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North Korea vs North America: Who is the true enemy of the world?

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posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Connman

I am talking about home and the news, sorry if you live in China I have to apply my all american philosophy of " as long as it's not me." to this situation and what's crapping up my MSM news.

You know right? the media, they push it in my face all day long, every day, getting sick of having the same crap after 60 years still being shoved in my face.

If this was a marriage I'd be counting down till death do us part.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:10 PM
Explanation: OI! Listen up OK!

HERE is the CREATOR of the USA underlying culture of FREEDOM!

John Locke!

Now you YANKS can tell me directly ... would John Locke be incarcerated and or considered a terrorist in the USA in todays current political climate!

If the answer is no .. then you need to qualify that DEEPLY ok!

If the answer is yes ... then the USA is dead and the NWO [UN security council] and Agenda 21 rule supreme.

Personal Disclosure: Anybody want to disagree that Agenda 21 is not evil had better bring their A-Game!

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:26 PM
Two wrongs don't make a right. Furthermore, America isn't threatening to nuke anyone. North Korea has an insane leader.
edit on 7-4-2013 by DestroyDestroyDestroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

You can show anything in America you'd like. Absolutely nothing in America any way...with the life as it exists inside the DPRK. This isn't Iraq or anywhere else. This nation stands in a class and time period all it's own. A reality ...All it's own. There just isn't another way to describe it.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:37 PM
Time to bomb NK back to the stone age and let their people rebuild.

Let them fire off a nuke or two, better that than later on when they have even more destructive capability.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Explanation: I can easily describe it!

It is called Economic Sanctions!

It IS a form of gunboat diplomacy!

The USA has mastered this since forcing Japan to open up to trade in the mid 1800's.

Remember WW2 ... that happened DIRECTLY becuase of the actions the USA took by forcing Japan to open up to trade!

Personal Disclosure: Those who refuse to learn from past mistakes are DOOMED TO REPEAT THEM!

Again I reiterate that entire UN security council 5 permanant memmber states are the true face of evil in this world.

However the true culprit is CORRUPTION which is easily recognizable by its HYPOCRISY!

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

Well I do understand why the news would be covering North Korea currently. They threatened to nuke us so I say it deserves to be covered till it's handled.
As far as watching the news I am not into that. I actually get my news right here on ATS. So I can get honest follow ups in the threads to decide what is most important to me. But just like youtube and the News networks you have to watch and learn what is actually true and or just wrong.

You do understand why North Korea is in the news right? Actually better then some of the other stuff they call news, stuff I call tabloid meaningless stuff. Most of the time they don't cover what's important so why watch them at all. Perhaps for weather but then again it's gotten to where they forecast no better then me these days.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Explanation: I can easily describe it!

It is called Economic Sanctions!

It IS a form of gunboat diplomacy!

The USA has mastered this since forcing Japan to open up to trade in the mid 1800's.

Remember WW2 ... that happened DIRECTLY becuase of the actions the USA took by forcing Japan to open up to trade!

Personal Disclosure: Those who refuse to learn from past mistakes are DOOMED TO REPEAT THEM!

Again I reiterate that entire UN security council 5 permanant memmber states are the true face of evil in this world.

However the true culprit is CORRUPTION which is easily recognizable by its HYPOCRISY!

Actually I believe WWII had something to do with a little country called Germany.

I could be wrong though, I guess it was just our trade policy against Japan.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Seems Americans have this outpouring sentiment of " let's help everyone else become like us because we're so friggin awesome." Ok, that's cool and all but what IF they don't want it? Let's force it on them!

What's wrong with being untouched from western influence? Awesome, that's the way Korea was always meant to be historically.

They repelled the mongolians, the japanese, got hung up on the russians but now are working on liberating the entire country from all foreign invaders.

If you deny the same problems exist in America in GREATER numbers than we will have to agree to never agree, taking numbers and land area, this "North Korea" problem is miniscule.

SO WHAT if they want to sell weapons and drugs, we have officially appointed drug czars and have been caught by our own citizens shipping weapons to be used against our own agents. You all seem to be forgetting who has been firing nukes throughout history. We know what happens to "evidence" , it gets recirculated in communities.

I didn't conveniently forget that America fires nukes, they have before and are most likely to do it again followed by russia then china.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:53 PM
I'm sure that I'm already making a ton of friends today but I'm going to chime in on this. Although I'm an atheist, this whole scenario actually reminds me of a story in the Bible where Jesus comes into the temple to find a woman about to be stoned to death and says "He who is without sin may cast the first stone.". In a lot of ways, I find this to be rather applicable towards our behaviors and attitudes in regards to North Korea though we're certainly not behaving like Jesus but those who were in the temple about to throw the stones.

Our nation has significant issues. We do have a higher imprisonment rate that is absolutely shameful and, although it can be very easy to say that all of these individuals broke the law, the sentencing for at least some of these cases is at times questionable. We also have Guatanamo Bay, whose placement in Cuba was purposeful to avoid the rule of law in the US and a very recent history of torture under our belts as Americans. We're the same people whose military was parading naked Muslims around in Abu-Ghraib and forcing them to engage in sex acts against their belief and will.(1)

We're a nation where there were 643,067 US citizens that were homeless on any given night in our nation in 2011. Over 64,000 were homeless veterans. Although there was some improvement, those numbers are increasing.(2) I don't even go downtown anymore because I see so many homeless huddled against buildings that it makes me cry. And in our own so proud and illustrious nation, well, now if you go ahead and move into a foreclosed home that is sitting empty, well, you could be lumped in as a sovereign terrorist (3).

I am a believer in being proud of one's nation. National pride is so important for assuring that we all work together to make our nation as great of a nation as we can. However, national pride can also blind us to our own vices and permit us to focus instead on the vices of countries in which we have never stepped foot in. So yeah, "He who is without sin may cast the first stone". We're not without sin and like those in the temple, we shouldn't be throwing stones.


posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

You apparently didn't watch any of the series I recommended or you wouldn't suggest sanctions as the cause for any of it. That is so far OFF the mark of accuracy ...after seeing what that nation actually *IS* inside through the video brought out, that it's never a topic I'll bring up again, personally. Sanctions didn't make North Korea what it is. Kim, his father and his Grandfather did.

Sanctions didn't put it in the mind of the population that their leader is among if not THE most respected and feared leaders in the world. The Kims did.

Sanctions aren't spending a back breaking 20-40% of their entire national GDP on weapons development and deployment. The Kims are.

Also. China has sure not been following sanctions against them. They've HAD access to whatever they could have wanted or needed...had they chosen to use it. They even DID try Cell phones at one point and for a very short period. The Party Faithful and other figures got them. However, even that taste of freedom was too much and short lived. The towers and network were destroyed in short order and such experiments are things of the past to those people.

We can debate the "evils" and Anti-America hating with almost any other nation on the planet. However, North Korea made North Korea and I truly feel for those poor civilians caught in a warp of twisted reality they haven't even had a glimpse of the outside to realize ..IS warped. It's normal and what life is everywhere else in the world, from their perspective.
edit on 7-4-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

Have you actually polled the North Korean populace and asked them if they would prefer a different way of life or are you simply assuming that what the leadership says is what the whole nation agrees with?
edit on 7-4-2013 by Hopechest because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Connman

No I don't know why North Korea is in the news currently, is it because we ran out of news?

I didn't forget that this war has been going on for 60+ years, I didn't forget to have it conveniently pop up in the news to remind me again. Good thing I didn't have to rely on the media to teach me what education should have but times are changing.

It's news if you never heard it, it's extremely biased but it's news.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

Here is the thing....if you live in the U.S. and decide you don't like it you can leave. If you live in NK and decide you don't like it........

So my friend if you are in fact an American and you don't like it here you're free to get the hell out.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Knives4eyes
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Seems Americans have this outpouring sentiment of " let's help everyone else become like us because we're so friggin awesome." Ok, that's cool and all but what IF they don't want it? Let's force it on them!

What's wrong with being untouched from western influence? Awesome, that's the way Korea was always meant to be historically.

I'm not sure what you're talking about here. Americans have *NO* desire to be involved with North Korea aside from keeping that nutcase from killing South Koreans by the millions or Japanese by the same scales. If he'd stop making nukes to threaten the world with, I think the US Government would HAPPILY ignore him and just hope he goes away someday.

Even the 'Mighty' War mongering Bushs..Both of them..and Clinton ..didn't touch THIS one. The U.S. and world have fed Kim aid by the ship and truck loads every time he's rattled his sabers and his Father before him. Why? It was easier to feed them than fight them. NO ONE wants this war from OUR side in a real sense. It's why it's not happened....despite plenty of reason that far exceeds that which brought other nations into ruin by Western hands.

This is the exception to the rule of wanting to meddle in other nations. Right now, it's a forced action and not entirely up to the Western powers. Kim is calling this dance and I'll be very happy if he just shuts off the music and goes back to whatever he does when he isn't planning nuclear weapons strikes on his neighbors, then telling the world he is GOING to do it.

Personally? While I think Obama is pretty much learning as he goes..I think even he knows this doesn't end well in any scenario. He wants to "Fundamentally Transform" America, not North Korea. This whole thing is derailing his entire agenda. I doubt HE much wants this any more than we do.
edit on 7-4-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:04 PM
You forgot the part where NK rent's slaves to Russia to go work at logging camps in Siberia for 10 yrs.

oh err i mean Damn you America you great Satan!

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by Knives4eyes

Have you actually polled the North Korean populace and asked them if they would prefer a different way of life or are you simply assuming that what the leadership says is what the whole nation agrees with?
edit on 7-4-2013 by Hopechest because: (no reason given)

You missed the search engine box and typed in post again, just giving you a heads up champ.

This is war silly, no one is going to like it and sacrifices must be made.....just not for Americans of course.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:06 PM
Enemy of the world is an empty slogan. All that i know for certainty is that in current escalation North Korea is the one to blame.
By the way, OP - what do you think about South Korea and their right to live in independent state without North Korea threatening them? You know ,same South Korea full of happy South Koreans enjoying their South Korean peaceful lives without any desire to follow ideas of Juche under leadership of undead Eternal President...
See,from reading your posts i get a certain uneasy feeling that this is North Korean propaganda for foreigners but maybe i am wrong.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
You forgot the part where NK rent's slaves to Russia to go work at logging camps in Siberia for 10 yrs.

oh err i mean Damn you America you great Satan!

Total number of us prisoners is much greater than that and with contracts ranging from 100-200,000 USD per inmate annually.

This generates between 1-2 Trillion dollars.

Difference is the american prisoners don't have to work to generate that money.

Your point is moot, affirm your existence elsewhere.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:13 PM
I used to be like F... The Gov...

But now that I have children and served time, I don't care what happens as long as I'm allowed to work to feed my kids and live in peace they can have my weapons. (They already took them anyway)

Yeah the prison system sucks in America and its had to retire your number but it can be done and prison here is not much better than life in a lot of countries....BUT it is better!

Anybody who thinks America is the worst should take the time to get a job, buy a passport and visit some 3rd world countries... I have and it really made me appreciate what we have here in North America..

On a side note: I was in Central America for a long time building restraunts for some friends and People would ask me where I was from. I would ignorantly tell them with Pride "I'm American" and they would all laugh and say "Me Too".. I didn't realize South America/Central America people were American as well..(lol)
After a while I realized they already knew from my appearance and accent I was from the United States and they were asking what State I was from. Then I would say California and then they'd refer to me as Californian haha

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