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Food additives

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posted on May, 12 2003 @ 02:23 AM
Does anyone know about the effects of different chemicals, pesticides, hormones and the like that goes into our food?

I heard that fluoride in water supresses alertness but I don't know if it is true or not.

What about other chemicals?

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 02:34 AM
I am firmly convinced that most of what is added to food and water is detrimental. Flouride is a terrible chemical and is the result of our need for aluminum. Even if you drink bottled water you'll absorb it in your nice, long hot showers.

Smokes are another way of ingesting chemicals. There's no doubt that today's smokes are much more dangerous than they used to be, and much of that can be blamed on the pesticides and herbicides.

In the end, after doing everything just right and exercising as you should, you'll be run over by a chain smoking drunk who's coming back from Burger King with a bag full of greasy fries.

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 04:59 AM
ooohhh... ure suggesting all this NWO stuffs just about food additives? i getcha

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by JCDenton
ooohhh... ure suggesting all this NWO stuffs just about food additives? i getcha
In a way I am ... it is the giant pharmaceutical companies that supply the ingredients after all.

I might be wrong with this and hopefully will get corrected but aren't these chemical giants connected with the trilateral commision?

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 06:06 AM
Hey Moonclamp

The best thing to do is goto the library and look under health or go to the NHS website (you may get more info on the NHS Scotland website due to recent surveys!)

When i find the link i'll post or u2u it too you!

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by moonclamp

I might be wrong with this and hopefully will get corrected but aren't these chemical giants connected with the trilateral commision?

I dont think that it's a coincidence if the CARLYLE INVESTEMENT hold 2 pharmaceutical giant : AVENTIS and MEDIPOINTE.

Look also in the direction of HOESCHT ltd (A german giant in chemical and pharmacy)

[Edited on 12-5-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 07:12 AM
I do know that if there are a lot of "E" numbers in foods such as chocolate and sweets, they are supposed to make you hyper active.

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 07:20 AM
Name 1 product out of your supermarket that doesn't have any # added to it.

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Liberator
Name 1 product out of your supermarket that doesn't have any # added to it.
Well I bought some organic bread in Somerfield yesterday but that's probably about it.

[Edited on 12-5-2003 by moonclamp]

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 12:27 PM
David Icke rants about this in one of his many books. Says Aspartame, AKA Nutrasweet, is an intellect suppressant. And flouride is a useless byproduct of the process of converrting bauxite to aluminum.


posted on May, 12 2003 @ 12:49 PM
aspartame has been criticised by many for a whole host of nasty effects. I have personal experience of feeling quite floaty and unwell after ingesting large quantities of it.

I always try and buy food without added artificial colourings and flavourings, which is actually not that hard if you try and eat a fairly natural diet. Sadly I can't do much to avoid the heavy metals in my sea fish, the environmental contaminants in just about everything else. And because I smoke, I'm already ingesting huge amounts of dangerous chemicals already - although using hand rolling tobacco rather than ready made cigarettes avoids a small percentage of them.

On the conspiracy side of it - I don't think much is deliberately added to our food and water to cause harm. Most of it is through carelessness and poor environmental policies

posted on May, 12 2003 @ 02:34 PM
You should find plenty of websites, scientific studies and articles on the dangers of fluoride by way of a simple google search but as i was re-researching fluoridation earlier today i'll share a couple of the interesting links i found....

Why I changed my mind about water fluoridation By Former Advocate Dr. John Colquhoun

Fear of fluoride: Questions about the safety of this cavity-fighting chemical aren't just for right-wing conspiracists anymore

"Our members' review of the body of evidence over the past eleven years, including animal and human epidemiology studies, indicates a causal link between fluoride/fluoridation and cancer, genetic damage, neurological impairment, and bone pathology. Of particular concern are recent epidemiology studies linking fluoride exposure to lower IQ in children ... there is substantial evidence of adverse health effects, and contrary to public perception, virtually no evidence of significant benefits."

It's possible that most if not all of our food contains traces of fluoride due to the various uses of fluoridated water supplies in factories during the production process or as an ingredient. Add to that fluoridated water consumed as drinking water, toothpaste swallowed or absorbed through gums, absorbtion through the skin during showering or bathing and i'm positive that this constitutes a serious health risk. Especially disconcerting is the little amount of research done(or available)to estimate how much damage is done to the brain or central nervous system.

And don't be fooled, alot of bottled water still contains fluoride, make sure you check the ingredients. Personally i would recommend filtering your tap water. Even if your water supply is not fluoridated i'd do this purely as a preventive measure. I also use fluoride free toothpaste, i'm not sure how widely available it is but you shouldnt have a problem finding some at your local health store. I try to eat GM-free and Organic and i make sure i know exactly whats in my food(well, as much as is possible). I try to shop locally aswell as cooking and growing my own produce. These probably arent the easiest or cheapest ways to maintain a healthy diet but i'd say they are the most effective.

And i have to disagree with you arc, i think there has been a definate knowledge and clear evidence for some time that fluoride and specifically fluoridation is ineffective at clearing plaque and is extremely dangerous to our health in a number of ways. i think the major pharmaceutical companies in cohorts with governmental medical/dental institutions are responsible for using their influence, power and money to deliberately misinform the public and to debunk any counter-claims that fluoridation may pose a health risk. for what purpose? well i'm sure you can come to your own conclusions......

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 03:28 AM
Do not take in any synthetic chemicals unless absolutely necessary! I'm not saying that ALL, all natural products are good for you but synthetic type ish is bad; very bad.

F*ck the FDA!


posted on May, 13 2003 @ 03:37 AM
No big, evil conspiracy to me, just a matter of high volume hazmat with no viable disposal solution.

The amount of flouride created in the production of aluminum is incredible. There's no way to bury it as other hazmat is. So, create a benefit to it and dilute the deadly crap throughout all the water supply of the nation.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 04:30 AM
Just add''Coffee'' to your water............

Aren't we suppose to drink about 2 litres of water a day???

There isn't much you can do about the water............

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 04:37 AM
"No big, evil conspiracy to me, just a matter of high volume hazmat with no viable disposal solution.

There's no way to bury it as other hazmat is."

Except TC, they do have a solution. They poison the water supply, then decieve and misinform us about the true risks. The only people who benefit are those in Pharmaceutical Industry using fluoridation as an extremely profitable disposal method, which you admit happens. If that isn't worthy of the title conspiracy?!?! then what is?

"So, create a benefit to it and dilute the deadly crap throughout all the water supply of the nation."

Fluoride is the 'deadly crap'!! LOL, by your estimations, if fluoride is harming us perhaps we should put some nuclear waste in the water supply to 'dilute it'?

I'd like to see some evidence of an overall health benefit 'created' from fluoridation, but it won't exist unless it relies on fabricated or unsubstantial research.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Pocket
I do know that if there are a lot of "E" numbers in foods such as chocolate and sweets, they are supposed to make you hyper active.

No, the "E"number are just additive with too long name to be written on the packaging.

A part of the additives list and their number ECC (I dont know if USA have the same numbers) :

E100 Type: Dye. Name: Curcumin. Color: Yellow. Note: Natural product (curcuma) or chemical. Toxicological harmlessness.

E281 Type: Conservative. Name: Acid propionic and derived. Sodium propionate (sodium salt of the propionic acid). Food concerned: Sandwich bread. Note: Chemicals. Badly known harmlessness. Forbidden in France.

E101 Type: Dye. Name: Lactoflavin (Riboflavin). Color: Yellow. Note: Natural product (milk, liver, yellow of?uf) or chemical. Toxicological harmlessness.

E282 Type: Conservative. Name: Acid propionic and derived. Calcium propionate (calcium salt of the propionic acid). Food concerned: Sandwich bread. Note: Chemicals. Badly known harmlessness.

E102 Type: Dye. Name: Tartrazine. Color: Yellow. Note: Dangerous chemical for health. Significant risk of allergy.

E.: E290 Type: Conservative. Name: Carbon dioxide. Food concerned: Aerated beverages. Note: Chemical. Digestion slows down. To avoid if possible.

E103 Type: Dye. Name: Chryso�ne S. Couleur: Yellow. Note: Dangerous chemical for the children. forbidden in France. Removed in the countries of the EEC since January 1, 1977.

E300 Type: Antioxydant. Name: Acid ascorbic and derived. Acid 1-ascorbic. Food concerned: Butter, beer, syrups of fruits, condensed milk and powders some, preserves, sauces, condiments, pork-butchery. Note: Chemicals. No disadvantages with moderate amounts. Not it to misuse.

E104 Type: Dye. Name: Quinoline yellow. Color: Yellow. Note: Chemical. Debatable harmlessness. Suspect. In the doubt, to abstain from.

E301 Type: Antioxydant. Name: Acid ascorbic and derived. sodium 1-ascorbate (sodium salt of the 1-ascorbic acid). Food concerned: Butter, beer, syrups of fruits, condensed milk and powders some, preserves, sauces, condiments, pork-butchery. Note: Chemicals. No disadvantages with moderate amounts. Not it to misuse.

E105 Type: Dye. Name: Solid yellow. Color: Yellow. Note: Dangerous chemical. Risk serious allergy. Removed in the countries of the EEC since January 1 1977

E302 Type: Antioxydant. Name: Acid ascorbic and derived. calcium 1-ascorbate (calcium salt of the 1-ascorbic acid). Food concerned: Butter, beer, syrups of fruits, condensed milk and powders some, preserves, sauces, condiments, pork-butchery. Note: Chemicals. No disadvantages with moderate amounts. Not it to misuse.

E110 Type: Dye. Name: Orange yellow. Color: Orange. Note: Dangerous chemical. Risk serious allergy. To avoid absolutely.

E303 Type: Antioxydant. Name: Acid ascorbic and derived. Acid diac�tyl 5-6-1-ascorbic (diac�tate of ascorbyle). Food concerned: Butter, beer, syrups of fruits, condensed milk and powders some, preserves, sauces, condiments, pork-butchery. Note: Chemicals. No disadvantages with moderate amounts. Not it to misuse.

E111 Type: Dye. Name: Orange GGN. Color: Orange. Note: Dangerous chemical. With not consuming. Removed in the countries of the EEC since January 1, 1977.

E304 Type: Antioxydant. Name: Acid ascorbic and derived. Acid palmityl 6-1-ascorbic (palmitate of ascorbyle). Food concerned: Butter, beer, syrups of fruits, condensed milk and powders some, preserves, sauces, condiments, pork-butchery. Note: Chemicals. No disadvantages with moderate amounts. Not it to misuse.

E120 Type: Dye. Name: Cochineal. Acid carminic. Color: Red. Note: Natural product (insect) or chemical. Risk considerable allergy. To avoid for the children.

(I didn't translate all the list (150 products) but scary ! )

[Edited on 13-5-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
No big, evil conspiracy to me, just a matter of high volume hazmat with no viable disposal solution.

I think you wrong TC :

I found these info on the arborwood MC forum :

Textbook of Military Medicine:
Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare: Chapter 11

Here is an interesting chapter from an ebook in the US Navy's Virtual Naval Hospital on Incapacitating Agents.

In case there is anybody left that doesn't believe that the US military and other organizations actually experiment on US citizens then have them read this. They don't seem to hide the fact! Just some quick cut and paste highlights.


A double agent revealed that in Munich, in 1959, salt shakers in a cafeteria serving 1,248 employees of Radio Free Europe were dosed with atropine. Chemical analysis of the contents of two shakers showed the presence of 2.36 per cent by weight of atropine.12,13 (One gram of this concoction would thus contain almost 24 mg of atropine, more than enough to produce severe delirium.) Fortunately, the attempt was aborted.



Virtually every imaginable chemical technique for producing military incapacitation has been tried at some time. Between 1953 and 1973, at the predecessor laboratories to what is now the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, many of these were discussed and, when deemed feasible, systematically tested.


BZ was first experimentally studied for therapy of gastrointestinal diseases. However, reports were received of confusion and hallucinations, suggesting that even small excesses of dosage were likely to cause problems. BZ was quickly withdrawn from commercial study and turned over to the U.S. Army as a drug of possible interest as an incapacitating agent.



In another study, a single individual was given 6.4 mg of BZ intramuscularly and treated with a placebo; he was totally unable to perform simple arithmetic (the NF test) for approximately 48 hours. On a second occasion 14 days later, he was given the same dose of BZ and treated with a total of more than 200 mg of physostigmine over a 72-hour period without apparent ill effect. Not only could he perform at levels close to his baseline, but he generally felt normal and could eat, play pool, and read without difficulty as long as treatment was continued.


Note : BZ = Benzodiazepine (Well known as DIAZEPAM).

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by moonclamp

Originally posted by Liberator
Name 1 product out of your supermarket that doesn't have any # added to it.
Well I bought some organic bread in Somerfield yesterday but that's probably about it.

Not exactly scoch.
Organic means they use quality ingredients and no pesticides. But have you thought about this

Tractors in the field riding around poluting crops with toxic fumes

Crops are being grown under poluted rain

And enormouse ammount of plastic used in processing of all goods


Now i would like to toss another theme:
Bottled water? Do you drink it?

What make is it?
Evian, vitel, volvic and all other big time mineral water companies are full of toxic #e.

It's not my opinion, it's a fact. There was a big scandal about one French company adding benzene to it.

[Edited on 13-5-2003 by Liberator]

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 11:49 AM
But they qhickly retired every bottle concerned of the market.

Evian, Vichy and Vittel are water from the alps and this might be the cleaner waters you can find in europe.

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