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I've always wondered why people would believe that Judas betrayed Jesus for a little silver, I mean... cmon, it's Jesus right? JustSayin'
That's where the conspiracy comes in.
I was enraged by their sinful greed; I punished them, and hid my face in anger, yet they kept on in their willful ways.
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence."
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
John 1:11
To sum it up briefly, the Gospel of Judas is a hoax to deceive the masses and better yet, sell a great many copies. Money is usually the bottom line to all fraud. Link
The National Geographic Society has unveiled the "Gospel of Judas," and the New York Times reports that the ancient document "will set off years of study and debate." The story continues:
The debate is not over whether the manuscript is genuine-- on this the scholars agree.
Whoa! Hold on just a minute! The document is apparently genuine, all right. But it's a "genuine" product of the Gnostic sect, dating back to around 300 AD-- or about 270 years after Judas died.
The "Gospel of Judas"-- of which this document is apparently a copy-- was produced by an unknown Gnostic author earlier. We know this (as the Times helpfully reminds us) because St. Irenaeus, writing late in the 2nd century, has already identified the "Gospel of Judas" as a fraud. But hey, it's a genuine fraud. a genuine fraud
The National Geographic special portrays the Gos-Bull of Judas consisting of thirteen pages. But according to American Coptologist Stephen Emmel, in 1983 he inspected sixty pages of the Gos-Bull. Like a smoky fog, somewhere along its rocky road to fame much of the Gos-Bull silently disappeared.
The sole support of "Judas" rests upon this single creepy, mutilated manuscript. Compare that to the over 6,000 existing manuscripts of the New Testament of the Bible. If "Judas" possessed any semblance of truth there would be thousands of "Judas" manuscripts. Yet the news media latch on to "Judas" like a blood sucking leech while ignoring the ocean of evidence exposing Judas as a ridiculous fraud.
The National Geographic Society ridiculously states, "The Gospel of Judas is an exclusive, two-hour global television event that traces the incredible story of one of the most important finds in biblical archaeology."
Why would anyone invest so much time and money advancing the Gos-Bull of Judas while scorning the real gospel? That answer is simple. Like the original Judas and the news media -- The Gospel of Judas betrays the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ. Link
"...the National Geographic Society should be humiliated, and Christians should be reminded once again not to be shaken by media sensationalism. The discovery of the "Gospel of Judas" changes nothing except to add yet another manuscript to the pile of false gospels and Gnostic documents. When those scholars misrepresented the "Gospel of Judas," they betrayed not only the public trust, but the truth.
The Gospel Of Judas was written so long after the events it claims to relate that it would be as authentic as someone in 2008 writing an account of the first conversation between Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson."
The Gospel of Judas -- The Betrayal of Truth
Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
reply to post by retirednature
I always found almost all of the Gnostic gospels to be more in line with the teachings of christ and his follower than what the church likes to portray.
Gospel of Thomas (which scholars believe is even older than the 4 new testament gospels and therefore probably more accurate.)
I can imagine the church did not want people hearing things like this since they depended on people having to go to church every sunday to be absolved of their sins and put money in the basket. Thats why out of the 30 gospels so far known only 4 (that were spun as alot more churchy) made it to the christian canon.
Originally posted by retirednature
Truth Behind Gospel of Judas Revealed in Ancient Inks
The Gospel of Judas is a fragmented Coptic (Egyptian)-language text that portrays Judas in a far more sympathetic light than did the gospels that made it into the Bible. In this version of the story, Judas turns Jesus over to the authorities for execution upon Jesus' request, as part of a plan to release his spirit from his body. In the accepted biblical version of the tale, Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Say what!?
How was this authenticated?
Barabe hit the books, looking for other studies on early Egyptian inks. The study of Egyptian marriage certificates and land documents from the Louvre proved to be the clincher.
That study found that contracts in Egypt in the mid-third century were written in lamp black ink, in the traditional Egyptian style. But they were officially registered in the traditional Greek style, using brown iron gall ink.
The Louvre study findings suggested to the teamthat the presence of both inks was consistent with an early date for the Gospel of Judas, Barabe said.
What's more, the Louvre study found that the metal-based inks from this time period contained little sulfur, just like the ink on the Gospel of Judas.
The discovery gave the researchers the confidence to declare the document consistent with a date of approximately A.D. 280. (Barabe and his colleagues caution that this finding doesn't prove beyond doubt that the document is authentic, but rather that there are no red flags proving it's a forgery.)
I've always wondered why people would believe that Judas betrayed Jesus for a little silver, I mean... cmon, it's Jesus right? JustSayin'
That's where the conspiracy comes in.
Doesn't it make more sense that Jesus, in order to finish his plan and become immortalized forever would have to go through with the crucifixion, in which Judas helped move along?
But if you tell it that way, it takes away from the 'evilness' that was his persecution and crucifixion, it just wouldn't jive. Excuse my ignorance, but to me... it all seems very, hmmm... Socrates like, or Plato's account of Socrates' execution. Now, I've always been under the impression that if there was never Socrates, Plato, and Pythagoras(countless others, but you get the point) that there would have never been the story of Jesus. The form, the means, the style, the entire discussion that is the New Testament just seems like a rehash of Ancient Greek Philosophy. Am I the only one?
I know there's plenty of self proclaimed biblical scholars on ATS, so I thought I'd share and get some opinions. Maybe learn a thing or two, hopefully three.
Estimates for the dates when the canonical gospel accounts were written vary significantly; and the evidence for any of the dates is scanty. Because the earliest surviving complete copies of the gospels date to the 4th century and because only fragments and quotations exist before that, scholars use higher criticism to propose likely ranges of dates for the original gospel autographs. Scholars variously assess the majority (though not the consensus [34]) view as follows:
Mark: c. 68–73,[35] c. 65–70.[36]
Matthew: c. 70–100,[35] c. 80–85.[36]
Luke: c. 80–100, with most arguing for somewhere around 85,[35] c. 80–85.[36]
John: c. 90–100,[36] c. 90–110,[37] The majority view is that it was written in stages, so there was no one date of composition.
Assigning a date to the Gospel of Thomas is very complex because it is difficult to know precisely to what a date is being assigned. Scholars have proposed a date as early as AD 40 or as late as AD 140. Valantasis and other scholars argue that it is difficult to date Thomas because, as a collection of logia without a narrative framework, individual sayings could have been added to it gradually over time. (However, Valantasis does date Thomas to 100–110 AD, with some of the material certainly coming from the first stratum which is dated to 30–60 AD.[30])
`We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living father.' If they ask you, `What is the evidence of your father in you?' say to them, `It is motion and rest.'"
Jesus said, "Look to the living one as long as you live, or you might die and then try to see the living one, and you will be unable to see."
"I am the one who comes from what is whole. I was given from the things of my father. For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness.
Whoever has ears to hear should hear. There is light within a man of light, and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine it is darkness."
Originally posted by stupid girl
Most of the Apostlic letters that make up the last half of the New Testament were written with the intent to refute the increasing heresies of Gnosticism.
The Nicene Creed was also written as a statement of faith based on the true Gospel Message as given by Jesus to the Apostles which was recorded for mankind in the 4 synoptic accounts that begin the New Testament.
Many new believers were led astray by the Gnostic perversions of Jesus' message. That is why Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom. Men have the inherent desire to seek wisdom & knowledge first, which is the modus operandi of Gnosticism in & of itself.
So in essence, Gnostic beliefs are based on the opposite of what Jesus instructed those who follow Him to do. Gnostic beliefs go against the Truths revealed to us by Christ Himself through His Apostles. Thus His Apostles referred to Gnostic teachings as 'anti Christ'.
Read the First Epistle of John (1 John, not the Gospel of John). The entire purpose of that Letter is centered on the subtle lies of Gnostic teachings. When he refers to 'anti Christs' in his letter, he is referring to Gnostic beliefs.
The New Age movement & those promulgated by the UFO contactee phenomenon are largely based on Gnosticism. All types of mysticism are respectively based on various mixtures of Kabbalah, Gnosticism & Eastern Philosophies. Which in turn, are all basically based on each other.
We are not gods. And we are only one in Christ- not in Gaia, or Christ consciousness, or universal consciousness, or karma kundalini or the galactic federation of light, or Chaka Khan Shamalama Ding Dong. We are all unique and individual and we are each accountable for the choices we make during our lifetime here on earth.
That is the Truth.
Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
reply to post by adjensen
It is my personal opinion that Jesus was a Gnostic. It makes more sense and it rings true to what I believe.
Unlike the other 4 canon gospels Thomas is a book of sayings instead of personal accounts of Jesus life. Therefore it is harder to date
And of course there were a number of valid reasons for excluding those texts from canon. Mainly because they talk about seeking and knowing God within yourself and not from other people (priests) or places (churches). All very radical ideas for those seeking to keep people ignorant and therefore more easily controlled.
Originally posted by Murgatroid
reply to post by Cancerwarrior
Gnostics are Cabbalists who worship Satan.
Don't seem to recall Jesus ever bowing down to the father of all lies...
Originally posted by stupid girl
Most of the Apostlic letters that make up the last half of the New Testament were written with the intent to refute the increasing heresies of Gnosticism.
The Nicene Creed was also written as a statement of faith based on the true Gospel Message as given by Jesus to the Apostles which was recorded for mankind in the 4 synoptic accounts that begin the New Testament.
Many new believers were led astray by the Gnostic perversions of Jesus' message. That is why Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom. Men have the inherent desire to seek wisdom & knowledge first, which is the modus operandi of Gnosticism in & of itself.
So in essence, Gnostic beliefs are based on the opposite of what Jesus instructed those who follow Him to do. Gnostic beliefs go against the Truths revealed to us by Christ Himself through His Apostles. Thus His Apostles referred to Gnostic teachings as 'anti Christ'.
Read the First Epistle of John (1 John, not the Gospel of John). The entire purpose of that Letter is centered on the subtle lies of Gnostic teachings. When he refers to 'anti Christs' in his letter, he is referring to Gnostic beliefs.
The New Age movement & those promulgated by the UFO contactee phenomenon are largely based on Gnosticism. All types of mysticism are respectively based on various mixtures of Kabbalah, Gnosticism & Eastern Philosophies. Which in turn, are all basically based on each other.
We are not gods. And we are only one in Christ- not in Gaia, or Christ consciousness, or universal consciousness, or karma kundalini or the galactic federation of light, or Chaka Khan Shamalama Ding Dong. We are all unique and individual and we are each accountable for the choices we make during our lifetime here on earth.
That is the Truth.
Originally posted by Murgatroid
reply to post by Cancerwarrior
Gnostics are Cabbalists who worship Satan.
Don't seem to recall Jesus ever bowing down to the father of all lies...
Originally posted by Akragon
What a joke...
Clearly you have not read any gnostic texts... Or you wouldn't make such a ignorant statement...
And your quote comes from another member who knows little to nothing about gnostic texts as well... which ia evident by her statements... I remember the thread that quote came from..
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Originally posted by Osiris1953
reply to post by retirednature
I've always found the idea of the Gospel of Judas. To me it's always seemed to be a more plausible story. Thank for the thread, I'm glad you posted this.
Wouldn't believe anything Judas supposedly wrote, besides he hanged himself right after his betrayal. Jesus also said it would be better for him if he had never been born. Not going to be real nice whats coming for him at the end.