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NATO Cosmic Top Secret- An ATS Exclusive on the NATO Plans for North Korea

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posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Senduko

I agree that the US has bullied some nations but that can change very easily depending on who's in office. It's not America that bullies it's the few that run the country that bullies...China could easily make a deal with the US and as much as people would like to think that China owns us, they don't. We owe them a ton of money but in the same breath we could default on all of it.

You may say China would no longer do business with us? Very unlikely as we buy way too much product from them that would cripple their economy. Keep in mind that China's economy is doing as well as many would hope. They have issues just as all other countries are having issues. Getting cut off from China is just the economic opportunity we need to restart the companies here in the US. You think China wants to pull out their car manufacturing companies from the US? They wont and please don't think China will even attempt to nuke us because just like the banks are to big to fail so is the United States, China, Russia, the UK and France...

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by chrismarco

Who in the world is suggesting that China would nuke the US?? That's insane.

China is dropping the USD. This will completely change US Chinese economic relations, and in fact, is tantamount to an open declaration of war, as per US policy of strong arming countries into trading on our dollar.

With that in mind I just cannot see how the US can continue to count on Chinese support in this North Korean issue.

The battle lines are being drawn, it seems, and the US and China simply aren't on the same side.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 05:57 PM
I believe the Op.
This was the plan.
The question to be asked is do we wait for NK to pull the trigger,or having high confidence do we go first.

One realization is that under any situation in which the United States is in an armed conflict within five years, American territory most likely would be attacked as part of an adversary’s actions, regardless of where the major fighting was focused overseas.

The JCS is saying that we are going to get hit.Any OPlan regarding Korea says that a massive loss of life will occur in Seoul-both US and ROK.

Now,we have NK talking in an aggressive manner.Behavior like that,coupled with what they can do to a US allie(s),makes for a bad nights sleep.

The worst case scenario-NK takes Seoul,kills hundreds of thousands of ROK civilians,thousands of American servicemen. We mobilize but are warned by NK that they will go nuclear against US interests in Japan.
As an American leader,to you take the loss of a few thousand troops and SK or risk more losses in nearby countries?

Or,do you start to think that its best to kill the rabid dog before he bites someone?
I have a strong gut feeling that a first strike option by the USA is beyond the planning stage.

US policy on First Strike is that we will not use nuclear weapons first against a non nuclear country.
NK does not fit that definition.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

if so true, mr large head alien, thenm aren't you releasing information that should not have gone public? Though the move that you describe China can do is expectable. Of course a more open and stable economy such as that of North and South is better economy partner for China.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by NorthBlizzard
I've been here a week and call me wrong but.. Why is it people can post things like this with no real source provided, and the ATS community believes it. But when someone posts something with a link or video source, they discredit them?? I'm in no way calling OP a liar, just something I have noticed here..

didnt you know?...anyone who gets information from a friend in government or high up military is ALWAYS telling the thruth..especcially when they cant tell us who they are or provide any kind of documented evidence.
edit on 30-3-2013 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

dude, there isn't anything on what you just said that's not been heard..that's all Unclassified stuff at most. This isn't no "exclusive".. There is no plans on anything, I think this is pure speculation that anyone can come up with.. I doubt your source has anything at all, if they even exist..Sorry, but I work with the Brits and Americans.

I laugh at you people that claim to get Intel from "high up" people..You do realize that people with Cosmic TS isn't even the highest. I'll shed some light for you that you probably have no clue about, maybe know 1 or 2 levels.












These are high level clearances that I'm sure 99% of people have no clue about, a few you might get to Google to let you in on some info, but the rest is all classified.

So, I will say what your source has informed you is do know they can trace you IP and everything to your exact location and know who your source is withing 10 min. So either your lying, or your source has already been compromised. But what your source has told you is all Unclass stuff, nothing sensitive at all.

Chances is slim for someone to actually leak classified info, you wont see anything from Secret to TS and above.

In High Security Zones there isn't allowed any electronics at all, and they do check before you go in. I'll say this, it is near impossible to leak info. most CD drives and USB are all disabled. And to send something out you'll get caught withing 30 sec of it going out and it will get blocked.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

China's behavior cannot be easily predicted.
NK defeat will cause major unrest in China itself threatening communists there.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 09:28 PM
The irony of the OP having no evidence to back up what they are saying is delightful!

North Korea is pure distraction from the events that are going to see escalation in Syria very soon and most likely Israeli military action against Iran, although Syria will most likely be dealt with first.

Regime change comes first in Syria and Iran before North Korea.

That is in accordance with 'the agenda'.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
It seems to me the use of Nukes by NATO would be a mistake. By using only conventional weapons, they can claim the moral superiority of NATO and spin this action as a global protection.

Agreed. Beside, opening up the nuclear option makes it easier for other to consider using them.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by live2beknown
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin












Matrix is probably the Highest you can get ever and the things in Matrix are like Disneyworld for adults! the best tech is in Matrix!

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 09:55 PM
The problem i have with this scenario it means Lil kim will have to actually do something, the moment he does there will be no lil kim. But in Chinese time and them playing the long game, for the resources in the china sea, after a good regional war..the following armistice might be very handy for China. Another thought is China has raw materials and sells the product back to us....could we convert the raw materials into product as efficiently as the Chinese? they are not producing the substandard stuff they were a decade ago, a lot is well engineered and top of the line for a fraction of the western price.To whine about it now is to late, as we were the ones that alowed our jobs to be exported there.In fact i humbly sugest that we are f$%#@!...and the only way out is to sell them product at a fraction of the price that they make it for. Good luck on that one.It might sound off topic but dont forget, Lil Kim is China's pit bull.Its all about China. I think its to late to even have a war with the Chinese, they contribute to much to the western economy,we would be shooting ourselves in the foot.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by fr33kSh0w2012

COMINT: This is a marking that protects intelligence information derived from foreign communications intercepted by other than the intended recipients. This is also referred to as Special Intelligence (SI).
Abbreviation: SI
Paragraph Marking: (SI)

MATRIX: This is a codeword that shall be used with COMINT material that is Top Secret or Secret. To know the type of intelligence released under MATRIX, you have to be cleared to MATRIX.
Abbreviation: MATRIX
Paragraph Marking: (M)

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 01:25 AM
I do not believe it. It is possible that China has made such an agreement, but they would not stick to it. It is better for China if Korea was united under North Korean rule. That would eliminate bases for US forces. Remember the US was fighting Chinese troops in the Korean war. It's possible that China is secretly behind the latest flare ups. China plans to take Taiwan by force. This is a test case for them. They want to weaken the US military in this region. This sounds like US government propaganda to me.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 01:58 AM
If that is so, not that I doubt your information or anything.
I just think in the end, if this was to happen, it wouldn't solve anything,
peace will not happen, bloodshed will not bring any purpose, nor will it
unify North Korea, they will just bring more famine and hatred.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by live2beknown

I am not going to give any details of my source, I will say that this person does not work in intelligence, kind of more like a consultant of sorts for a interested party who has been directly involved in talks with the Chinese.

Other than that most of your post sounds like you watched too many Bond movies as a kid.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by live2beknown
reply to post by fr33kSh0w2012

COMINT: This is a marking that protects intelligence information derived from foreign communications intercepted by other than the intended recipients. This is also referred to as Special Intelligence (SI).
Abbreviation: SI
Paragraph Marking: (SI)

MATRIX: This is a codeword that shall be used with COMINT material that is Top Secret or Secret. To know the type of intelligence released under MATRIX, you have to be cleared to MATRIX.
Abbreviation: MATRIX
Paragraph Marking: (M)

I see! my father was in the Royal Australian Air Force and they had special tech there!

Light years ahead of anything today, They were using second and fourth verses of children's nursery rhymes as passwords.
edit on 31/3/13 by fr33kSh0w2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

They likely have a plan of attack for most countries.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 10:30 AM
I have been researching the various alliances for some time now, and it appears Russia and China are tied closely and there will be zero cooperation with America. We have a proven socialist in the Whitehouse who was schooled by a communist (some say his real father, Frank Marshall Davis) and he leans towards communist ideals. Obama is a puppet much as other world leaders are and the global economic upheaval is but one prong in a strategy to move the world toward a new system of governance whereby the UN will rule in reality.

So, while there may be a crisis in Korea, there are multiple crisis being created worldwide which follows the system revealed by Yuri Bezmenov in the late 1970's and 80's. He explained that the communist method for taking over was geared towards the least amount of bloodshed possible. Basically it is done in 4 steps and only works in free societies where we are tolerant of other views.

1. Demoralize (takes 15 to 20 years)
2. Destabalize (takes 5 to 10 years)
3. Crisis (takes 6 to 8 weeks)
4. Normalize (they control and kill off their sympathizers before they get disillusioned by reality)

Now, if you look at what has happened, this is done easily across the world. We will go into a crisis phase soon, and in our misery grasp at a false peace which will really be totalitarian control across the world. Nothing happens by accident politically.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

There you go, your fake your source is merely nothing..You think what I said is "bond" movies lmao.. Clearly you know nothing about anything. You just proved it in your reply. And yes, those are actual clearances.

But you wouldn't know anything about it

You got your attention, Cheers kid.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by live2beknown

I am not going to reveal any details about my source, I can honestly say this is what i was told as i have said in the OP with additional details that I am not going to publish.

I was told that the information that my source had was designated as Cosmic Top Secret, if you are saying that there are levels above that even more secret then fair enough it only means that this is of a different classification. My understanding however is that as far as the classification of NATO sensitive material goes Cosmic-A is the highest level, if you have information that there are additional levels above this then please do post a link so I can have a read because I would be very interested in finding out about them.

Now if you don’t believe my account as set out in the OP, then fair enough I have no tangible sources for you to peruse so feel free to take what i have said with a pinch of salt. I would do the same if i were in your position however please stop with the patronising posts like you are the one with all the information.

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