The majority of you know of gravity and the four main forces in general. These forces are the binding forces of all matter that we know of. These
forces, as you all know, include electromagnetism (light), gravity, as well as the strong and weak nuclear forces.
Here is where I have met somewhat of conundrum.
First, electromagnetic particles, photons, have no mass (or at least that we know of), yet they are attracted by gravity. A very strange quandary in
the realm of physics, but this is not the main point of this OP.
The point is to highlight a common theme that involves gravity.
As many of you know, there are common themes, visually, on various scales of the Universe, from smallest to largest. We see atoms with orbitals, a
central nucleus (sun) just like solar systems, just like spiral galaxies. We see the mapping of the brain and the neurons, similar to the mapping of
luminous matter and the subsequent structure throughout the visible Universe.
With this in mind, I got thinking about gravity…
First of all, here is a brief description and the equation for gravity:
Gravitation, or gravity, is the natural phenomenon by which physical bodies appear to attract each other with a force proportional to their
Or for you math folks:
Fg = G[(m1xm2)/(r^2)]
So if this is the case, all masses attract one another by this quantified amount.
I must ask, if the subatomic particles of an atom (the electron, proton, and neutron) have mass, then clearly gravity is what creates the orbital
system, the attraction amongst them, no? Is it not gravity, just on such a small scale that we for whatever reason deem it is as something else
(strong and weak nuclear forces) simply because the effects of gravity, on such small mass systems, may be different than the larger?
Take another example, but on the opposite side of the spectrum, large systems, such as the Milky Way and galactic clusters.
The total amount of gravity and concentration is so great in these larger systems, we find unknown forces known as dark matter, and dark energy. One
of the issues is that objects further out in the discs of these galactic planes don't orbit at slower rates as predicted (although, dealing with so
much mass THROUGHOUT the entire disc, I imagine the stars throughout getting pulled along by one another like a train). This "dark energy" seems
similar to the nuclear strong and weak forces, just on a much larger scale, so could these simply be derivatives of gravity?
We have to consider that just like the AU measurement and all things “Geocentric,” we have a very Earth-centered view point of things. Naturally,
this lends itself to our most concrete understanding of gravity, that being the Earth-Moon, or Earth-Sun systems, so seeing the effects of gravity on
much smaller and much larger systems can seem very different, but perhaps they are not as diversified as we think.
Now, going back to the original description and equation, gravity is only related to mass and distance, but if electromagnetic particles (photons)
interact with mass, there must be something more.
Enter Einstein’s relativity:
The phenomenon of gravitation itself, however, is a byproduct of a more fundamental phenomenon described by general relativity, which suggests
that space-time is curved according to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present.
If this is indeed the case, then it would seem that gravity, on all of these scales (Atomic to galactic), have less to do with mass, per se, and more
to do with a volumetric/density kind of relationship, as these objects of space-time dent the multidimensional plane(s), visualized as if it is
two-dimensional, or at least it would seem.
All of this considered, I believe we live in extremely exciting times, what with the FermiLab and CERN research into the “G” particle, as well as
the hunt for gravitational radiation.
In December 2012, a research team in China announced that it had produced findings which seem to prove that the speed of gravity is equal to the
speed of light. The team's findings were due to be released in a journal in 2013.
If this is true, the implications regarding the relationship with electromagnetism and its importance, immense.
Maybe we really will uncover the fundamentals of these baseline forces that conduct the orchestra of the Universal symphony.