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Cost-Cutting at Wal-Mart Proving To Be A Disaster

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posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Speaking as a person who not once, but twice entered into Wal Mart management ( quit pretty quickly both times ) I can tell you that it's not laziness on the part of their employees ( though they certainly do have some lazy ones - as does any large business ). The problems are their staffing and customer service policies. Wal Mart is a greedy corporation that does everything it can to minimize how much money their hourly employees make. As mentioned above, overtime is impossible. Heck, getting to 40 hours is impossible. To make matters worse their policies treat the employees so badly that even a worker with pride and a strong work ethic gets turned into a shell-shocked zombie within the first few weeks of employment.

You know some may think your exaggerating here but your not. I saw a guy first hand work open to close over 60 strait days for one of these big fast food conglomerates untill he passed out at the front door....hurt himself. They wouldnt let him hire an assistant.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 06:58 AM
Y'know, if a store even seems like it's trying to do right by their folks, then God bless 'em, and I hope they continue to succeed. I love a business that cares about their employees. I'll always pass on a good word for such a place. We have a supermarket chain here in the Midwest called Krogers, and I've done some promotional projects with them over the years. The employees love their jobs and the management in every store I've ever worked with has been flexible and employee-centered. I tell everyone about how great the employees are treated, and it's the only supermarket I'll shop in. You can really tell the difference between a healthy work environment and a toxic work environment, and it doesn't take long to figure it out. You can see it in the little things. Well treated employees care about their store, and won't let it make a bad impression on shoppers. It's just that simple.

edit on 3/29/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by NorEaster

Whats the premise, that they have fired so many people, there arent enough to stock the shelves?

If that is the premise, its completely wrong.

Firstly, I agree with the article, Walmart is often out of certain items but I dont think its a staffing issue. I think its a competent staffing issue.

From what I understand, every area has a buyer. Its their responsibility to ensure that products are re-ordered. If they dont do their job properly and the person above them is a slacker, you get empty shelves.

i worked in retail management, and at minimum wage and part-time hours, that is all a store is going to get, slackers who don't care...if they lose their job, they go get another minimum wage part-time job. if someone comes in that is smart, works hard, and is dedicated...they are gone as soon as they find a better paying job,and the store is left with workers that HAVEN'T found a better paying job yet. todays corporations have no loyalty to their employees, so employees DO ONLY as much as required to keep their job until they find a better paying one. even employees at wal-mart know how they are being used, and no amount of cheer-leading, or motivational talk by management replaces what is in their paychecks. owners and managers like to talk about work ethics, but fail to talk about pay ethics, workers are not that stupid.
edit on 29-3-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

It really is that simple. Wanting to be proud of your work and your work place are instinctual, a company that treats it's employees well earns loyalty and pride just happens. It's pretty simple psychology. Awesome thread

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 12:48 PM
I managed a fast food place in the town I used to live. I worked from 7am - midnight 7 days a week. It just worked out better that way. When you have a work ethic and are willing to put forth effort you can do well in the world. I am willing to put in hours like this and work my butt off while on the clock at any job I work.And I will enjoy every minute of it or I won't work there. Good days and bad days but when they are all bad I refuse to stress and take my time away from my kids for that kind of environment.

But in places like Wal-Mart you just can't get anywhere unless you know people or don't care. There are a few good employees but they don't last long because they will be run into the ground. No, no one gets overtime hours... at least not paid for them anyways. Though I am sure that many employees are putting in the hours to be able to keep the job. Yes that is illegal and is not really happening right?... right? >.>

I have a friend that manages a Wal-Mart up north and I asked him about what he is allowed to pay his employees. The managers over the small certain areas (jewelry, shoes, etc.) make LESS than starting wage at a big gas station around here. (Buc-ees) That is sad. These are managers AND hourly employees working for crap pay to put food on the table. Great! Maybe these hourly employees get a discount so they can buy the low, low price goods from china direct. Oh crap I meant Wal-Mart! Silly me...

Bring the jobs home and lets take care of our local communities. Wal-Mart can burn to the extent that they screwed over all the little mom and pops all over the US.
edit on 2-4-2013 by pslr2301 because: (no reason given)

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