reply to post by samkent
Ya exactly what is the definition of soul? It was not specified at all, however I know what the op is talking about, and its meaningless, the worst
outcome would be something like that came true. And it would be like running head on against a wall, not a very favorable outcome at all. Besides if
you look at things you will see that not only have people not been with each-other who were of extremes, ie dates, marriages, whatever you want to
call it.
But it has never existed in the entirety of this existence, and ultimately it can not. To put it in other terms, birds of a feather flock together,
the cool kids hang with the cool kids, the nerds with the nerds, moviestars with moviestars and people in the circle and such and they all married or
date within the circles there in, etc etc, and even in that there are smaller classifications everybody puts themselves in, and the same can be said
of every single type of human walking this planet, and that has ever walked, or will be. So the op is right, the question is madness and there can no
more be soulmates then can oil and water be the same thing in the same glass. The thing he purposes does not exist, and never has, the closest to
something like that would just be simple things like you share the same sort of hobbies and interests, but all that to is just a roll of the dice and
transitory, merely something that was there for the moment, and will likely be gone eventually as things progress from moment to moment.
Like everything else its all in there head, and if soulmates actually existed or if humans were actually capable of that it would be a sort of hell,
because none of it is conducive to the world and reality we life in.
To quote the op, when every word you say and everything you do is a contradiction, what is there to be expected? And if she is not the ultimate one?
Will the next one be it? And so ever on, ect, ect, its just logic that goes in circles to satisfy an ego constantly justifying itself and
rejustifying itself, because it needs to quantum lock itself into a solid state and solid realty to function, ie there mind must be set.
Love is real! I know someone right now who I love to death. I know someone else who could possibly take her place. And while my love for the one will
always be true. I suspect she was just a primer for the ultimate one who if I could get close to would tell me everything.
Its all in peoples heads, a bunch of hairless apes running around doing things to justify the things they have done, only to constantly end up
rejustified it over and over again for as long as it takes or till they get to old and tired to constantly keep doing it. It leads to one crazy ass
world...It seems misery really does love company, or else none of us would want company.
And if you put it that way the op is right soulmates do exist, its not a mystical thing, its but a logical conclusion to a bunch of trials and
errors in all facets of the thing we call life. In such case then saying find somebody who has and shares the same morals and ideals or hobbies as you
is saying the same thing as find your soulmate...Because really humans are nothing more but those things loosely strung together and have different
tags attached to them. Birds of a feather flock together, and in all of existence that seems to have been the case, and when one thing changes in
that aspect the whole things must either change with it or fall apart....And that is what we are seeing day in and day out, especially on this
relationship thread.
illusions some in the making...Others in there unmaking...And yet others in there reforming. But ultimately its all still
in there heads.
edit on 9-4-2013 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)