posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by bodrul
If you can remember the topic names you are looking for, try a few search operators:
Type < any> before your search words.
EX: < any> alien ufo bodrul night
That will search thru threads with any of those terms. (I've found that one very useful.)
You can also use the +sign before a word, to make that word a required search item.
Type +bodrul +ufo +night alien visitor paralysis
EX: alien +ufo +bodrul +night visitor paralysis
That will search thru threads that must contain the words ufo, bobrul, and night, with alien visitor and paralysis being secondary terms.
There are many other operators, (feel free to add them) but those are a couple of the ones I use.
edit on 3/29/13 by Druid42 because: reformatted bbcode