posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 05:26 AM
Hello. I'm Malchir. I will be posting a few secret things on here in the future. I've recently come upon some information concerning the true nature
of UFOs, Crop Circles and more. They aren't what you think they are. A UFO isn't simply a U.F.O., the truly paranormal ones are something else. As
for Crop Circles, they are not innocent designs, they serve a menacing purpose. I'll post about them in the future in as great detail as possible.
Until then I will introduce myself as a seeker of truth, a defender of truth, a speaker of truth, a writer of truth. Truth means so much to me that I
would do almost anything to protect it, fight for it, and spread it. Even if the truth proves a previous opinion of my very own to be false, I will
gladly reject any falsehood, any lie, and deception, any half-truth for the full truth, even if it makes me look bad or crazy. The truth isn't about
making yourself look good, it's about caring for the future of others enough to do something about it. Perhaps someone out there becomes obsessed
with UFOs or Crop Circles, falls down the path of deception, do you know how many answers are wrong concerning these subjects? Only a few answers are
right, and these true answers are being suppressed. Hopefully a few will listen, in this world the truth is easily rejected, I don't care how ugly,
how hideous, how taboo, how cliche, how strange, how unpopular the truth is or looks, I accept it, sometimes I immediately accept it, sometimes I am
very skeptical and take years before I accept it only after years of study. I am watching and seeing the truth rejected on a daily basis by millions,
the truth is dismissed as a fairy tale, meanwhile those who claim to live in the real world are the ones living in the fairy tale.