Republicans are cool; they just don't remember how to be. They need to review the principles upon which the party was founded and ditch the antiquated
1950's themed "evangelical conservativism" pitch. Republicans were the original "cool" party- the anti-slavery party! The very essence of
Republicanism is based on individual freedom, coupled with individual rights, and moderated by individual responsibility. Republicans simply need to
take the next two years to launch a MASSIVE PR campaign aimed at giving the party a make-over to remind people of the following:
1) Republicans whole-heartedly support the GLBT community and their inalienable right to marry- the very definition of Republicanism DEMANDS that
individual freedoms that promote every person's inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness should NEVER be infringed upon, so
long as those freedoms do not infringe on anyone else's inalienable rights.
2) The government should never be given the privilege of defining the limits of your inalienable rights. That is, in fact, precisely what we have
allowed to happen in the context of gay marriage, gun control, GMO food production, and a host of other important and era-defining issues. The
government does not "grant" rights- they serve only to define the limitations of our inalienable rights. Any true freedom-seeker, by definition, must
support the Republican philosophy.
3) Republicans embrace and support all faiths, beliefs, religious institutions, and your right to worship freely without fear of persecution. Big
government LOVES to define the scope of when, where or how individuals and groups can pray and worship. As a Republican, if you want to worship or
pray publicly, it is your right to do so and Republicans will support and defend that right, so long as your right does not infringe on someone else's
right to do the same. This right belongs to every person of every faith.
4) Democrats and big government seek only to instill controls and limitations on everyday freedoms. It is a dangerous, collectivist, HIVE mentality
that, if left unchecked, will rob every man, woman and child of their right to freedom, creativity, imagination, desire, and the right to forge a
unique and special existence.
Republicans were cool once, and they can be cool again. With the right PR and marketing, the right campaign, and the right candidate(s), it would not
take long, and would not be terribly difficult, for Republicans to turn the tide and expose the Democratic party for what they are and always have
been: the destroyers of individual will and freedom.
edit on 31-3-2013 by preezy120 because: (no reason given)
edit on
31-3-2013 by preezy120 because: spelling