There's no such thing as "Jewish" diaspora. All 12 tribes were scattered throughout the earth, with the northern kingdom coming to the Americas(being
the first people to inhabit the lands) right after the Assyrian captivity.
Then the southern kingdom migrating to western Africa after the fall and seize of Jerusalem in 70AD, and after several hundreds of years later
captured by the Africans(Hamites) and sold into slavery.
Christianity funds morally and financially the Synagogue of Satan, those who say they are jew, but are not jew, those who claim to love the Creator
yet embrace the emulator, just as the apocalypse states.
Europeans aren't Jews, they're Israelites. As different from Jews as night and day. Most Jews are descended from Edom since they took over Judea after
helping the Babylonians carry the Judean Israelites into captivity. They don't even worship Yahweh. Jews have done a good job tricking you into
thinking they are the "unique (not the mistranslated "chosen") race of Yahweh, haven't they. There's no race more unique than the White European
Israelite race! a reply to: beatbox