posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:55 AM
Now I know some believe, some don't. I have a story though for the people that don't. This morning about 8 am I believe, I was on just
trying to make conversation with someone. Mostly guys were on it looking to talk with a girl for cybering. It really is stupid that people do that
stuff, but whatever, if it makes them happy then go for it.
Anyways, I finally found someone to talk with, things started out good, we asked each others name, we both had the same name, next he asked where i
was from, I said NC, he also said the same. We both started to think it was weird that we found someone in the same state til he said he was from
Raleigh and that is where I am from. Then he asked how old I was and turned out we both were 25. Then it got even more weird, I said that I only lived
here for bout 3 years, cause I originally lived in NY, while he lived here all his life but lived in NY for only a few years. Now you may think "well
its probably just coincidence" Sure seems that way for now, but this is where it got weird. He asked me why I left NY, I told him "its complicated"
he was like "a girl?" he couldn't have been more spot on. Turns out he had problems with a girl as well and we both did the same thing. So thats
when I decided to ask him a question only I would know. I asked him "what video game system did you choose when gameboy color came out?" he told me
that he chose playstation, which was my first choice. So alot of things we had the same and alot of the exact opposite.
You can believe me or you can think I am a complete nut job and it was all mere coincidence, but that experience has changed me, I am not gonna take
my life for granted anymore, cause at any moment something extreme could happen to myself in another universe paralleled to this one. So I will keep
doing what I do but make some changes.