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What percentage of us actually wants war?

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posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

No you are ignoring my point. Violence/war are basic instinct's for man. You can ignore it or hide it. But say someone attacks your children those instincts will kick in.

Nobody is ever going to lose pre programed instincts. They are yours / ours forever.

Tell you what go get the Lion I refered to earlier, and let me know when you turn him into a Vegan.

Here maybe this will help.


1. An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli: the spawning instinct in salmon; altruistic instincts in social animals.
2. A powerful motivation or impulse.

1. Deeply filled or imbued: words instinct with love.
2. Obsolete Impelled from within.
edit on 5-4-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by 727Sky

Originally posted by freedomSlave

Again sorry to keep butting in

edit on 5-4-2013 by 727Sky because: word change

don't be sorry we are adults having a discussion

I just think modern educated humans need to move beyond this mind set , and we never will with the carry on with the same old as it has always been and always will be .

I just don't understand why people cannot share this world , it doesn't belong to anyone of us but to all of us and everything that lives here . we are capable of some much more if people would learn to have respect and compassion.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by freedomSlave
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

And you missed my point too we are not just animals we are an intelligent species who are capable of thought who are capable of technology . I don't fight , i don't puff out my chest to show my i have testosterone , i don't steal nor beat people try to make them submit .seems rather primitive to me and i do have self restraint .

feeding and protecting ourselves have nothing to do with war

we are not just stupid animals

Oh, you have no idea how much I wish it were true. We advance technologically, but human emotion, greed, and lust for power has not changed in the slightest since man first walked the earth. We really really ARE stupid animals.

Exactly thank you jigger.

Never thought I would say that.

edit on 5-4-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by littled16

I for one don't want war. I think if you ask any mother or grandmother on the planet 99.99% of them would say that they do not want war.

I'm sure they wouldn't (and good for them!) but they've never had to experience a thermo nuclear exchange -assuming that's what we are talking about.

This BBC docu-drama does a good job of explaining the true horror of it - starvation, nuclear winters, radiation sickness, cannibalism and deformed births within years if not months (maybe this time next year).

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by freedomSlave

Originally posted by 727Sky

Originally posted by freedomSlave

Again sorry to keep butting in

edit on 5-4-2013 by 727Sky because: word change

don't be sorry we are adults having a discussion

I just think modern educated humans need to move beyond this mind set , and we never will with the carry on with the same old as it has always been and always will be .

I just don't understand why people cannot share this world , it doesn't belong to anyone of us but to all of us and everything that lives here . we are capable of some much more if people would learn to have respect and compassion.

I can agree with that and thank you for the civilized discourse; the problem seems to be with those throughout history who want more for themselves at the expense of others.
edit on 5-4-2013 by 727Sky because: edit

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by constant_thought

You can put me down for no war. I do believe that we should defend ourselves if seriously under attack.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by freedomSlave

No you are ignoring my point. Violence/war are basic instinct's for man. You can ignore it or hide it. But say someone attacks your children those instincts will kick in.

Nobody is ever going to lose pre programed instincts. They are yours / ours forever.

Tell you what go get the Lion I refered to earlier, and let me know when you turn him into a Vegan.

instinct as a natural part of who we are if we did not have them we probably would not of survived for very long .

but there is a difference between a mother lion hunting it's prey to feed itself and it's offspring , there is a difference between a bear protecting her cub . Than gathering of hundred to go rape and pillage a village or on a crusade to kill and silence people of different beliefs . There is a difference between dropping bombs on a country and beating it into submission because north korea doesn't like your face .

but again with the lion how is that war rocky we all kill and hunt for food it is a necessity . attacking iraq was not a necessity. What was gained from iraq .. nothing it was just a waste of life and money , the wars we fight as of late have no reason except to pump more money into the military complex .

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by freedomSlave

No you are ignoring my point. Violence/war are basic instinct's for man. You can ignore it or hide it. But say someone attacks your children those instincts will kick in.

Nobody is ever going to lose pre programed instincts. They are yours / ours forever.

Tell you what go get the Lion I refered to earlier, and let me know when you turn him into a Vegan.

Here maybe this will help.


1. An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli: the spawning instinct in salmon; altruistic instincts in social animals.
2. A powerful motivation or impulse.

1. Deeply filled or imbued: words instinct with love.
2. Obsolete Impelled from within.
edit on 5-4-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

So then after 9/11 you enlisted to join the army because you are a slave to your instincts of violence and war , of what these supposedly terrorist invaded your territory

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

In stead of changing the subject.

Why don't you just send this next time.

So then after 9/11 you enlisted to join the army because you are a slave to your instincts of violence and war , of what these supposedly terrorist invaded your territory

I repeat............

supposedly terrorist invaded your territory

BTW I knew at some point your true "instincts"
would come out. Try to stay on topic.

edit on 5-4-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Oh, you have no idea how much I wish it were true. We advance technologically, but human emotion, greed, and lust for power has not changed in the slightest since man first walked the earth. We really really ARE stupid animals.

you absolutely right but at what point do we try to better ourselves people obsessed with greed and lust for power is really a small percentage of the would population who we allow to dictate our lives .

greedy on a lust for power in government and business will do what they can get away with and as it stands now not to many people are getting up in their faces about what is going on . so they will carry on unchecked .

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by freedomSlave

In stead of changing the subject.

how did i change the subject


No you are ignoring my point. Violence/war are basic instinct's for man. You can ignore it or hide it. But say someone attacks your children those instincts will kick in. Nobody is ever going to lose pre programed instincts. They are yours / ours forever. Tell you what go get the Lion I refered to earlier, and let me know when you turn him into a Vegan.

is that not what you said , or did you not understand my statement?
edit on 5/4/13 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by freedomSlave

Originally posted by jiggerj

Oh, you have no idea how much I wish it were true. We advance technologically, but human emotion, greed, and lust for power has not changed in the slightest since man first walked the earth. We really really ARE stupid animals.

you absolutely right but at what point do we try to better ourselves people obsessed with greed and lust for power is really a small percentage of the would population who we allow to dictate our lives .

greedy on a lust for power in government and business will do what they can get away with and as it stands now not to many people are getting up in their faces about what is going on . so they will carry on unchecked .

Unless we all agree to take emotion-disabling drugs we will destroy the planet. There has never been a weapon invented that we haven't used. From throwing rocks to shooting arrows, to shooting bullets and bombs, to releasing biological and chemical weapons, there is nothing that so offends man that he will not use it.

Next up, we're going nuclear and no one is going to stop it. I HATE it, but it is what it is.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
Unless we all agree to take emotion-disabling drugs we will destroy the planet. There has never been a weapon invented that we haven't used. From throwing rocks to shooting arrows, to shooting bullets and bombs, to releasing biological and chemical weapons, there is nothing that so offends man that he will not use it.

Next up, we're going nuclear and no one is going to stop it. I HATE it, but it is what it is.

thats what worries me jigger guess i just feel like we are not trying hard enough we are just all preoccupied with all the crap in our own lives no one wants war just our rulers do

edit on 5/4/13 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

First off re-read my last post I edited.

Second lets make this simple. Is the point you are trying to make is that if we all take classes and hold hands. In a few years we can purge ourselfs of instincts?

Or is your point that humans don't have instincts?

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

was on topic and still u dont answer my question about you being a slave to your emotions and instincts of violence and war

First off re-read my last post I edited. Second lets make this simple. Is the point you are trying to make is that if we all take classes and hold hands. In a few years we can purge ourselfs of instincts? Or is your point that humans don't have instincts?

ETA sorry my point is so elusive to you rocky .

ok here punch me in the face i have a choice I can punch you back or i can walk away .

you could try to harm my children and if i could you would not walk out alive .

you can try to steal from me i could cut your hand off or I could call the cops

we have choices we always have choices yes we do have instincts but we also have the ability how we choose to act upon them .

If you think we are at the pinnacle of human existence we will always be at war and fighting because some head of the establishment want to because that is his instinct then i find that rather sad .

How can we live peacefully when we take peoples land and walk over their sovereignty . How can we be peaceful when we have a superiority complex. How can we live in peace if you feel there is no reason to try

edit on 5/4/13 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/4/13 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

That has been my whole point from the very first post, I though you were sharp enough to understand it.

YES we are all slaves to our instincts, they are hard wired into us ( hence the word instinct). You can hide them or deny them , but when the time comes that you need them. They will ALWAYS be there. It's instinct.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:09 PM
I notice the Military Industrial Complex came up. I wonder if everyone has heard what one of the nation's only 5 Star Commanding Generals had to say on the matter? He also happened to be our President for a time. These were the thoughts from Dwight D. Eisenhower as he left the White House for private life.

I believe he was very wise in those words, and our latest generations to carry back to at least the late 60's and 70's ....Very foolish to have ignored them. I wonder if we've come to experience now exactly what he was talking about and trying to warn the United States on while still the sitting President? I really do wonder.....
edit on 5-4-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

don't get me wrong there is reasons for going to war like yeah is north korea lobbs a few nukes your way yeah i get that . I get going to war and ridding the world of hitler .

my beef is the wars with no meaning that just want to bully and be an aggressor.

much of what your country has been involved in in the last 30 years

and with what my country was suckered into in Afghanistan . there was no reason for it we were in no danger it all had to do with economics not for bettering people or saving them from oppressors.

I know a few older people from iraq who don't want to go home their country was destroyed it is worse there than they have ever seen what was once a mostly peaceful lawful place is now actually over run with terrorist . it just breeds more hate in the long run towards the western world and the cycle continues

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty

Oh, you have no idea how much I wish it were true. We advance technologically, but human emotion, greed, and lust for power has not changed in the slightest since man first walked the earth. We really really ARE stupid animals.

Exactly thank you jigger.

Never thought I would say that.

Hey, I'm all about understanding what defines the human animal. If we could just accept what we are, instead of trying to be what we simply can't be (all love all the time, believing some god will fix things when we screw up really bad) then maybe we'd finally be hit in the face with the fact that if we don't do something, we're gonna blow ourselves to smithereens.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by freedomSlave
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

don't get me wrong there is reasons for going to war like yeah is north korea lobbs a few nukes your way yeah i get that . I get going to war and ridding the world of hitler .

my beef is the wars with no meaning that just want to bully and be an aggressor.

much of what your country has been involved in in the last 30 years

and with what my country was suckered into in Afghanistan . there was no reason for it we were in no danger it all had to do with economics not for bettering people or saving them from oppressors.

I know a few older people from iraq who don't want to go home their country was destroyed it is worse there than they have ever seen what was once a mostly peaceful lawful place is now actually over run with terrorist . it just breeds more hate in the long run towards the western world and the cycle continues

Come on man, you just sent me a u2u no hard feelings, my reply was no big deal. Now you have to go into the whole "Your Country Speel"

I ask you at anytime in our debate did I bring any of that up. Other than to ask you to stay on topic. You don't like where the U.S is going. Guess what neither do I.

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