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The Superintelligent Synchronistic Living Loving, Light Fantastic.

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posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:37 PM
Now to try to live up to the title! lol

Um.. I have come to the conclusion that life the universe reality and everything, is generally friendly and well supportive of our deepest innermost desire for what is best and that indeed those who hunger and thirst after God not as a conception, but in terms of a relationship or what Carl Jung called a working theological framework by which to enter the fray with one's entire being. Reintegrated, and individuated or self-realized - find God or enter into a relationship with God at some level (in many cases or in most whether the person realizes it or not that's the funny part looking back on one's life from a different perspective).

Life is forever fresh and new, presenting itself as a type of living water of life, and it's the same "water" in terms of the Akashic Field or the Zero Point Field within which we are already floating, fully informed in other words, with the past not shunned but faced and integrated in the domain of absolute love which is also absolute forgiveness and, on the other side of the tears of sorrow and regret, resides the very opportunity to live and lead a whole new way of life with a whole new outlook or paradigm as the lens through which we have, and hopefully get to ENJOY, the experience of having an experience.

But we don't. No, as if fearful of the very thing, the very essence which was otherwise more than willing to bouy us up and even send us a life raft of salvation as needed, we turn away into something rather less enjoyable let us say (which is yes absurd).

But that domain, as the truth and the life and the reality, and loving friendly framework of support, and encouragement, trust and love, is still there and never left no it was US who walked away both from God and from our hopes and dreams and left ourselves in some cases shattered on the shoals of near or impending destruction.

So washed up on that rock, our ego and absurdity dashed all to pieces in a joke that never ends, we are left with the singular question of - what do I do NOW?

Only that which is creative and formative, or fruitful flourishes and grows, but when we are in alignment as our ongoing present moment hope, joy, and love - and allow or permit ourselves to dream once again a new dream for our lives, in faith but also with passion, suddenly, as if our of nowhere flies all the aid and resources we would ever need and could ever need to eventually complete a circle of joy because, BECAUSE is it that which, although our deepest hearts desire is also God's desire. What is that? It is simply the desire, that we be happy. Think about that for a while, as the true nature of life itself with us already included (thank God there's still time!)

How absurd we were.

So here's the thing and where the title of the thread becomes meaningful or significant.

When we turn and look for the gateway, there it is, and we actually find our way as if straight out of a self-imprisoned jail cell of our own making for no reason that makes any sense whatsoever, and, if that weren't enough, that we were completely unaware that we had even placed ourselves in to begin with. (it was in our blindspot)

Holding our desire, our deepest desire, hope and dream in our heart of hearts once again, and having the opportunity to pursue it in any shape or form - the corresponding "thing" which fundamentally meets the need, both for what's in the sake of one's own AND the others' best interests beginning with the end in mind (ie: with the heart set first on the kingdom of God or of "heaven" as a first/last cause) - actually has the audacity itself to SHOW UP! (to our GLEE and a HUGE sigh of relief!)

What comes to us then with increasing trust and faith, in the form of aid, resources, ideas, human interaction and circumstance, synchronistically, is fate itself like some sort of infinite, superintelligent, synchronistic intelligent and LOVING (and supportive) framework (with acausal capabilities built in - possibility of "miracles" however big or small).

It's like a freight train with intertia on a mission carrying for us everything we might have wanted and still more which comes RUSHING to our aid, and all sorts of things start to just show up for us, which we were having such a struggle with, before (n the sadness).

There IS a way out, and sadly we were holding the very key to our own imprisonment, in our own hand, all along! It's so very funny and amuzing to see it.

It's like some sort of renewing and regenerating evolutionary principal of creation (and creativity), and that it also brings heaven to earth is an added bonus and probably the reason that it works and I'm not speaking here of "The Secret" where it's just about a dream car born of a selfish narcissistic need, but a whole new experience of life brought about and realized simply because we had the good sense to do a face-palm DOH! and, recognizing the degree to which we were selling ourselves and our lives woefully short - have an epiphany about our life and about what life really is and what it's for.

Could it be life was meant to be lived to the full even to overflowing and enjoyable and creative? It's up to us. We've got to have more courage, yes courage is what we need more of, the courage to really live and allow ourselves to be and to become, happy, creative, playful and free. Children of God nothing more nothing less..

That it also happens to be an intelligent and informative joyful loving light of reason as God inviting us into ever increasing spheres and domains of joy and happiness, creativity AND success (which includes wisdom and knowledge) in whatever endeavor of creativity (and hey don't forget we're always creating moment by moment as a stream of consciousness anyway) almost comes as no surprise, which is very surprising in and of itself (that it all makes perfect rational sense and that it's not crazy, the other way of life and being was). So why not let that one (the one that screwed everything up) just run dry, and turn to the very water of life itself, made freely available (non coercively) to any and all who thirst and let them in turn say to others "come and freely drink the living water!" (because that's all there is, but it's a flow, a creative process, not a "thing").

We are the Bride of Christ, the mystical human being, all working it out each in our own way, but let's not be stupid if the solution is the very condition within which we already find ourselves immersed no matter how infinitely mysterious and utterly inscrutable such a condition may be as our true condition (in the known unknown) while representing the state of mind and heart and being (in absolute acceptance) that we already find ourselves in as our truly natural and native state i.e.: not an imposition in the least because it's who and what we already really and truly are!

An unconditioned or uncaused enlightenment as they call it, and the reason it was "uncaused" is because it's already what was already the truth at the very heart of the matter to begin with. In other words that God isn't something "other" but what we are IN as our true condition.

Such a relationship can be started on any basis and any approach is sufficient to generate a response, no matter how seemingly insignificant - but then..., as we begin to roll into it with increasing trust and faith, the synchronistic intelligence of a friendly and supportive and loving light fantastic starts to make itself known - as we enter into a CO-creative process in partnership WITH God as the The Superintelligent, Synchronistic Living Loving Light Fantastic all-in-all Itself, which neither being a thing is best referred to as a who (believe it or not) of which we are a part and a very intrinsic part at that, standing as it were in time and history near the top of a very long and purposeful evolutionary developmental process.. as intended or in accordance with the will of God as the will to have such a shared mutual experience in the first place (talk about PATIENCE!).

That it works, that small and bigger miracles can (and do) make their presence known is PROOF that it's true, but it has to be put to the test don't just take my work for it - recapture a dream of your heart and start to flow with it and just you see what happens, provided you never take yourself seriously (how can you?) while taking God as the fundamental condition ever more seriously, but even that relationship is playful and friendly because it's also the very creation domain of all freedom and new possibility itself. What an awesome gift then and tool, this co-creative process once embraced.

We let ourselves down, I know I did, but simply my making all the wrong assumptions based on faulty thinking at different level of egoic structure, which when it tumbles is nothing less than the comedic material of all ages looking back in the hindsight of near 20/20 vision. We were nuts! Crazy.

The truth however is every CRAZIER, especially when the synchronicities start popping up all over the place pointing to the way to the realization of a dream and of a life well lives and enjoyed, with courage, and authenticity or charm (don't know truly who we really are only that whoever we are being and the role that we are playing is our own creation).

It's a union, where human being as the crowning glory of creation meets the crowning glory of creation who is Christ and Christ come of age in truth and wisdom and Spirit. It's the wedding! Don't miss it simply because you have other things, other worries and concerns and attachments on your mind.

We can relax, smile and be ourself as we are, and then lo and behold, the creative process like a flower of life is opened up to us, and with a smile we go forth into the Light Fantastic.

..just stream of consciousness ramblings I hope you didn't mind and I hope it makes some sort of sense looking back on what my fingers have typed here while my mind became nicely blank, and I'm willing to risk being the fool, so... [post].

Wishing for you the very best and a happy and fulfilling life.

Thank for reading. Sorry for the run-on sentence structure hope it didn't bother you.

May God Bless You, in particular.


edit on 5-4-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

just stream of consciousness ramblings

Stream of consciousness writings can be very insightful.

I'm willing to risk being the fool, so... [post].

Loved that line!

And my God does that title have some bling on it.. almost so bright it is blinding to my mere mortal eyes.

Thanks for the read OP

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by DeliberatusImmemor

Ah I'm so glad somebody got it who "groks" the humor behind it and it's good natured intention. Thanks for the feedback. And I think you might have just saved me from being the absolute brunt of ridicule, then again something told me I knew what I was doing as my fingers did the walking and the talking.

Had to go back and do some editing so that it reads ok.

Glad you liked it.

Best Regards,


edit on 5-4-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:55 PM
Re: Thread Title...

Supperting Argument and Scientific Info.

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

There are two principal aspects of the argument I'm going to make (when time permits).

The first will argue that the manifest reality at all levels, including consciousness (as a tangled hierarchy), has arisen as a result of an intelligent subtraction from, the absolute formless potential as a first/last cause or as a downward causation emanating from the Godhead aka Creative Agency, whereby the phenomenon of consciousness is not and cannot simply arise as an epiphenomenon of matter, and the second, to "join the circle" will aim to show a manifest example of superintelligent design embedded by anticipation and with intent, into the geometrical relationships and integers of our own earth-moon-sun system/configuration as a precursor to earth's evolutionary development including that of the human being as self aware observer, and even as a marker or a "sign" or signature intended for our own recognition, by the Creative Agency, but done in such a way that it cannot be dismissed either as pure coincidence or nullified as meaningless by the strong anthropic principal.


Part 1) The Fully Informed Eternal Godhead

Part 2) Evidence of Superintelligent Design by Creative Agency in Earth-Moon-Sun Cosmological Configuration/Framework

Edit: For those two links please review all the information on the page linked, thanks.

Also, please review (MUST READ!)
Brilliant Disguise: Light, Matter and the Zero-Point Field, by Bernard Haisch, Astrophysicist.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Very deep thinking, My Friend.

Life is one giant surprise, waiting to be opened. Never think of it as a learning experience.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Holding our desire, our deepest desire, hope and dream in our heart of hearts once again, and having the opportunity to pursue it in any shape or form - the corresponding "thing" which fundamentally meets the need, both for what's in the sake of one's own AND the others' best interests beginning with the end in mind (ie: with the heart set first on the kingdom of God or of "heaven" as a first/last cause) - actually has the audacity itself to SHOW UP! (to our GLEE and a HUGE sigh of relief!)

What comes to us then with increasing trust and faith, in the form of aid, resources, ideas, human interaction and circumstance, synchronistically, is fate itself like some sort of infinite, superintelligent, synchronistic intelligent and LOVING (and supportive) framework (with acausal capabilities built in - possibility of "miracles" however big or small).

Yes. And many will say, well what about all those suffering and third world countries if its as easy as clearing the negativity from our consciosuness, however, that is the programming, from cradle to birth that is creating these negative systems. But we can start to focus on joy and bliss, and abundance, positivity, overcoming our limitations our own blocks and learning the lessons we came to learn, we can envision positive actions like an athlete training, and many more positive solutions to come to us, and to them, so that things can change. Those who able to have even more responsiblity to stop living for self alone and begin to focus on the positivity, freedoms and abundance and love for all, to help others. The more that has been given the greater the responsibility.

Its simple, not as complicated as we make it, for it has to do with reaching for joy and that which brings more love, more peace and helps those around us reach their potentials, develop their skills and be happy.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:10 AM

Such a relationship can be started on any basis and any approach is sufficient to generate a response, no matter how seemingly insignificant - but then..., as we begin to roll into it with increasing trust and faith, the synchronistic intelligence of a friendly and supportive and loving light fantastic starts to make itself known - as we enter into a CO-creative process in partnership WITH God as the The Superintelligent, Synchronistic Living Loving Light Fantastic all-in-all Itself, which neither being a thing is best referred to as a who (believe it or not) of which we are a part and a very intrinsic part at that, standing as it were in time and history near the top of a very long and purposeful evolutionary developmental process.. as intended or in accordance with the will of God as the will to have such a shared mutual experience in the first place (talk about PATIENCE!).

That it works, that small and bigger miracles can (and do) make their presence known is PROOF that it's true, but it has to be put to the test don't just take my work for it - recapture a dream of your heart and start to flow with it and just you see what happens, provided you never take yourself seriously (how can you?) while taking God as the fundamental condition ever more seriously, but even that relationship is playful and friendly because it's also the very creation domain of all freedom and new possibility itself. What an awesome gift then and tool, this co-creative process once embraced.

We let ourselves down, I know I did, but simply my making all the wrong assumptions based on faulty thinking at different level of egoic structure, which when it tumbles is nothing less than the comedic material of all ages looking back in the hindsight of near 20/20 vision. We were nuts! Crazy.

I totally agree, we were nuts, are nuts even. Its called free will, we have freedom of mind/consciousness and seem to spiraling in thought to some very depressed places. And others have gained control over this process of instilling programming and keeping our environment hostile and competitive, warring, to keep us from waking up.

Also, its not about selfishness, yearning for the big mercedes, but we're not to play small either, this has been drilled into us for so long, its hard to even imagine success. But unless you can problem solve the blocks to abundance in your life you're not exactly in a position to thrive and help others thrive, so our own goals also do count in this as well. Many of us, with family, will not walk down the path as barefoot profits homeless. So overcoming our blocks to abundance, the programming that we are meant to be poor and humble, with humble heart embrace happiness, the kind of abundance that flows out to others, the kind of happiness that benefits all and changes earth's frequency and undoes the traps.

That is co-creating with Creator, with the will of Goodness and Love above not in opposition like a rebellious child,but flowing Goodness.

This is easily said, its very simple really. But its not really simple to do in this world. But to me this is the work.

And thank you so much for putting this into words better than I can. Really good thread.
edit on 6-4-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thank you for your contribution and kind words.

The funny thing about it is that the evidence is all around us and is our very life itself.

Our training is faulty and is based on a false premise, about ourselves, life and the relationship between the two.

So while the premise is simple, it's not so easy to cast off a lifetime of programming which has us first take life for granted, and then sell ourselves short, even as I mentioned imprisoning ourselves within a very limiting and highly constrained place and holding the very best part of ourself, our inner child, ransom to the lowest bidder (of pathetic ego conditions).

To really get this, and understand it completely is enough to cause a grown man to burst out into tears first of sorrow and regret and then of gratitude in epiphany.

I therefore hereby invite you to cry and to laugh along with me at this realization

so that we can generate the new space of creative possibility that we were meant and intended to live into.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 02:23 PM
I like to think of it in terms of a gateway clearing, where we first must get clear and pass through the gate into the new life and new domain of all new creative possibility, and then become that clearing for others.

That's really the purpose of this thread, so I'm speaking as much to myself as to you dear reader, where I've had a glimpse of the new land and would like to see both of us enter into it, while making the world a better and a happier place for one and all.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 02:56 PM
First things first I think that an inquiry or personal inventory needs to be made in terms of values and the value (or lack of it) that we've assigned to ourselves and our life whereby in really examining our TRUE condition we come to realize that a value of incalculable measure has already been assigned to us by virtue of our inclusion in the entire creative process that is life itself. We then might ask the question in regards to our present life and it's fundamental pursuit - is this worthy of me of who and what I really am?

Then, the question that arises as we start to straighten up and stand tall in the domain of freedom and the unconditioned (and unconditionally loving and supportive) ground of all being and becoming is - what do I do now?

So, at this stage, having gotten clear, and free, we then need to ask ourselves - what do I REALLY want? What honors myself and my life and that of my fellow man and the world I inhabit, and what will really give me a sense of purpose and accomplishment and give meaning and significance and purpose and direction to my life?

So we need a creative project and endeavor of some sort, however big or small is doesn't matter, only the intent involved and the creative process itself to which we may apply our gifts and talents.

At this point some might rather lay blame than take responsibility, fearful both of change and even of the very prospect of joy and happiness in creativity, having become addicted to being unhappy and miserable and doing absolutely nothing. How absurd! What a terrible and tragic thing that is! But it's just a bad habit of thinking which isn't even based in reality to begin with! So to those I would like to remind you that there is hope and there is an escape and a way out (and I don't mean suicide), never forget that.

"Follow your bliss."
~ Joseph Campbell, comparative mythologist and author of "A Hero with a Thousand Faces".

What does this have to do with the thread title?

Re-alignment of purpose.

Once you get re-calibrated with what gives your innermost heart joy, love, bliss, etc, then prepare to see something marvelous begin to unfold even in the most unexpected of ways.

The problem was with us, not life itself, and not with the Superintelligent Synchronistic Living Loving, Light Fantastic who was always there and always more than willing to meet us where we are and help us move into a whole new domain of absolute freedom and all new possibility, reinvigorating us, and recovering our lost inner child who only wanted to play and be happy and joyful and create a new sandcastle or reorganize a set of blocks into a new configuration.

It's so absurd what we went and did to ourselves and allowed to happen...

Let us never forget and not make the same damn mistake again, as we live into the rest of our lives.

God Bless,


edit on 6-4-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Notice how they really celebrate the morning dawn, and then pick up again in the evening as if appropriately mourning and giving thanks for the day?

I'd like to be and become more like a bird in that regard.

As we crawl around in our societal miasma, they flit about well "as free as a bird".

Everyone's deluded.

May we also take wing and fly in the spacious firmament of love and freedom.

God has made you with wings to fly in the spacious firmament of love and freedom. How pitiful would it be then if you were lop off your wings by your own hand and suffer yourselves to crawl like vermin upon the earth?"
~ Kahlil Gibran

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 09:54 PM
This post, from another thread absolutely belongs here in the context of this one, so Mods I beg you not to edit, thanks.

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by arpgme

I think I'm saying that passion is the glee that arises with opportunity, and what you're speaking of is the unconditioned ground of being wherein there is nothing that we are compelled to do, out of which, ironically, an authentic passion arises (to love and play and co-create), but with humor, as the creativity of our present moment being and becoming and creating yet without concern or strong attachment.

I've been to nothing and from nothing springs a deep passionate love, of everything and nothing in particular, so you start looking around for something to DO, as a heartfelt place from which to create out of the domain of limitless possibility and therefore limitless choices.

To fail to choose, and to just be without doing and creating, is a failure in my experience and trust me on this one I've been there done that got the t-shirt when it comes to doing nothing and sacrificing my gifts, talents and passions on the alter of nothing and it's very painful and in the final analysis, self destructive or nihilistic.

Our most fundamental self is a loving and creating self, but you are definitely correct that there needs to be a touchstone of authentic being without a frantic pursuit of desire.

So I guess we're both in agreement really where it may be said that one must "first place your heart on the kingdom of heaven, and store your treasure there where nothing can corrupt or destroy, and all these things will be added unto you."

Desire is then met already, but of course we then still must have the courage, and the audacity, to willingly receive and to deploy our special gifts and talents to the MAX in pursuit of that which truly resonates with our inmost hearts desire or passion. It is the very purpose of life.

FUN - it has to be pursued and there's no getting around it.

WHAT we are creating then is what matters most, and the life that we are living and living into. We should never give up and "turtle" in other words that's all I'm saying, while justifying ourselves that we are making progress in a spiritual evolutionary process - because life is meant to be lived even to the full and to overflowing, and that's a life of passion and a passion for living. If we lose that then there goes the whole ballgame you see.

So I ask for the courage to exercise my true passion or my innermost hearts desire, which is to be most helpful and to love and be loved and love some more, and help out if I can. And when I'm really in alignment with that I experience joy even if my present moment outward circumstance, does not match my dreams. So it's a love that goes beyond all sorrow, and makes it safely to the other side! Jesus was passionate.. and in him the spirit tells me to keep on going and have some triumphs after all this struggle and time of difficulty. That's funny you see. Really funny.

It's the humor of creativity as the knowledge of true understanding.

It's an ecstatic enjoyment and passion, but it's not attached to a particular outcome, but if it were, what creative power is there?

Best Regards,


posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 10:33 PM
Your threads are always intellegent and I am unable mostly to enunciate the complete lack of humour I have found myself without currently, and let's not even speculate over the lack of creativity, in thought or action, it is shocking and limited to leather bracelets and playing with titanium computer cable, to make flowers

Read this earlier today, I like it.

Love discerned immortal first by the yearning of eager heart,
proved immortal only by wearisome journey of thought
through the dark and lonely regions of soul experience.

from Promethius Unbound.

and then this from George William Russell

My kinsmen are they, beauty, wisdom, love;
But without me are none may dare to climb
To the Ancestral Light that glows above
Its mirrored lights in Time.
King have I been and foe in ages past.
None may escape me. I am foe until
There shall be for the spirit forged at last
The high unshakable will.
Fear, I will rend you. Love, I make you strong.
Wed with my might the beautiful and wise.
We shall go forth at last, a Titan throng,
To storm His Paradise.

All there is beautiful words, ramblings and titanium flowers, I hope mine fit and have not hindered your thread.

Thanks for listening.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

Titanium flowers, that's good!

They can never EVER wither away. lol!

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 12:10 AM
For some reason I was inspired to post this song here, even though it kind of breaks my heart and makes me cry and then laugh out loud.

Of course I realize all this isn't very "manly" of me, but I don't care.

edit on 7-4-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

God has made you with wings to fly in the spacious firmament of love and freedom. How pitiful would it be then if you were lop off your wings by your own hand and suffer yourselves to crawl like vermin upon the earth?"
~ Kahlil Gibran

It should actually have read "God has made your SPIRIT with wings to fly..." but it was too late to edit it. And it's true that the domain of the spirit is, like the wind that blows where it will and while you cannot see it you know it's there - radically free.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 01:59 AM
I suppose I didn't need to clarify that because everyone knows that the human being doesn't have actual wings.

Moving on...

It blows like the wind though through the divided middle and the pair of opposites, the love of God does, and it's said that his thoughts are towards us more numerous than the stars of the heavens, and wouldn't that be funny if we're known better even than we know ourselves in the domain of the known unknown wherein all self knowledge becomes at least possible. But new thoughts, God's thoughts, based on what is valued most highly, including last but not least our own mutual best interests, so it's what's actually reasonable when everything that's absurd (who we took ourselves to be previously without awareness or understanding) is surfaced in the light of absolute acceptance and self-forgiveness ie: when all is said and done.

New thoughts towards ourselves... which begins with the fundamental premise based on the sheer fact or our existence that our value as intrinsic to the heart of the entire creative evolutionary process that is life, is of incalculable value. We are inscrutable, unfathomable, mysterious! Deeply so.

We don't even know precisely or particularly who and what we really are as spiritual beings and by that I'm not just referring to the human being as a meat bag, or an "it" or a thing and neither am I referring to the whole framework of the entire cosmological evolutionary process, at all levels, as a "thing" but a process, even a super-intelligent process (with creative intent from the very beginning, because of love and the desire to share a shared mutual experience of life living life to the full) just like we are as a part of that meaningful and significant occurrence called life if only because it's actually happening and we're part of it - even part of it's plan and purpose in some unfathomable way or we wouldn't be here otherwise to begin with.

Nevertheless we are free to self determine and discover, what a wonder and a blessing.

But what are we to make of such a predicament?

I can handle it! I'll accept the free gift of life and give thanks and share the glory, as best as I am able. Looks like a good deal to me, and better than nothing at all as far as I can see.

Our own awe and wonderment, when looking either without or within, even in the midst of an inscrutable and unfathomably mysterious condition of unknown proportions and dimensions - that vibe, from the heart of the thing itself being contemplated and observed observing being observed as the unconditioned condition - it's friendly, mutually supportive and inviting, and although at first it might seem "scary" to step into a completely unknown and unknowable absolute uncertainty, lo and behold even if you might, of your own self and ideas and opinions about everything (domain of ignorance), stumble and fall, which you will and do all the time (if you're anything like me) - there is nevertheless a great net of love and light waiting there (humorously) to catch us and reassure us that it's there in loving supportiveness and encouragement and was actually there all along.

To find "the net" you have to be willing to let go and be caught up by it's love, however, which once known forms a wholly reasonable and logical basis for true life and real living and actual enjoyment and fun. Who would have thought we could be, as we are, acceptable to a loving God but there it is. God meets us where we are at and knows all of our sorrows all of our sins and all of our deepest darkest secrets and, last but not least, all of our hopes and dreams and no real and authentic approach (in spirit and truth) remains completely unmet by a lack of response that's just not true.

Our deepest desires, passions hopes dreams regrets everything - take it all to God's listening "ear" and "heart" and watch what happens. Watch what happens when you start to trust and have more faith in what is quite obviously (looking around at the universe) rather extraordinary and extremely powerful as a creative process in it's own right for bringing everything about to begin with but in such a way that everything is shared with absolutely nothing withheld i.e.: all or nothing and made therefore freely available to all who but have the courage and the audacity to ask. We don't ask. But we ought to.

And ironically We don't even need "faith" (without knowledge as the knowledge of personal experience) at all just reason to see the truth, so the beginning of real faith (as loving mutual trust in God) is even smaller than a mere mustard seed! The merest inkling of a thought which is finer than a single photon of light is entirely sufficient to at last find the demarcation threshold point beyond which "IT" (the thing) no longer matters making of EVERYTHING, a pleasant surprise, with joyful humor and celebration with God as the love that never dies (forever and ever).

We need to lose the "thingness" of our present paradigm or worldview, imho, and start to feel the spirit again which like the wind that blows freely wherever it will is radically free as we are free, in our own spirit to roam it's spacious domain of bright and fresh new possibility and new life or put simply, life as it is. But it's not "no big deal", because by it's very nature it appears and presents itself as an all-or-nothing proposition, meaning that once we figure out what to do and what we really want, we too should go ALL OUT for it, for that experience and creative possibility we want to realize and LIVE life more fully. And BE happy.

I'll try to do my part from here anyway.

Again, just stream of conscious thoughts and impressions and ideas, nothing more take it as you will.

Best Regards,


edit on 7-4-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

"....isn't very "manly" of me...."

Rubbish! Who describes the boundaries of 'man' except man?! Filtered through heart is never wrong.
Tears or no.

For posting Israel X

Americanist too x ta

It's true, Titanium flowers never wilt ....

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 04:15 AM
Loved it new age just like I love everything you post:-) nice to hear from you again

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