posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 04:43 AM
Please. Just because you don't know any well spoken American children it doesn't automatically follow that none exist.
I grew up in a family with parents who home schooled me and taught me how to think, not what to think. I finished my school work around noon or so
and had the rest of the afternoon until my public school friends got home to think about whatever I liked. I was a child who frequently questioned
things that it would have never even occurred to the rest of my friends to question. I also had a lot of adults around who were taken off balance by
some of the things that I came up with. One of the most heard phrases growing up was "that's a good question, let me think about that and answer in
a while".
I have carried into my daughter's life the teaching to think for herself, question things, and think critically. Her teachers tell me on a regular
basis that she comes up with the most interesting questions and ideas of all the kids in her grade. Obviously I'm doing something right. My child
is very well spoken and she, my husband, and I are told this frequently.
It happens. Some kids are given the freedom and encouragement to question more and think things through more thoroughly. You don't have to like it
or agree, but that doesn't mean that there aren't more intelligent children out there. Maybe think about widening your circle of friends if none of
them have smart kids.
Take care,