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Ken O'Keefe in Tehran - 'Iran is not the threat, we are'

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posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:22 PM
Hi, I would like to share this video, please take the time to watch it and watch it with an open mind. Ken O'Keefe could in many ways be considered an extremist, but when we weigh up all the evidence and what we can research, ask yourself, what is right and what is wrong-

Wouldn't the world be so much easier to accept if we could believe 'We' are the good side, that Iran really is a threat to us, that America really is the country of peace and freedom. But for whatever reason we have been given conscious thought and we are able to question events and history. The internet allows us to verify what is truth and what is propaganda and deception.

Before you dismiss this video by the way, remember Libya-

And yet, millions marched in support of this 'brutal' dictator-

It was only 2011 yet many have completely forgtten what happened and the thousands who died.

Look to Syria now, are we to believe Assad decided that it turned out so well for Libya that he sent out military forces to kill Syrian women and children? After NATO bombed Libya and Gaddafi was shot in the head, Assad decided that he would destroy his countries infrastructure and hospitals?

Here is Netanyahu making his case about Iraq in 2002-

Here he is 10 years later, same lies, just a different country-

Who is on the right side?

It's a question worth asking...

edit on 28-3-2013 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:28 PM
Ahmadinejad yells loudly. America sends the CIA to overthrow elected leaders and, if that doesn't work, we'll just roll in and carpet bomb entire cities.

"For freedom" of course.

Of course we're the threat.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Pfft another thread about innocence of Iran. How many excuses can we make for this Theocracy? Do you really believe that Iran is a peace loving nation? They have their fingers in every affair that happens in the middle east.

I don't make excuses for the US government, why make excuses for Iran? They are both opportunists and have politicians that are the scum of the Earth.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by JDmOKI
reply to post by Wonderer2012

They have their fingers in every affair that happens in the middle east.

The same can be said about the United States. Are we the people responsible for the war mongering and constant meddling in the affairs of other nations? Of course not, and neither are the people of Iran.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

All nations are part of the problem with the agenda's and laws that have been placed on all sheeple. It's not just America and Irag/Iran/Afganistan/Europe/China/Japan/even Switzerland are none to the exception.

If anything your trying to point the finger and say America is the bad guy... Which I don't disagree with to an extent but you other nations are just as bad.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Which I don't disagree with to an extent but you other nations are just as bad.

Well, I don't know of any other country that carries out imperialist conquest of other nations. For decades at a time.

Iran hasn't started a war since......( too far to actually come up with a date)

So, if I'm going by who has been more aggressive and downright militaristic / pushing their own agenda globally..I'd have to put the US as the worse of the bunch.

That's just the good old truth.

As for Iran, well any theocracy is bad and the leadership in Iran are in need of a desperate removing/jailing, but that's not gonna come from us trying to 'export' democracy over there.


posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by FollowTheWhiteRabbit

Seems to me the leaders of this world. The owners simply desire a world that is is populated by their bloodline.
To accomplish this they will have the commoners war. They must entertain these thoughts because it's the only thing that makes sense in the end.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:20 PM
United states is the home of the more or less soulless mercenaries who call everybody else the demon but is the biggest demon around. Any Christian who agree to attacking another country for manipulators gains is not a real christian but a small minded fool and will reap what is sown.

I might not like the dogmatic limitations that might be put on women in Iran, but that do not compare to the greed and suicidal tendencies that the west have against both their fellow man and nature.

From my point of view and it is a guess:
Iran has problems but US is a problem that is a 1000 times bigger than Iran. But if we do nothing for the next 15 years to fix this then there will be no more problem because humanity will be no more (if there is not a divine intervention) since both nature will have collapsed and probably a nuclear war have happened that both russians and US is preparing for with their building of underground shelters. Do not know why but game of thornes quote: Winter is coming seems to fit.
edit on 28-3-2013 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:38 PM

The link is wiki, but you can find the same information on just about any source regarding operation ajax and the CIA sponsored overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran, which was subsequently replaced with the CIA sponsored dictator Pahlavi.

Iran was never, EVER a threat to the US and still isn't to this day. It's time the US pulled their proverbial head out of their azz and started electing politicians that represent the PEOPLE and not industry.

The US has some pennance to pay for Iran. The sabre-rattling going on right now in the WH and Congress is nothing short of absurd. This is the pot calling the kettle black beyond compare.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:53 PM
Great message.. I have to agree with him, our leaders are certainly not respected by the general population and the more I listen to them, the sicker I feel. Pray for the people of Iran because they are going to need them very soon.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

There are plenty of videos which show how beautiful Iran is.. I cannot believe some people would love to see that country turned into a Libya or Syria. Our media only gives us the parts and pieces they want us too see but when we start looking ourselves, we learn to understand that Iran is not this dull black and white country that its made out to be. I will not stand by and watch people run them down whether they agree or not with the Iranian Government, Religious leaders or laws. From what I can see, they are living very happy, a lot happier than most westerners and we need to re-evaluate what we are being told before we see another beautiful country succumb to the Western/Zionist machine.

Just take a look at these people and understand that they are very much like us.. They live very similar to us, they smile like we do and enjoy their freedom like we do. These people are beautiful. Now compare Iran to somewhere like Saudi Arabia or Bahrain and tell me that the Iranian Government are an oppressive dictatorship.. I would love to visit Tehran, Iran. If I had the choice right now, I would head their straight away to see this culture for myself.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 08:04 PM
How very lame, just lame, For the last several years certain leaders of Iran have threatened the end of 'the great satan'",we will wipe them off the face of the earth", "the end of the zionist", threat here, threat there, it is all easy to find, just friggin google it, When you repeat threats and bs enough, you get ears listening, like NK, you raise eyebrows, saying it does not exist does not change the reality of it one micron. The people of Iran are all over the scale, from extreme radical to modern thinkers,just like any other country, I know a few, and they seem fine, but just like anywhere else, the leaders agenda overshadows the possibility of a real and peaceful future for them and this is the modern world. You chuck certain leaders, clerics, presidents, senators, and other scumbags to the curb and open the communication channels, you will have a chance at a real future of peace and prosperity, but this is not just a one sided evil playbook. Blaming one side only reveals your agenda, not a solution.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by teslahowitzer
How very lame, just lame, For the last several years certain leaders of Iran have threatened the end of 'the great satan'",we will wipe them off the face of the earth", "the end of the zionist", threat here, threat there, it is all easy to find, just friggin google it, When you repeat threats and bs enough, you get ears listening, like NK, you raise eyebrows, saying it does not exist does not change the reality of it one micron.

You can back your bs government and Zionists all you like but I hope Iran smash that Satanic movement and literally wipe them from the pages of time for everyones benefit. Does this mean I want Israel removed? No because Zionists are not Jews, they are imposters who will run like cowards after they start a war and leave the Israeli people getting bombs dropped on their heads. F**k Zionism..

The people of Iran are all over the scale, from extreme radical to modern thinkers,just like any other country, I know a few, and they seem fine, but just like anywhere else, the leaders agenda overshadows the possibility of a real and peaceful future for them and this is the modern world.

Why are they extreme radicals? Notice how the radicals are attacking Iran's allies with the funding of Europe, Saudi Arabia and the USA? The only radicals are your leaders. I find it Ironic people like you justify the deaths of a million Iraqi's and then have the cheek to call Iran Extremists. You's got almost a Million of then killed also in the Iraq-Iran war through funding Saddam. Maybe you should do a google search because you are missing a lot of information.

You chuck certain leaders, clerics, presidents, senators, and other scumbags to the curb and open the communication channels, you will have a chance at a real future of peace and prosperity, but this is not just a one sided evil playbook. Blaming one side only reveals your agenda, not a solution.

Check out the oppression under a CIA installed Shah in Iran from 1953-1979. Blaming one side is logical in this case because the only war Iran have been invilved in was the US backed Iraq-Iran war straight after the revolution. Now go disarm all your nukes before you go blaming other countries.
edit on 28-3-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy
Could not find your agenda with a scope..... which branch are you? our nukes are our toys, we will not use them unless we have to, can you say that about your leaders who have vowed to destroy America? many times! I find it interesting that you only read the first part and missed the part of kick the leaders to the curb. We are programmed, and some very well, but the leaders of both sides are the problem, and we are the pawns, typing insults and replies, while they live the good life, pulling strings that fire up the masses. Did you forget about what Iraq did to Kuwait? that was the start of the involvement of many countries that finished of Hussien, he was his own worst enemy, and his removal brought on the vacuum of power that the sects still are killing their neighbors for. As for the CIA, I have no control of government. I will say this, If Iran fires first as is possible of their leader's speaches have made clear, The billions of gallons of crude oil will burn under a fusion thermal reaction from the after effects for a long time. This alone can effect the earth more than any volcanic eruption, and may never be extinguished. In other words, Ancient Persia's oil deposits could be it's demise. I hope for a peaceful outcome to all of this mess, as it could get ugly fast, but I have no want of their destruction, This does not make us weak, But I read you just the opposite.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by teslahowitzer
reply to post by DarknStormy
Could not find your agenda with a scope..... which branch are you? our nukes are our toys, we will not use them unless we have to, can you say that about your leaders who have vowed to destroy America?

Firstly, they are not my leaders... Iran aren't stupid and they know exactly where Israel's tech is coming from so if they mention your country in what you would see as a "Hate America" rant, then your leaders are responsible for that.

many times! I find it interesting that you only read the first part and missed the part of kick the leaders to the curb. We are programmed, and some very well, but the leaders of both sides are the problem, and we are the pawns, typing insults and replies, while they live the good life, pulling strings that fire up the masses.

Of course they are but what gives Israel the right to threaten Iran? Iran do not have nukes, they also say they are against the religion. As for Israel, what about their nukes and their Sampson Option? They have threatened to destroy everyone if they are threatened. They have the world hijacked because they are a terrorist state who couldn't give a crap about anyone.

Did you forget about what Iraq did to Kuwait? that was the start of the involvement of many countries that finished of Hussien, he was his own worst enemy, and his removal brought on the vacuum of power that the sects still are killing their neighbors for.

No I don't forget what Iraq done to Kuwait but once again, who gave him the weapons?

As for the CIA, I have no control of government. I will say this, If Iran fires first as is possible of their leader's speaches have made clear, The billions of gallons of crude oil will burn under a fusion thermal reaction from the after effects for a long time.

Fires the first shot at what? If they wanted war they would have already fired.. They are waiting for Israel and the US to fire so they have a justified reason to retaliate. Iran aren't as stupid as you think..

This alone can effect the earth more than any volcanic eruption, and may never be extinguished. In other words, Ancient Persia's oil deposits could be it's demise. I hope for a peaceful outcome to all of this mess, as it could get ugly fast, but I have no want of their destruction, This does not make us weak, But I read you just the opposite.

It doesn't make you weak and I never suggested that the USA is weak. But you cannot deny that the likes of Israel are pushing for war.. They are the ones who are going to bring the world to its knees.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy
I Still see, as usual, you ONLY mention Israel threats, and Completely ignore ANY threat from the leaders of Iran, we know of many, just google it. hussien uses weapons, but it is America's fault.....Too much BS and target thinking for my time. I will agree to disagree and completely ignore this thread, hope the leaders get a clue of the end result as outcome probability, and may peace and understanding direct you forward. TH out.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by teslahowitzer
reply to post by DarknStormy
I Still see, as usual, you ONLY mention Israel threats, and Completely ignore ANY threat from the leaders of Iran, we know of many, just google it. hussien uses weapons, but it is America's fault.....Too much BS and target thinking for my time. I will agree to disagree and completely ignore this thread, hope the leaders get a clue of the end result as outcome probability, and may peace and understanding direct you forward. TH out.

Why don't you Google Mistranslation and Iran in the same sentence? Type in Military bases surrounding Iran. Type in US funding Rebels in Syria. Type in Bodycount in Iraq after Saddam. Type in the amount of women and children killed by drone strikes. Type in Prescott Bush and NAZI Germany. Type in Palestinian Genocide 1948 (Deir Yassin). Type in Kurdish Genocide during the Iraq-Iran war. Type in how many wars Iran have been in over the last 200 years. Then type in Why Iran hate America and Israel and a few of them should also pop up.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by teslahowitzer
How very lame, just lame, For the last several years certain leaders of Iran have threatened the end of 'the great satan'",we will wipe them off the face of the earth", "the end of the zionist", threat here, threat there, it is all easy to find, just friggin google it, When you repeat threats and bs enough, you get ears listening, like NK, you raise eyebrows, saying it does not exist does not change the reality of it one micron. The people of Iran are all over the scale, from extreme radical to modern thinkers,just like any other country, I know a few, and they seem fine, but just like anywhere else, the leaders agenda overshadows the possibility of a real and peaceful future for them and this is the modern world. You chuck certain leaders, clerics, presidents, senators, and other scumbags to the curb and open the communication channels, you will have a chance at a real future of peace and prosperity, but this is not just a one sided evil playbook. Blaming one side only reveals your agenda, not a solution.

He has never threatened to wipe anyone off the face of the earth that has been proven to be a lie. What he said was like the communist in Russia so will the regimes in Israel and America fade from the pages of history.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by teslahowitzer
reply to post by DarknStormy
I Still see, as usual, you ONLY mention Israel threats, and Completely ignore ANY threat from the leaders of Iran, we know of many, just google it. hussien uses weapons, but it is America's fault.....Too much BS and target thinking for my time. I will agree to disagree and completely ignore this thread, hope the leaders get a clue of the end result as outcome probability, and may peace and understanding direct you forward. TH out.

Have you forgotten that in 1954 we helped to overthrow their government and then installed a puppet dictator.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
Have you forgotten that in 1954 we helped to overthrow their government and then installed a puppet dictator.

Pretty sure I mentioned that earlier on in the thread but it probably wouldn't matter because most people don't take those sorts of actions into account. They just think Iran is the big bad boogeyman whos coming to kill them all.

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