posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 08:58 PM
Tonight is full moon phase, and from where I am, it seems like there is a near dead calm all over. Last night/yesterday, there was EQ activity, and
very early this morning on my newsfeed, from a local newsmedia msm source, was one story after another, of like, a car fire, accidents, a horrid house
fire where a number of children perished. I looked up one of my fave YouTube Astrologers, and he was speaking about people being and behaving highly
But tonight, I was following earth quake monitoring, it's pretty quiet, and I hear no EMS sirens outside, not one, and it's creeping me out. Maybe
a calm before the storm?
Astrologically, this full moon is significant about human relationships. Drama, mama!
So, maybe if anyone wants to chime in, (whatever your senses,) your welcome.