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Sick and tired people who say...why do you believe everything on the internet!

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posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

No problem,

On a serious note. The one and only problem I have with info on the interweb. Is that search engines tend to push you toward your own theories/conclusions. If you aren't careful how you search, you end up getting only the opinions you are searching for.

To get the whole story people need to look at their opinions from both sides. Many fail to do that, or not like what they see when they do.

Then they research to find answers that fit their opinion, and quote/link that as the truth ( which is in fact the answer they were looking for). When they have only viewed , or stated only one side.
edit on 6-4-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 06:49 PM
My family is always going on about what they saw on TV, so its about even.

I suppose I have to say I don't really find myself repeating what I read on the Internet. I'm sure if I kept saying it I would have the same response and be annoyed by it as well.

You are entitled to refuse any medications you feel you don't want. I research all new meds. Nothing wrong with that and that's probably the only subject I will say I researched online. Not mentioning all the other stuff I look at seems to work best.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 07:01 PM
OP, wow. You're speaking for me here.

About the great grandmother was a midwife in the Appalachian mountains. This was in the 50s-80s, roughly. Anyway, very poor community so the women who were about to deliver would move in with Granny the last week or so of their pregnancy.

I can remember being there when these women would go into labor. They were tough ladies, would keep doing chores to help labor move along. When it got towards the end of things, Granny used oil to massage and keep tissue from tearing. You might hear a holler or two, but by and large it was a smooth process. Then a couple hours after giving birth, those women were up and about doing chores again.

So ignore your family....if you don't want an epidural, you can do without.

As for believing what you read online, I too get made fun of a lot whenever I try to discuss anything. My family just rolls their eyes and mumbles something about aliens and nut jobs....and I don't even talk about aliens! Well, not much, anyway.

Don't let it get to you...and good luck on your delivery!

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 07:11 PM
I can't stand it! I try my best to inform my friends and family of everything I find out about important things. I show friends videos of scientists proving what I'm saying. They just say it's a hoax. Really? A scientist has nothing better to do with his time other than making hoax videos....gimmee a break. If they can't see the forest for the trees...Well, keep your head in the sand my friends and family. I have to let others know what I know. I won't be slowed by them. I could rant on about this all night.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 07:39 PM
I know exactly where your coming from.. What makes it worse is they will talk about a movie or something like its real life (like when someone dies etc) yet when I give them something that is real life, it's like make believe to them
I guess its just the way things are though so I don't bother anymore.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 08:30 PM
I have been confronted with ignorance all of my adult life.
It's the intelligent person's curse.
The ATS visitors are the 'top of the line' models.
You are the brightest, take it from this 88 year old dude.
You are the 1%...

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 09:21 PM
1. How to fight ignorance around us, and eye vs eye to eye individual talk.
2. What are best strategies to show them the stuff we know, to make them realise aroundness?
3. How to present and show them a way, how to crack their skulls.
What u do? How u hacking personas?

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 09:27 PM
honestly i get crap for not buying bottled water or wanting to go to mcdonalds or walmart.

or even not wanting to get drunk or give people free drives all day everyday but thats off topic lol.

as for the internet, people think that conspiracy theorists are all about bluebeam weapons on 9/11.
they think they're funny for attempting to degrade intelligence or natural curiosity. its pathetic

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 09:32 PM
I tell everyone about this site..

Even my bosses are afraid of

But since I am the best at what I do..

I can get away with that...

If I yell BOO!! they all duck...

I try not to do that to often

Just be yourself Girl....

end the end it is your choice, not theirs....


posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver
I have found that certian types of people belive what ever they are told by people they agree with on other subjects, simple subjects that does not take much thought. When you come along with facts and data that take thought and some research it blows there mind and there only defence is "you don't agree with me so I really don't like you" then the hate and ridicule starts.

The whole idea of these types of people fighting anything you say has nothing really to do with what you are discussing, as soon as they figure you are not agreeing with them, anger sets in and ridicule starts...........there really is no civil dsicussion unless you totally agree with these types of people.

Just my opinion.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
I am so sick and tired of this. I am over it!

I do a lot of personal research and reading on various topics. I get nothing but mocked by people esp my family on my views. I am the one doing the researching not them! They just believe what they are told and do nothing to look into things for themselves.

I am the crazy one because I believe things like aspartame are bad and that I don't want to eat foods with HFCS or anything of the like. I also get crap because I said I don't want an epidural. I have been doing some reading and I don't like what I have read about side effects from them so I don't want one. It's MY choice! I have always had a low tolerance for medication and I don't like what I've read about them. Women have been having babies for centuries without a friggin epidural!

I get told "you believe anything you read on the internet" which is not even remotely true. Nobody in my family does research like I do on topics, nobody. It's all I do! I don't have cable I have the internet which to me is like a vast library of information. I lived at the library as a kid. I loved reading on new topics. I know how to navigate and research thru the BS and check sources yet I"M looked at as the nutty one, all the while they are the ones watching Fox friggin news and MSM.

They seem to think that if it was bad it wouldn't be on the market, oh how wrong they are! If I don't like something esp when it comes to medicine I will not take it esp when it's not needed and a selective option. I have a low tolerance for medication and I really don't need side effects, which almost always happens to me.

Anyone else get this or is it just me?

I am just really frustrated because it is like my beliefs are crazy and they are completely normal. My sister the other day tried to tell me to educate myself on aspartame and then sent me to THEIR website for "facts" as she called them. I replied back with my own FACTS on how it's bad and then she attacks me calling me crazy and that my friends are crazy for believing everything is bad and if it was bad it wouldnt' be on the market. Um how wrong she is!

Ugh I want to scream.

Mate; this may be for several reasons, I, this because we talk to others about things that are too far out of their 'beleivability' zone.

Another may be because we sometimes use extremist language and termonolgy when describing others or events . This turns people off big time

Another mistake we make sometimes is to make claims that cannot be backed up. An examplle of this which is a common word I see on this forum is proof and testomony. Its often better to say something like .... this video indicates that

For what its worth, a common statement one hears is that ,,,,,,if you have nothing to hide ,,, or if you have done nothing wrong .... The reply to this statement is that it is not the person speaking these words who decides whether they have done anything worng but its in fact the government who will decide if they have done nothing wrong. Such people who make these statements should bear in mind that when a person comes to the notice of the goverment they decides to investigate them, that investigation process also inlcudes investigating everyone who knows them. This is who those who think they have nothing to fear from big brother may well discover its not them who will determine if they have done anyrhing wrong.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

You complain too much.

Also,don't believe everything you read on the Internet.

Seriously.Got it? Good.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Relax. Have you tried taking Famildeaf? Just two pills a day helps to block out ignorant views from family members.

Famildeaf. It's safe. Give it a try!

Warning, do not take if you eat three meals a day. May cause heart attack, stroke, brain aneurism, swollen bladder and kidneys, vomiting, diarrhea, and may cause your genitals to fall off.

Yep, everything sold as medicine is totally safe.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:32 AM
I appreciate your thoughts but the internet is a mix of danger, diss-info and real fact, unravelling the real truth can be almost impossible. There are many agencies who use the internet to as you know spread lies mixed in with the truth, as in the real world no matter how much you research you may never find the truth or you will find a bit of the truth with veiled lies around it.

Things like free energy, the effects of medication and the cure of cancer are systematically crushed by people in power, they don't want you to know what they pump in to you for you own good and many people know that but the side effect is that we fear ANY product and avoid those that actually are ok.

Its a horrible state of affairs clinically manufactured to keep us down and servile.

The internet, believe nothing, take it at face value only..

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
I am so sick and tired of this. I am over it!

I do a lot of personal research and reading on various topics. I get nothing but mocked by people esp my family on my views. I am the one doing the researching not them! They just believe what they are told and do nothing to look into things for themselves.

I am the crazy one because I believe things like aspartame are bad and that I don't want to eat foods with HFCS or anything of the like. I also get crap because I said I don't want an epidural. I have been doing some reading and I don't like what I have read about side effects from them so I don't want one. It's MY choice! I have always had a low tolerance for medication and I don't like what I've read about them. Women have been having babies for centuries without a friggin epidural!

I get told "you believe anything you read on the internet" which is not even remotely true. Nobody in my family does research like I do on topics, nobody. It's all I do! I don't have cable I have the internet which to me is like a vast library of information. I lived at the library as a kid. I loved reading on new topics. I know how to navigate and research thru the BS and check sources yet I"M looked at as the nutty one, all the while they are the ones watching Fox friggin news and MSM.

They seem to think that if it was bad it wouldn't be on the market, oh how wrong they are! If I don't like something esp when it comes to medicine I will not take it esp when it's not needed and a selective option. I have a low tolerance for medication and I really don't need side effects, which almost always happens to me.

Anyone else get this or is it just me?

I am just really frustrated because it is like my beliefs are crazy and they are completely normal. My sister the other day tried to tell me to educate myself on aspartame and then sent me to THEIR website for "facts" as she called them. I replied back with my own FACTS on how it's bad and then she attacks me calling me crazy and that my friends are crazy for believing everything is bad and if it was bad it wouldnt' be on the market. Um how wrong she is!

Ugh I want to scream.

when you ask these people where they get their information, how they know what they
know, the answer is usually from a quick soundbite from the television. this, for them,
trumps independant research and study every time on any topic.
when you take the time to explain that the internet is like a library and that just
like a library, you will get good and not so good information and it is up to the
individual to use their own discernment to judge which is which, you get met with
a certain dumbness and an always immovable resolve.

birds of a feather should flock together. let these people go, i say.
(easier said than done, i know.)

eta: you can only imagine the reaction i get when i insist on the likes of
9/11, 7/7, jfk assassination, oslo and utoya, tucson, aurora and sandy
hook shootings etc. all being faked/staged/hoaxed events. i can even imagine
the reaction of most here, but it doesn't make it less true. i can always supply
appropriate links which prove these contentions.
edit on 7-4-2013 by OutonaLimb because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 03:06 AM
I experienced the same thing when discussing a topic with a collegue a few months ago.
Brought up various points that doesn't make any sense and he asked me where I had gotten the information from and I said that I had done my own research, watched documentaries and read articles and publications online, which I did, but he just shrugged his shoulders, gave me a belittling look, sighed and said; "conspiracy theorists.. Hah!" as he walked away and looked at me like I was crazy while I gave him the same look..

It's funny how people read the news online and believe it but if they don't recognize the source of the information it is all lies.
Shouldn't that make every interview ever made a hoax because they don't know the source personally?

Over here in Sweden, people just swallow news like it's the ten commandments.

One should always be critical about information. Especially in these online days but I love the Internet. I have learned more online than I ever did in school.
edit on 7-4-2013 by ABeing because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-4-2013 by ABeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 06:25 AM

I have learned more online than I ever did in school.

I grew up in 1930's and went through WW2 without ever knowing the truth.
Since the mid nineties I had the privilege to finally learn the truth about many things (not only about WW2) online,... after all these years of lies.
Internet is a marvellous invention.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

You keep saying you're doing research, but where are you doing the research? It might not be reliable, research is worthless if it's not reliable or backed up with proof and/or evidence. If your research is any good then you should be able to provide satisfactory sources on the subject and avoid the problem.

I'm not saying this is you, but time and time again I see people convinced that they are better informed on a subject and everyone else is ignorant because they read something on a site like natural news. This is encouraged around here though, because a lot of the ATS users are looking for a conspiracy theory to be true rather than taking an unbiased and logical look at the evidence, which just enforces their beliefs. So your position is very common around here. It seems people will convince themselves something is true if it goes against the consensus or involves some government plot.
edit on 7-4-2013 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Whenever you think outside the box you're always ridiculed. I learned a long time ago, not to worry about what people think about your ideas. People will believe what they want to until they learn the hard way.

I've done a lot of research on UFO cases since a particular incident sparked my interest a while back. I get flack from my wife and kids about how much time I spend reading on the subject. I don't take every incident I read as legitimate cases, but after you've compared case studies for a long time and read credible reports from witnesses, you get a nose for what's a possible real incident as compared to hoaxes.

I think the majority of people on this site are open-minded and are searching for the real truth in all aspects of society. There have been famous inventors, astrologers and researchers who have been ridiculed in the past for their out of the box thinking and theories which later have been proven true. Don't worry about it, you're in good company.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 07:47 AM
Just before the GFC I strongly suggested to my sister that she take her money out of the share market and put it in the bank for a few months. Her financial adviser of course poo pooed the idea so she went with the advice of the hasbeen drip under pressure. Two days later she had lost half of her savings.

Of course it is all my fault now.

Just think, if she had taken my advice, she would have been able to re-enter the market at the low point. But she is just too thick to listen. She doesn't talk to me now.

You just can't help some people.


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