reunites through war then North and South Korea suffer the most, probably. If it reunites diplomatically and/or economically then I'd say I'm unsure who would lose the most, but without North Korea to defend against, the US wouldn't have any reason to keep US bases in South Korea.

I think North Korea is like a hammer. It sees every problem as a nail. The reason this has happened is because they've spent too much of their money on military and not on the economy.

Even when another answer would be better, they will still drop bombs and use guns.

This is why the UN voted for sanctions. It wasn't just the US, it was China too. If North Korea acquires more devastating nuclear weapons (including super-EMP or neutron bombs?) then they might use them. And this is because they see every problem as something that can be solved through military might. It wouldn't be so concerning if North Korea was more diverse, but it's militaristic.

North Korea is like a raging Pit Bull that's been abused and has no control. You DO NOT let it off its leash. To let it off its leash is to let it run wild and likely hurt someone.
edit on 9-4-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

Check out the first guy at 1:50 pulling the trigger repeatedly while nothing is happening. Dry fire exercise or malfunctioning weapon?

This is a scary situation and I hope they can figure out a peaceful resolution because these poor people dont have a clue. They are just a product of their "Supreme Commander's" brainwashing.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by generik

You only see happy people in propaganda videos because they know they get a meal after appearing in the video. You'd be happy too!

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

the US wouldn't have any reason to keep US bases in South Korea.

Make that the US wouldn't have any EXCUSE to keep the bases.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 11:11 AM
In order to find out where this anger had came from, we would have to go back in time, back to the point whereby Russia and America agreed to meet on the 38th parallel of the korean peninsula after booting out Imperial Japan.

Russia 'gave' up its half to its protege - an ineffective and inefficient anti-jap guerilla Kim Ill Sung, the grandpop of Fatboy Kim, where america handed over its half to , a western trained democracy leader Syngman Rhee, elected as the President of all Korea. Grandpop Kim, who was a russian puppet and NEVER elected, chosed to crush the south in 1950.

His ego was huge, so too was his cruelty as he blitzkreig all the way to the southern end of the peninsula, with the intention to drown those who oppose him into the sea. He failed, and was instead driven North to the China border at the Yalu river by MacArthur.

Blinded by communism political doctrine and supported by China, and then its best friend Russia then, with chinese troops it retook Seoul, only to be beaten back again to slightly above the 38th parallel where the armistice and new border is agreed upon.

The success of Communism depends largely upon using the instrument of fear and brainwashing for its leaders to remain in power. As long as the devil Mao remained in power, that was the modus operandi of how grandpop Kim use it to control its population, and thus the total brainwashing of NK generations till today.

Even after Mao was gone, and the newer China leaders saw the light of truth over its failed doctrines which was actually a good concept, but dangerously flawed when touched by man as it corrupts all and everything. China and Russia remains a communist state by name only , to save face, when they are pursing other better doctrines to uplift its people in order to remain in power.

Truths cannot remain hidden for long, and even Fatboy Kim, educated in the West, knows this. It is only a matter of time before NK implodes, more so with its failed economic mismanagement, when delusions will be shattered, if it is not already shattered amongst the lower military ranks whom have ties to their families surviving by cannibalism.

Destroying our world, setting the world powers against one another as grandpop Kim had done to China and Russia in the past, is the only way the real rulers of NK can hope to stay in power. With a world destroyed, he can stand upon the pedestal and claim victory and bring the realities of a world torn apart as 'truths' of how NK is a heaven on Earth.

But....that is only what his rulers are hoping for and absolute riotuous delusions that even mental institutes would boot them out for being way too far out. NK is insane.
edit on 9-4-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Honestly, the spread of communism threatened the US. This is why they chose to enter into South Korea and assert a US presence. Originally, they gave the USSR authority to invade to the 38th parallel. However, fears of communism overtaking Korea caused leaders to support an invasion. This invasion established a western-friendly foothold in Korea. And this is really where it all began. I've looked through some of the history of that time and it's abundantly clear that the communists and westerners were battling it out politically and it failed and resulted in the Korean War. This is actually a proxy war between USSR/Russia and the US. The fact that Russia shares a border with North Korea also brings into question how many weapons technologies have been smuggled into North Korea, especially during the collapse of the Soviet Union, nevermind the official support of defensive arms sales and gas pipelines and various economic ties between the two countries.
edit on 9-4-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Let's be honest and rational. There is no need to rewrite history.

The US have no interest in conquest, or it would have easily conquered the whole peninsula and even China if it wished to do so.

Russia was an ally back then to fight against the germans and japanese. The plan was for Russia to invade from the north and USA from the south and meet at the 38th parallel, afterwhich, when victory was won, the freed koreans will decide upon freedom for themselves.

An election was organised by USA for the koreans to decide on its own future, and a president was elected to form the government.

But unfortunately, the greedy conqueror Stalin and slaughterer of millions of russians in peacetime, renaged on the deal, walked out of UN when UN decided to act on grandpop kim when he launched a massive, unwarranted, unprovoked agreesive attack on the south.

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