posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:52 AM
Please research NAZI UFOs folks.
I came in here expecting a primitive Nazi saucer design with Nazi occupants and guess what I found? That's exactly what this story is about I betcha.
The witness even mentioned "is it Germans?" and then had to convince himself that wasn't logical, even though he was unaware of what they were
actually up to.
The main part of this that beats everyone mentally is the "But the Germans would have won!?" assumption. Reality is a mixed bag, they won here but
lost there and there. The place they won at, was apparently these flying saucers.
There is a ton of information out there about Nazi UFOs and if you haven't spent a month digging into the vast subject you really ought to sometime,
and yes it is hard to believe at first but that is only because we are conditioned by society to reject this 1 possibility the most.
Once you get some good books and documents to build a foundation on, and start comparing it with everything else, you will realize the Nazi UFO
presumption is the most accurate of all. (This does not mean aliens don't exist, because supposedly Nazis got the info from aliens according to some
I suggest the reason why they didn't speak in front of him is because they spoke German.
There are a few Nazi models that match this one very closely.
Oh and something else no one really mentions but you can look it up yourself to double check. Many abduction cases actually report a Nazi officer of
some type being with the other entities/people. Cases always differ by the details but you will often find this hidden in the report somewhere hoping
you don't find it.
Go reopen the Adamski and Betty and Barney Hill cases, keyword Nazi or Swastika.
I'm telling you there is way more to this than we are assuming at first glance.
Barney Hill exclaimed "Oh my God it's a Nazi!", and Adamski reported footprints left by a Tibetan monk type with Swastikas tattooed on them. The
Nazis actually did in fact recruit Tibetan monks into their organization.
If anyone has any questions about this working theory, please ask them and I will try to aid in helping us find reasonable answers that rectify any
sensed problems.