Don't just flame me for my title, there is actually some theory behind this argument. Mods, please keep this thread in conspiracy, as the following
content is generally conspiracy related!
The main reason people in America say they need a gun is to defend themselves from the government. Which is fine until you think about the long term
Realise that every single major revolution going back to the French Revolution has been orchestrated by the international banking families.
Examples range from the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution, with plenty of other revolutions around the world taking place in the last couple
of hundred years. Even the American Revolution was orchestrated by the bankers, the people of America thought they were being freed from the control
of the British yet control was simply turning covert, a blue print as it were, for the modern control system of 'democracy'.
One of the main ways of creating a world government is to bring down the current system in order to start a new one. What if the likes of Alex Jones
and Jesse Ventura are simply part of the larger agenda (perhaps even unknowingly) to bring America down, what if the elite are deliberetely exposing
their Zionist tools in order for Americans to eventually revolt? By owning a gun and 'fighting back', would gun owners not be supporting the elite in
their plans to bring down America as we know it?
Just think about what good a gun is going to do if America was ever to experience another 'revolution'. Americans would not be united, they wouldn't
even be going for the true criminals for they are hidden in the shadows and behind the scenes, it would lead to horrendous blood shed that would
change America forever and the true bad guys would still be running the show, even turning up in the aftermath with the new solution as they have done
after every conflict they orchestrate.
By keeping your guns, you are just playing into the hands of the elite. The only way to win this conflict is through non violent measures, a mass non
comply effort to end the financial system as we know it and force change for the better.
Sadly, I don't think Americans see this and I really fear for how it could turn out if an event happens that pushes America over the edge as it were,
be it economic collapse, outbreak of war or a major 'natural' disaster.
The Communist experiment is over, the elite have tweaked with their controls systems with many years of practise, the world is now racing to a major,
major shift, owning a gun is not going to help anyone in the long term, it will just play into the hands of those orchestrating events behind the
edit on 4-4-2013 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)
edit on 4-4-2013 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason