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UFO Empties Water Tank - Rosedale, 1980.

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posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Erno86

Your theory is interesting; but can you expound in a more scientifically correct way.

It is possible that a UFO needs deuterium. But why would you think that it needs to come to Earth to find it?

Do you know that a "vast" amount of water will be needed for any significant amount of deuterium. Maybe UFO can get it from open sea if it has a device to process huge amount of sea water. However somebody please explain to me the usefulness of a tankful of sweet water for any useful purpose.

And then a small UFO supposedly empties a very large water tank almost in a moment; as if by magic. Where does that water go?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:54 AM
they probably need water to
a) Drink,
b) make oxygen
c) make hydrogen
d) extract heavy water HDO and D2O

c and d can both be used for fusion,
and I would have thought having oxygen might be useful to them too, even if they don't breath it.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Dr X

Nuclear fusion may be a power source, but likely for a very large craft. Nuclear fusion is very hard to achieve and it requires very bulky hardware (can refer to fusion reactor being built by France).

It is unlikely to be happening in 30ft (very small) craft.

We have to first understand and accept the basic principles - the first being that the same elements are found everywhere (at least our part of the galaxy from where we expect to see a visitor). If the physics is same; an alien ship will face similar complexities as our own ships.

If we say that alien elements and Physics is different, then I think we have no basis for any discussion as we simply do not know what we are talking about.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:16 AM
I really think for us to try say with any sort of certainty what alien space travel technology is like is very much like watching a Neanderthal caveman with a lit torch trying to explain to you from a cave painting how a modern nuclear fission reactor works. -I’m sorry if I'm having a hard time taking it seriously….

Let me explain.

Our mankind's space travel experience is limited to 52 years of manned space flight. As a matter of fact, as a race we probably only have 100+ years of powered flight of any kind under out belt on Earth anyway. Look at how far we've come in 50-100 years, and yet realize the furthest distance from Earth we've ever sent a human is the moon, and the distance from the Earth to the Moon is only 0.0000000406 light years away (that's not a typo, those zeros are correct). Yet, we are fairly sure that we can figure out what propels a alien craft light years through space based on OUR science and technical experience?

Let me say it another way, if you believe that aliens have visited Earth in the past (I don't, but stick with me), the pyramids were made in about 3200 BC. So if aliens had already visited earth back in 3200 BC, that means 1) they had space travel pretty well in hand when they first visited Earth and 2) they have only had say, 5213 years to today’s date to further improve their space travel technology since that 3200 BC visit.

But perhaps some of you are right, our 52 years of manned spaceflight has given us unparallel insight into what types of propulsion and fuel sources alien spacecraft might be using that aliens have already developed and continually improved upon over a period of 5,000+ years that are used for travel across many light years. Makes sense right?

And if us seasoned space traveling Earthmen and women can pack enough water for our trips in space to never run out in space over our 52 year space history, I'm pretty sure an alien civilization that has a few extra 1,000's of years of space travel (over distances involving light years!) would have figured out how to make, store and produce water, deuterium, Element 115 or even Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos in the depths of deep space without having to make a pit stop at some technologically backward planet like Earth so they can get additional water from a farmer's tank.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by GargIndia
reply to post by Dr X

Nuclear fusion may be a power source, but likely for a very large craft. Nuclear fusion is very hard to achieve and it requires very bulky hardware (can refer to fusion reactor being built by France).

It is unlikely to be happening in 30ft (very small) craft.

We have to first understand and accept the basic principles - the first being that the same elements are found everywhere (at least our part of the galaxy from where we expect to see a visitor). If the physics is same; an alien ship will face similar complexities as our own ships.

If we say that alien elements and Physics is different, then I think we have no basis for any discussion as we simply do not know what we are talking about.

"One gallon of seawater has the energy content of 300 gallons of gasoline."

A deuterium fusion reaction could conceivably be easily achievable by a 30' diameter saucer craft, if it has two outboard magnetic shields --- with either shield compressing a deuterium atom against the other with extreme pressure --- till the fusion reaction occurs.

The magnetic shields might possibly be created by the photon engine, which might consist of a gravitic drive that sucks in photons and expells them with tremendous thrust --- increasing speed exponentially squared --- to the speed of light and beyond into the superluminal realm.
edit on 8-4-2013 by Erno86 because: typo

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Erno86

You watch too many science fiction movies.

The simple fact is fusion occurs at very high temperatures and pressures. The reaction creates high energy radiation . A ship has to not only contain the high temperature and pressure but also shield itself from the radiation coming out of the reactor.

I am ready to accept that Alien's technology can be far superior. However that does not mean we just junk the current understanding of Physics.

Our civilization has tried to put a nuclear reactor in an airplane and failed. So I agree putting a nuclear reactor in an airplane or spaceship is very big deal - the advancement factor of aliens. However if you say that fusion is happening at room temperature, creates vast amount of energy, and creates no harmful radiation - I would say sorry, you have no understanding of science.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by GargIndia
reply to post by Erno86

You watch too many science fiction movies.

The simple fact is fusion occurs at very high temperatures and pressures. The reaction creates high energy radiation . A ship has to not only contain the high temperature and pressure but also shield itself from the radiation coming out of the reactor.

I am ready to accept that Alien's technology can be far superior. However that does not mean we just junk the current understanding of Physics.

Our civilization has tried to put a nuclear reactor in an airplane and failed. So I agree putting a nuclear reactor in an airplane or spaceship is very big deal - the advancement factor of aliens. However if you say that fusion is happening at room temperature, creates vast amount of energy, and creates no harmful radiation - I would say sorry, you have no understanding of science.

Please stop assuming that alien technology would be like ... 80 years ahead of us.

If you would travel just 100 years back in time and give the best scientists of that period an iPhone, they wouldn't be able to figure out how it works. It would literally seem like magic to them.

Now imagine a civilization a few thousand years ahead of us. All this mental masturbation over what they might need the water for is a waste of time. And not only is it a waste of time, it is actually misleading in that it give the illusion of "being on to something".

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Xenoglossy

I am not talking about technology, I am talking about science.

It is possible that Aliens are far ahead of us in technology.

That does not mean their elements and properties of those elements are different from ours.

I am sorry if it is a science fiction thread. Then I am on the wrong thread.

If it is about serious plausible information on UFOs, then we can discuss.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

you're already out of date, human scientists have shown fusion can be achieved on a small scale:

Who knows what alien technology can achieve. Certainly more than you think it can.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by GargIndia
reply to post by Xenoglossy

I am not talking about technology, I am talking about science.

It is possible that Aliens are far ahead of us in technology.

That does not mean their elements and properties of those elements are different from ours.

Read this.

Then come back and explain how you intend to separate science from technology. Highly advanced technology always seems to break the laws of nature (to the person who doesn't understand how this technology works).

A #ing magnet will break the laws of nature in your eyes if you have never seen such a thing and never heard about it.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by PLAYERONE01

some Australian cases of alien water thievery!

PLAYERONE01, thanks for posting about the Gosford incident mate -fascinating U.F.O. case and I don't think all those separately located townsfolk are making it up -according to Sergeant Bob Wenning of the local police all the callers to his office were 'genuinely frightened' and it's said that police officers were dispatched on over 35 calls that night -if you've not seen it then Lowneck has also made a good thread about the case here.

Originally posted by Jaellma

The following case is interesting.

I was 15 and on my August holidays from school and travelling with my father and 2 other men on a surveying trip to the interior of Guyana. We were in the New River / Courentyne River area across from Suriname. At dawn we were awake by the noise of all sorts of animals causing a commotion by the river. We rushed from the bushes to the river and saw a large silver saucer hovering over the middle of the river. It appeared to be drawing up water in [an] upside down funnel shape into [an] iris-shaped opening in the underside. We watched it for about 10 min. then suddenly the water spout fell back down and the craft shot straight up until it disappeared.

I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, anywhere in the interior of Guyana or along the New River area near Suriname is extremely remote rainforest area.

UFO sucking up water

Hey Jaellma appreciate the addition my friend and that's one very freaky UFO account -it's not a 'water tube' report but there's also an 'inverted funnel' aspect to this case from Leba, Poland ten years earlier and hope to add your Guyana report to the UFO water collection thread.

Originally posted by dragnik
reply to post by karl 12

Is that photo the real coverage, or artistic impression on? UFO over watertank?

Dragnik, thanks for the post and the image of the UFO over the water tank is just an artistic impression.


posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by AckAckAttack34

First, let me get this straight?

Aliens can travel thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions of light years to visit earth in crafts that are way beyond our own current technological understand, and yet, the aliens would not have advanced enough with a basic understanding of chemistry to learn how to mix hydrogen and oxygen to make their own H2O?!?!?!..

Maybe that's the problem with assuming anything, we just don't know anything.

There's been plenty of extremely strange and unexplained UFO cases over the years and there's plenty of reasons to take the subject seriously from credible government documentary evidence, radar confirmation evidence, electromagnetic interference evidence and ground trace evidence, right through to credible circumstantial evidence in the form of sworn eyewitness testimony from 1000's of credible individuals.

There's also lots of theories about origin (ET/ED/CT etc..) and until we actually know anything it seems a little redundant to me for folks to use speculation about something we know nothing about as an excuse for not taking the subject seriously or dismissing witness testimony out of hand (however outlandish or unusual it sounds) -I suppose it could also be argued that that approach is scientifically irresponsible and the exact opposite of true, open minded skepticism.

Obviously U.F.O. means exactly that and, whilst I do realize there'll always be alien connotations, I thought Bluebook's scientist Dr Hynek made a relevant point below about 'a horse in a bathtub' - I guess all a person can do is look at the raw data and at least in the Rosedale case there does appear to be some continuity with other global reports.

Horse in a bathtub:

In considering extra-terrestrial intelligence, said Dr. Hynek, we may be putting the cart before the horse. As a humorous example, he added:

"'Speaking of horses, suppose someone comes here and tells us... there is a report of a horse in the bath tub. I think it would be rather pointless to then ask, what is the color of the horse, what does he eat, how could he have gotten there, who who installed the bath tub? The question is, is there a horse in the bath tub?


posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Dr X

OK your link says:-

"But is this really feasible? Slough and his colleagues at MSNW think so. They have demonstrated successful lab tests of all portions of the process. Now, the key will be combining each isolated test into a final experiment that produces fusion using this technology, Slough said.

You are suggesting that it has already been built; when the builder says they are only experimenting.

"Scientists" are people too, they inflate their findings to secure funding or raise interest of people.

Wake me up when this device is successfully built.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Xenoglossy

Your quoted website is a totally non-scientific conjectural site.

This is the problem with UFO believers; they see UFO as some sort of super-natural phenomenon.

A ship is a ship whether constructed on Earth or some other planet, bound by the same natural laws.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by karl 12

I firmly believe in alien worlds.

I firmly believe many aliens have better technology that Earth dwellers.

I do not believe their technology breaks rules of "our" Physics.

All I am saying that majority of reported cases that appear on the Internet do not seem plausible.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

I do not believe their technology breaks rules of "our" Physics.

our physics is incomplete though. Surely you must realise that?
The technology to travel near to or even faster than the speed of light surely indicates we are missing something fundamental.
The universe is old, they are probably old and had longer than us to answer all the questions.

Look at the progress in human understanding in 300 years, what would that be like in 300,000 years?

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by GargIndia
reply to post by Erno86

You watch too many science fiction movies.

The simple fact is fusion occurs at very high temperatures and pressures. The reaction creates high energy radiation . A ship has to not only contain the high temperature and pressure but also shield itself from the radiation coming out of the reactor.

I am ready to accept that Alien's technology can be far superior. However that does not mean we just junk the current understanding of Physics.

Our civilization has tried to put a nuclear reactor in an airplane and failed. So I agree putting a nuclear reactor in an airplane or spaceship is very big deal - the advancement factor of aliens. However if you say that fusion is happening at room temperature, creates vast amount of energy, and creates no harmful radiation - I would say sorry, you have no understanding of science.

"You watch too many science fiction movies."

I laughed out loud in in the library, when I read your statement. To the contrary...maybe I've had too many actual alien starship sighting's to keep a lid on what I've actually seen!!!

The starship's two outer magnetic shields holding the plasma: should concievably " have an associated vaccum system" between the inner magnetic shield and the starship, "maintaining the vaccuum boundary and absorbing the thermal radiation coming from the plasma."

Since the hull of the starship, that faces the magnetic shield that holds the plasma, "does not have to withstand large mechanical loads," due to anti-gravity, "so neutron damage is much less of an issue."

"The two outboard magnetic shields of the starship, could possibly "trap the heat within the inertial core, causing a variety of effects that improves fusion rates."

The hull of the starship might be composed of vanadum, "that does not easily become radioactive; which includes carbon fiber."

"Plasmas are electrically conducting by running a current through the plasma, a magnetic field will be generated around the plasma --- which is solved by inducing the current in plasma by induction from an external magnet, which will also produce the external field against which the internal field acts."

Quotes: Fusion, Wikipedia

edit on 10-4-2013 by Erno86 because: spelling

edit on 10-4-2013 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 05:06 AM
I see your a member of ALIEN-UFOS!.COM as well...... I was just reading this exact same thread duplicated there by you as well..
sorry, not nit picking or blowing you up or anything, just had to check on your name as sometimes people come here and copy threads and then post them on other forums and try to pass it off as their own work!! sad but true mate...

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Dr X

There is a lot of speculation about "faster than light" ships. I hope it is true.

The means to achieve it is through some "anti-gravity" device. As there is no other explainable means (not possible by a fusion engine even).

Yes, I have read about this stuff. I am not sure what to make of it. It is like a cult thing. If you believe in it, you believe in it.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Erno86

Originally posted by GargIndia
reply to post by Erno86

You watch too many science fiction movies.

The simple fact is fusion occurs at very high temperatures and pressures. The reaction creates high energy radiation . A ship has to not only contain the high temperature and pressure but also shield itself from the radiation coming out of the reactor.

I am ready to accept that Alien's technology can be far superior. However that does not mean we just junk the current understanding of Physics.

Our civilization has tried to put a nuclear reactor in an airplane and failed. So I agree putting a nuclear reactor in an airplane or spaceship is very big deal - the advancement factor of aliens. However if you say that fusion is happening at room temperature, creates vast amount of energy, and creates no harmful radiation - I would say sorry, you have no understanding of science.

"You watch too many science fiction movies."

I laughed out loud in in the library, when I read your statement. To the contrary...maybe I've had too many actual alien starship sighting's to keep a lid on what I've actually seen!!!

The starship's two outer magnetic shields holding the plasma: should concievably " have an associated vaccum system" between the inner magnetic shield and the starship, "maintaining the vaccuum boundary and absorbing the thermal radiation coming from the plasma."

Since the hull of the starship, that faces the magnetic shield that holds the plasma, "does not have to withstand large mechanical loads," due to anti-gravity, "so neutron damage is much less of an issue."

"The two outboard magnetic shields of the starship, could possibly "trap the heat within the inertial core, causing a variety of effects that improves fusion rates."

The hull of the starship might be composed of vanadum, "that does not easily become radioactive; which includes carbon fiber."

"Plasmas are electrically conducting by running a current through the plasma, a magnetic field will be generated around the plasma --- which is solved by inducing the current in plasma by induction from an external magnet, which will also produce the external field against which the internal field acts."

Quotes: Fusion, Wikipedia

edit on 10-4-2013 by Erno86 because: spelling

edit on 10-4-2013 by Erno86 because: added a word

Plasma is something very hot; and hot matter emits a lot of radiation. Of course you know that radiation cannot be contained by vacuum.

This whole UFO-logy rests on a strange concept of anti-gravity. As I said in my previous email, I have not seen any evidence of anti-gravity realized in an experiment. If you know of one, you may quote.

Please read my comments. I asked some questions about this story which nobody has answered.

We are talking about a 30ft saucer shaped craft. Can you calculate the volume of this craft. You can do a simple experiment by using a teacup saucer and checking how much water it holds. Then you multiply that with two and arrive at the ratio of the volume to diameter. This will give you a good idea of the volume of this saucer shaped craft.

Now this craft presumably ate up a huge tank full of water. You can yourself calculate if this craft can presumably store this quantity of water.

I can very well understand the "need" of water but I cannot understand why and how a small ship empties a very large agricultural water tank?

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