posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 07:19 PM
I have been seeing all the information on the news about n korea.
My personal opinion, would be to keep the embassy there, all staff, everything the way it is.
Move the ships and everything else they moved in place the last few days..send it back where it came from.
Then tell the whole country of n korea, that you do what your going to do....and stop waisting time and energy on them.
Now that would cause them to relax...and thats good, we would all be fine, peace again to the area.
However, I personally think the nut job, would attack someplace, somewhere. Let him, and let that country fight it out with them. If the country thats
attacked wants help, we help them, only if they fund the entire cost of everything associated with it, from military costs and costs back home once
they return, for medical and disabilities that would be paid to the service members...or...we stay out of it, but if he attacks the embassy, or our
country, then we make s korea an island.
I have a feeling that he would try and strike the US. and if he did, that would get people prepping like no tomorrow...imagine having explosions wake
you everyday ..all day.
It is like a storm that is coming and everyone goes to the store to get last minute items right before it hits...
I know it sounds bad, but if something were to hapen in the US, it would be a SHTF in a major way...but that might not be that bad...and my reasoning
behind it... if TSHTF from them, it would be more than likely be on the coast areas...well thats are largest cities, and also our largest amount of it the thief in the night or the big corperations, depending on how you look at things..but hey if east or west coast were hit, it could
be a win win...meaning, it would get people to realize that the US is not untouchable and a great deal of corperations would dissappear and or be
destroyed. It would also make the cities a lot less populated and that is where most of the drain on the economy is, with the freeloaders of the
economy, and it is also where most people would be coming from that would be the problem in a economic SHTF for us...and that is something we are all
thinking might happen soon, due to the debt of the country.
Yes, some of you will say your mean or how can you think like that...well people I am not doing your homework for you, if you don't think that what I
am saying about the people is true, do some homework and you will see, far more people are worried about the inner city dwellers coming out of the
city in a SHTF and bringing the crime with the outer areas of the cities.
Now with the companies that some of you look at, as crooks...well no people there, no work being done, no work, no money, and they go under...if it is
an EMP that happens and sends us all back to the 1800's, well everything would be fried, everyone would be in the same boat, so to who
would really care..then it would go back to family, community and religion that take care of those in it use to be and should always
be....and if you can work and don't ..well you don't survive...either way like I said ..its a win win..but like it or not, something needs to be
done, because the raod we are on is seriously looking like a road that I don't wanna be on.