posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by gariac
Drones will be a fact of life and really soon. From there, the initial reaction will be people... citizens, fighting back to defend themselves. They
will become criminals.
We write our thoughts here on this subject and a million others of what lies ahead as our liberties and national identities are dissolved. For those
efforts, we will likely be branded as domestic terrorists, portrayed by the media commanded by the state so that out words and our reasoning will not
be available to the public.
For any kind of one-world government to take hold, there are only two possible routes:
1) Over time, our national and racial and religious and cultural divisions fall and we set aside old hatreds and animosities for a world without
borders. We become humanity as one, by our own choice.
2) Without allowing the melding to occur as designed, naturally, it will be forced upon us and we will find ourselves under a single state tyranny and
a day when there are no shores of freedom to fall back upon. There will be no second choices... no one to offer a land where that single power does
not extend.
Drones are merely one aspect of the coming darkness. The biggest problem is that many will embrace this horrid future because it releases them from
personal responsibility. Oh yes... this new night will promise so much while dragging us all down so deep.