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Despots and Humans

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posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:25 PM
God Created all Men equal.....

So how do we live our lives controlled by Government, Big Companys , Draconion Laws.....

This is not the World of Jesus and God .....

This is the Devils Playground .......

But how do we stop this Madness .....

I don`t know because everyone has to get rid of the Designer Label. the Movie Star is God, the Pop Star should be Idolilrated....

Buy this its the trend
Buy this its GMO freindly MC muck that will definately give you a life destroying illness...

My point if we were all equal .... Equal Pay ... No bosses... No im Cleverer than you ... No I am stronger than you. No I have a bigger Nuclear Bomb than you ....

Escape the mindscape of control and you will find freedom ....

Thats why ....

You are obliged to be a fashionista
You are made to be racist
You are indocrinated to eat junk food
You are allowed to compete in a rat race world
You are programed to despise anyone below your status that the Governement has constructed IE Law enforecement, Lawyers, Politicians, Miltary Ranks, Production Managers and bankers.
Anyone else is a serf ..... So why be programmed and lets all be free ...

I know this is a mind blowing thought .... but its 2000 years old tale straight from the bible....

Live life be free


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