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North Korea Watch 2013-2019

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posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by HomoSapiensSapiens
Syria is just a distraction not one word from them about the Israel attack, why Syria do not want to be nuked, but Palestine would use one, one Israel if they had one Via DPRK or Iran.

see how it comes full circle any thing that happens in the Mideast comes back or DPRK or China, any thing there reflects on Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and or Egypt, west bank, or the Golan Heights . Why ????where are they coming from?? Iran and North Korea, but your not being told that. it is all Iran or old USSR, not North Korea weapons.

Do not be fooled they are linked, as a 2 headed snake is,2 heads one body but then that is all just my view. next you'll be wanting to know whom the body is.

edit on 9-5-2013 by bekod because: line edit

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by bekod

The U.S. has recently amassed its military forces in the Asia-Pacific region as part of its aggression moves against the DPRK.

Or as part of a planned annual exercise that happens every year....

The DPRK's smaller and powerful precision nuclear deterrent is making futile the U.S. and the puppet forces' attempt to ignite a nuclear war against it.

Since when was an air-dropped 10kt bomb "powerful" or "precise"? We wouldn't "ignite" a nuclear war with NK, it'd simply be finished with ONE 50 megaton bomb on the capital to show them what a REAL nuclear weapon is.

With the U.S. becoming evermore undisguised in its frantic attempt to ignite a nuclear war, if the DPRK had not have a powerful nuclear force, a thermonuclear war would have broken out on the Korean Peninsula.

So, if you didn't have nuclear weapons, a nuclear war would have broken out?

The DPRK will never abandon its nuclear force as long as the U.S. persists in its aggression moves and threat of nuclear war against the DPRK.

Who threatened to nuke who again? Check the mirror for the answer NK....

The U.S. and the puppet forces should never dream of making a deal with the DPRK over its building of nuclear force at the DPRK-U.S. or north-south negotiations.

We don't "dream" of making a deal, we "demand" it. We'll see.

Steadfast is the DPRK's stand to glorify it as the best country that any aggressors dare not invade, and achieve the historic desire for national reunification with economic construction and the building of nuclear force as a pair of pillars

You mean pair of "missiles", not pillars. Wrong word. Damn Google translate.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Gazrok
you do a great job of reading between the lines, many stars to you but one will have to do, your one of the reasons i keep posting this stuff. nothing new today but will keep looking and post it as soon as i find it.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 11:52 PM
And as promised here it is and boy oh boy, Un is not disappointing this time form Yonhap news it is a 4-ther to night !!!

N. Korea slams Park's U.S. trip as prelude to war
SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- North Korea on Friday denounced South Korean President Park Geun-hye's first visit to the United States and summit with U.S. President Barack Obama as a prelude to war aimed at escalating conflict with her countrymen. Full story

Survey of Kaesong firms' losses delayed
SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- The government survey of corporate losses by South Korean firms following North Korea's suspension of the joint industrial park in the North is being delayed due to difficulties involving loss assessment, a government official said Friday. Full story

N. Korea could deploy nuclear-armed missiles in 5 years: official
SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- North Korea's defiant pursuit for nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles will move it closer to the deployment of a nuclear-armed missile within five years, a senior Seoul official warned Friday, in what would be the first such assessment on the North's nuclear weapons capability. Full story

N. Korea slams Park's U.S. trip as prelude to war
SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- North Korea on Friday denounced South Korean President Park Geun-hye's first visit to the United States and summit with U.S. President Barack Obama as a prelude to war aimed at escalating conflict with her countrymen. Full story
will deal with DPRK and Their view on Parks trip to US, it's a long read so for you that do not have time to look it up here it is in full just for you linky

2013/05/10 11:43 KST
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(LEAD) N. Korea slams Park's U.S. trip as prelude to war
SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- North Korea on Friday denounced South Korean President Park Geun-hye's first visit to the United States and summit with U.S. President Barack Obama as a prelude to war aimed at escalating conflict with her countrymen.

Park was headed home Friday after wrapping up her five-day trip to the United States. The visit to Washington and her meeting with Obama marked her first overseas tour since taking office in February.

The spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK), responding to a question raised by the Korean Central News Agency, described the working visit by South Korea's chief executive as a "junket" tour that strained tensions on the Korean Peninsula and the surrounding region.

"It is a curtain-raiser to a dangerous war to invade the DPRK," the North's official news wire service said, citing the official. DPRK stands for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the North's official name.

The media outlet monitored in Seoul also said that the CPRK official made clear Park's calls for inter-Korean confidence building is nothing more than a new version of the "nukes, opening and 3,000 dollar" policy pursued by former President Lee Myung-bak. Lee said Seoul will help increase the North's per capita income to US$3,000 only if the country gives up its nuclear weapons program.

"Her 'confidence process' means south Korea cannot tolerate the north's access to nukes and there can be no reward for its provocation and threat and it will be forced to pay a price for its provocation," the CPRK official asserted. He said this translates into "self-recognition" of the fact that her stance on key issues is nothing more than a "policy of confrontation."

Pyongyang has said on numerous occasions that it will never give up its nuclear weapons or its long-range missile capability, and that as long as the United States maintains its nuclear arsenal, it will do the same.

In addition, the news report said Park slandered the DPRK's line that calls for simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of its nuclear force by terming it an "impossible goal" and calling on its leadership to make the right choices.

The official for the committee that handles inter-Korean relations said Pyongyang is patiently watching Seoul and its policymakers.

"The south's policymakers are the ones that need to make the right choices," he countered adding calls by Seoul that Pyongyang should change are unacceptably arrogant.

The latest media report marks the first time Pyongyang specifically blasted the South Korea-U.S. summit that took place a little over two days ago.

Related to the North's latest attacks Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Hyung-suk countered that claims made by the CPRK did not reflect the reality and the country should halt its outdated practice of lashing out at the South.

He pointed out that the North's call that it will only discuss its nuclear capability in the broader realm of global denuclearization efforts overlooked the international community's verdict expressed by the U.N. Security Council's sanctions resolution passed on March 7.

Kim added that Seoul could not accept allegations that President Park's confidence building process as being confrontational because it clearly states that South Korea wants to expand exchange and cooperation that can lead to sustainable peace of the Korean Peninsula.

Private North Korea watchers in Seoul, meanwhile, said that judging by the harsh words used, the North will probably not take steps to ease cross-border tensions that have risen following the communist country's third nuclear test and saber rattling tactics employed over the past few months. Many, however, concurred that Pyongyang will probably not take extreme measures to ratchet up tensions such as firing off missiles or engaging in localized clashes like the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island in late 2010 that left four people dead.

The North threatened to launch nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States, and pulled its 53,000 workers from the Kaesong Industrial Complex that had been the last remaining symbol of South-North rapprochement early last month. All activity at the complex came to a halt with the last South Korean personnel crossing over the demilitarized zone that separates the two country a week ago.
On the other hand, some experts said the CPRK spokesman's comments on exercising patience to see what choices Seoul makes can be a sign that the North has not written off the possibility of improving cross-border relations. This assessment, if true, means the North can be persuaded to come to the negotiating table if Seoul and Washington creates a favorable atmosphere.

"With its main ally China taking steps to penalize the North, the communist country will probably not pursue hard-line measures but see how South Korea and the United States handle the situation," said Chang Yong-seok, a senior researcher at the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University.

[email protected]
the reason i picked this one, is it is listed twice, therefore it must be worth reading. now to see what the horses mouth says, KCNA if your wondering

edit on 10-5-2013 by bekod because: added link, line edit

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 12:07 AM
KCNA is at tonight!! you have got to read this, will edit it so it is not a wall of words

CPRK Spokesman Assails S. Korean Chief Executive's Anti-DPRK Remarks

Korean / English / Chinese / Spanish / Japanese
Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) gave an answer to a question put by KCNA Friday as regards the anti-DPRK remarks made by the chief executive of south Korea during her first visit to her master U.S. after taking office. He said:

The present chief executive of south Korea during her trip kept herself busy holding "summit talks", a "joint press conference" and making an "address at Congress".

Her junket to the U.S. was nothing but a despicable sycophantic trip to please her master, confirm the master-servant relations, tighten the nexus against the DPRK and escalate the confrontation with fellow countrymen.

Her American master praised her to the sky, bringing to light his intention to use her as a head of a shock brigade in carrying out the U.S. Korea policy and Asia strategy for aggression and she for her part tried hard to court the pleasure of her master, fully revealing her confrontation nature.

It was disgusting, indeed, that she and her master spoke volumes about "comprehensive strategic alliance", "blood ties" and "core axis".

She let loose a spate of venomous remarks about "dismantlement of nukes", "provocation" and "reward" while toeing the U.S. hostile policy the DPRK and backing its moves for aggression against the DPRK only to spark off ridicule and disillusion among all people.

She slandered the DPRK's line on simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force, in particular, terming it "impossible goal" and the like. She did not hesitate to let loose a whole string of arrogant outbursts, talking about "change" whenever a chance presented itself.

Great irony is she is vocal that it was the biggest result of her U.S. junket that she advertised "confidence process on the Korean Peninsula" and Chongwadae garnered Washington's support for it.

She is not entitled to talk about "confidence" and the like as she malignantly slandered the social system and hurt the dignity of the DPRK and staged together with the U.S. madcap nuclear war maneuvers against the DPRK.

The south Korean chief executive did not hide that by "confidence process" she meant south Korea cannot tolerate the north's access to nukes, there can be no reward for its provocation and threat and it will be forced to pay a price for its provocation. This means her self-recognition of the fact that what she touted is the policy of confrontation, a new version of "nukes, opening and 3 000 dollars" advocated by traitor Lee Myung Bak.

Her recent U.S. junket was, in a nutshell, a disgusting meeting between the master and his servant aimed to strain the situation on the Korean Peninsula and in the region and a curtain-raiser to a dangerous war to invade the DPRK and carry out the strategy for dominating Asia.

It suggests a lot that the White House boss uttered he fully agreed with the mode of access proposed by her in her policy toward the north and it was very similar to his own.

She seems to calculate that she can maintain power, get protection and realize her ambition for the confrontation of the social systems if she relies on the U.S, but she would be well advised to think twice, not forgetting the lesson taught by her father who met a miserable end for such behavior.
We are following the present authorities in south Korea with patience. -0-
wow did they just threaten her life ???, If that's not an act of war I do not know what is!!!! did not WW1 start in that way???

edit on 10-5-2013 by bekod because: added link, line edit

edit on 10-5-2013 by bekod because: line edit

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 12:18 AM
Hay did I not say this last night?

2013/05/10 10:48 KST
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N. Korea could deploy nuclear-armed missiles in 5 years: official
SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- North Korea's defiant pursuit for nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles will move it closer to the deployment of a nuclear-armed missile within five years, a senior Seoul official warned Friday, in what would be the first such assessment on the North's nuclear weapons capability.

Yun Duk-min, the president of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy affiliated with the foreign ministry, also said that, "The countdown for North Korea's deployment of nuclear-armed missiles has begun after the North's third nuclear test and the successful launch of a long-range missile.
from the link ok so they 5, I said a year form the link

A lot can happen in a year, DPRK by that time could have the nuke missile that could hit the UN in NYC. just a thought.
split the diff 2 and 1/2 years, or they have it and will, use it by then.
edit on 10-5-2013 by bekod because: added link, line edit

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 04:04 AM
Un just might choke on his Kim-Che when he sees this, form

2013/05/10 11:58 KST
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(Yonhap Interview) N. Korea can be put on trial if asked by U.N.: ICC president
By Kim Han-joo
SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- The International Criminal Court (ICC) may intervene with allegedly widespread human rights violations in North Korea if the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) makes a formal request for it to do so, the court's president said Friday.

"It is possible to intervene with North Korea's human rights issues when the UNSC refers the case to the court," Song Sang-hyun, the South Korean-born head of the Hague-based court said in an interview with Yonhap News Agency in Seoul.
lets see you denie it now, you, Kim the Pan head, Jong I like nukes, threat war, Un, AKA Kim Jong Un, Oh let me think... Un will say "Nuke UN for this", and make war talk for the next month.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 01:41 AM
Here is tonight's laugh, from KCNA news

Military Maneuvers for Actual War on Korean Peninsula: News Analyst

Korean / English / Chinese / Spanish / Japanese
Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- A serious state of war still persists on the Korean Peninsula.

No sooner had Key Resolve and Foal Eagle of the U.S. and its south Korean puppet regime ended than they staged combined anti-sub drills in the West Sea of Korea. They are also planning to stage joint naval war exercises in the East Sea of Korea in the wake of those drills.

It was reported that the striking group of super-large nuclear-powered carrier Nimitz made up of Aegis destroyers, missile cruisers, etc. would soon enter Pusan Port.

This is a premeditated military provocation to lead the prevailing state of war caused by Foal Eagle to an actual war.
The extreme tension on the peninsula has never been defused because of the saber-rattling of Washington and Seoul.

They are letting loose rhetoric to create impression that two months-long Key Resolve and Foal Eagle targeted on the DPRK are over, distributing even "information on the end of the drills" but this is nothing but chicanery to cover up their provocative nature.

In May alone, such provocative war drills targeting Pyongyang were daily occurrences.
Washington and Seoul are crying out for taking "a tougher posture" to cope with "provocations" from the north while shifting the blame for the tension caused by their bellicose actions onto the DPRK.

The south Korean puppet forces staged a shelling drill targeted on the area of the north in the West Sea of Korea almost every day but they are insisting that such thing has never happened, accusing the north.

This is the height of impudence.

No matter what hue and cry they may make over "threat" from the north, can they never shirk off the responsibility for the extreme tension on the peninsula.

There is no change in the situation on the peninsula fraught with the danger of a nuclear war.
The DPRK's all-out action, the great sacred war for national reunification, remains unchanged in their main nature, structure and targets.

The army and people of the DPRK now on high alert will surely foil the enemies' adventurous war maneuvers and never miss a chance to win a final victory. -0-
form the link, as if you do not know it edited it, so it was not the wall of words ,and not so hard on the eyes. love how they use words

but this is nothing but chicanery to cover up their provocative nature.
had too look this one in "bold" up: Noun
The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.
Is their knowledge so lacking they can not use a known word?? why not just use "trickery" they do it so well.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 01:41 AM
USS Nimitz arrives in Korea for the Navy drills form the link

2013/05/11 14:21 KST
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U.S. flattop arrives in S. Korea for joint naval drills
BUSAN, May 11 (Yonhap) -- The U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz arrived in South Korea Saturday to participate in joint naval drills as part of routine training, the Combined Forces Command (CFC) said.

The 97,000-ton Nimitz, one of the world's largest warships, made a port call at the southeastern port city of Busan for a three-day stay to participate in joint military drills over the weekend in southern and eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula.
response form Un not what you would think , it is almost to calm of a statement

U.S. Nuclear-powered Carrier Enters Pusan Port

Korean / English / Chinese / Spanish / Japanese
Pyongyang, May 11 (KCNA) -- Nimitz, nuclear-powered carrier of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, Saturday entered Pusan Port, according to south Korean CBS.
It was reported that the carrier would be involved in the north- targeted joint military maneuvers to be staged with the south Korean puppet forces in the East and South Seas of Korea from next week.
The U.S. imperialists keep introducing nuclear war means into south Korea under a scenario to bring a nuclear disaster to this land at any cost, escalating the tension. -0-
The above is: From KCNA bet you were thinking is was giving up , not at all just real patience for I know this is not over yet, the show is just getting started. fell sorry for the person reading from page one, if there is one, pleas post, so i am not the only one, someone might think I'm posting this to my self, come to think of it I am, for I seem to be the only one still posting on this here thread.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 01:49 AM
The list of DPRK axis of evil continues to grow, [read that with extreme sarcasm] got the BUSH thing going on, could be a Hit list as well. from KCNA

Kim Jong Un Sends Reply Messages to Foreign State Leaders

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Korean / English / Chinese / Spanish / Japanese
Pyongyang, May 11 (KCNA) -- The dear respected Kim Jong Un sent messages to heads of state of different countries in reply to their congratulatory messages on the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
They were Thein Sein, president of Myanmar, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, president of Mongolia, Bashar Al-Assad, president of Syria, Asif Ali Zardari, president of Pakistan, Girma Wolde-Giorgis, president of Ethiopia, and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, president of Uganda.
He in the messages wished them successes in their work for prosperity of their countries, expressing conviction that the relations of friendship and cooperation between the DPRK and the relevant countries would grow stronger. -0-
weapons, nukes, drugs, and diamonds , good James Bond script going on to bad its been done.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 01:56 AM
wow this is a shocker only 76,00 South Koreans seek peace and a peace treaty, the rest must be asking for war, or is that what Un wants to think

Stop to Joint Naval Drills Demanded in S. Korea

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Korean / English / Chinese / Spanish / Japanese
Pyongyang, May 11 (KCNA) -- The People's Action for Peace against War in south Korea held a press conference in Seoul Thursday in protest against the U.S. and south Korean warmongers' plan to stage joint naval drills with U.S. nuclear-powered carrier Nimitz involved.
The plan to stage north-targeted naval drills can never be justified as it is little short of the declaration of a war to escalate tension on the Korean Peninsula, the organization held, adding:
The re-escalation of the tension will lead to a dangerous situation now that there is no institutional mechanism to avert military conflicts on the peninsula.
The projected drills should be stopped at once as they will bring misfortune to the people.
The organization will stage diverse actions to achieve lasting peace on the peninsula through the conclusion of a peace treaty.
At the end of the press conference the organization thrust the paper "We urge the conclusion of a peace treaty" signed by more than 76 000 south Koreans to the U.S. embassy in Seoul. -0- Why did i post this , got to have both sides or the coin, other wise its being like, the DPRK only posting one side.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by bekod

lol, it's just that you keep finding the news. it's been rather sparse of late in most media.

keep up the good work of keeping us informed.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by generik
ok i will, thanks for posting, the reasoning I find it, the news... is that I have friends there in the Hot zone front line DNZ and would not want this to become hot , and I am glade you like my post and or side line remarks , keeps it form being boring and dull, and "Entertaining" if nothing else.

edit on 12-5-2013 by bekod because: line edit

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 02:48 AM
Japan still watches with on eye on DPRK form the link

Onodera: N.Korea continues to be monitored

Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera says North Korea's missile threats are continuing and that the ministry needs to closely monitor the North for the medium-to-long term.

He made the remarks at a lecture in Sapporo City, Hokkaido Prefecture, on Saturday.

He said the North set up a missile on a launch pad last year. Neighboring countries were able to calculate the timing of the launch and prepare countermeasures. The North calls the missile a satellite-carrying rocket.

Onodera said that now the situation has changed as North Korea uses mobile launchers onboard vehicles and can launch missiles at any time from any place at any target.

The defense minister said the North is improving its missile's performance.

He said the Japanese government is revising the nation's defense guidelines and trying to increase its missile defense capability in accord with the big change in the security environment.

May 11, 2013 - Updated 13:25 UTC
there a Video as well in the link, Un does like the now you see them now you don't, will Un, will Un not, "launch", thus is the question, if it was "lunch" we all would know the answer would be "yes"

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by bekod

I promise that you are not talking to yourself.
I always come here for my updates because you are able to track down new stories WAY before I even know they exsist, if I can find them at all! Great work!!!

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Martin75

Yo Bekod, I second that!

As you say, it's not over till the chubby one sings. I appreciate your updates. I don't always agree with your comments but it is a good thing you are doing keeping this alive.

We here the rhetoric about NK being obnoxious but you have to ask who is doing the provocation here.

The US and SK having near continuous war games! If this does blow up in their face they will probably try and act all innocent. One side is the Pot and the other is the Kettle, both trying to heat things up.

Something has to give.

China is waiting for something! I wish I knew what!


ETA I try to remember to give you a star when I read this just so you know someone is reading.
edit on 12/5/2013 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by bekod

I'm still reading your updates, just have nothing of value to add.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 10:17 AM
I have found an online copy of The Art of War by Sun Tzu online.

I have been reading through it slowly and have decided my fear of the DPRK is very, very justified.

"Appear stong when you are weak and weak when you are strong."

Two little east coast missiles is laughable, especially when pointed at a country the has 70 nukes as it's main ally. I would call those two missiles an appearance of weakness. I would love to hear other peoples take on this.

Another thought I had is that It could be a bluff, or double bluff, or sideshow, ok so my head hurts when I try to read others minds. I can't get on board with just waiting to see what happens though, I guess I will have to stock up on the paracetamols.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Onami
it was A show of force , A bluff, and an act of provocation, that the SK/ US did not fall for.

Un knows he can not start the hot war and we know we will not start it with the first shot, so it is a stand off!!!; whom will make the move to get it in a hot war? , some first year kid fresh on the line to take a shot? or Un will finely snap and give the order to shoot,If I was to make a bet I would lay 100$ down on Un snapping.

On the same token we US SK are doing our best poking him , like taking a stick and poking the hornet's nest , at some point you will get stung. We end a drill and start a new one??

We are told this was planed last year or the year before , this might be true but with the tensions.... why have them going? this has made me think.... it is time for the show down once and for all, one way or an other, the DPRK and Un have to be taken care of.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:54 PM
tonight's line up an other 4ther from yonhap news


Korea, U.S. start naval exercises involving nuclear-powered flattop
SEOUL, May 13 (Yonhap) -- South Korea and the United States on Monday began two days of joint naval exercises off the east coast involving the nuclear-powered U.S. aircraft carrier. Full story

Nuclear envoys from S. Korea, U.S. to hold talks on N. Korea
SEOUL, May 13 (Yonhap) -- The top nuclear envoys from South Korea and the United States will hold talks in Seoul this week to discuss ways to deal with North Korea following last week's summit talks between their leaders, an official said Monday. Full story

N. Korea replaces hawkish armed forces minister
SEOUL, May 13 (Yonhap) -- North Korea replaced its hard-line armed forces minister with a relatively "young" and unknown field commander, a news report said Monday, in a move that may signal a shift in the country's confrontational policies. Full story

(URGENT) N. Korea's Kaesong region to be registered as UNESCO world heritage 05-13 13:23
have not found updates on Kaesong, but will post them as soon as i find it er see it Un DPRK is Quiet at the moment. nothing else so say.

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