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Is Anonymous meddling in the North Korea standoff?

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posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Silly title. Yes, yes they are.
It would seem that Anonymous is claiming to have hacked some NK servers hosted in China.
And as well they have a claim that they are inside of NK's internet. NK's internet is claimed to be not connected to the internet.
So hacking their private internet while not impossible is a bit unlikely.

With the Korean peninsula one misstep away from a disastrous and bloody war, a branch of the hacktivist collective Anonymous has launched its own battle against North Korea. Over the weekend, Anonymous Korea said that it had taken down several North Korean websites, including Pyongyang's main external propaganda and news site, by hitting them with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The group also claimed to have hacked North Korean government sites, offering the confidential user records of six of the 15,000 accounts it claims to have swiped from, a government site hosted in China.

The "North Korean government is increasingly becoming a threat to peace and freedom," the anonymous Anonymous users write in a statement posted at Pastebin. Then, while noting that the "USA is a threat to world peace too," they list their demands:

As usual Anonymous has made a list of demands. Whether or not NK will take them seriously is anyone's guess.

It will be interesting to see what anonymous can dig up on NK's leader.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:17 PM
Of course, who's to say it isn't a group of CIA or NSA hackers either.....such is the problem with anonymity....

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:28 PM
Sadly, that doesn't mean jack to people who are INSANE
It might be a security advantage, but i don't think they care.

Hope they don't brag about this, either -- it's like telling your friends and family you beat the 5-year old kid that annoys you in mind games.

"Hacktivists", just like real-life self-proclaimed "activists", rarely get anything done -- and if they do, it's REALLY small.


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