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Marriage is NOT a Constitutional Right!

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posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by kiwisoop

From what I understand marriage is something that started with Christianity, which is a religion. So would banning any kind of marriage be going against the 1st amendment?

Far from it. Marriage has been around since long before Christianity, and it will be around long after it.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 08:55 AM
Here is my take on the issue. the government has no busimess deciding who can marry whom. Just as it cannot forbid a black person from marrying a white, or asian, or whatever. As far as the government is concerned, marriage is a legal contract that combines the lives and all that is entailed into a partnership. On that same note, if a church is against such a union, it should not be obligated to preform the ceremony or support it other than to recognize the legal status of the contract. The issue is much more complicated that that, unfortunately. Taxes are currently un equally applied. Married couples have less of a deduction when filing jointly than those that are unmarried. Estate taxes are applied differently, health care benefits as well. I also have seen where domestic partners are recognized as such and all benefits equal, that is not wnough. thay want it to be called a marriage. It also opens the door to such things as polygamy. If all are consenting adults and are willing to ener into such an agreement, what business is it of the government ot say no? Just to be clear, I dont think polygamy is a good idea, but you can see how that argument could be made. the Supreme Court has alot to consider in this issue, especiall the rights of the voters to define in their district such matters. Is it a state right? Voter's right? Individual right? Does the federal government even have the jurisdiction to decide such a matter?

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 08:57 AM
So now my comments are being removed by saying they are off topic? Not one response was off topic. I was responding to others on the issues. I see some major agenda pushing by the mods on this one.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by kaylaluv

FEDERAL discrimination does NOT protect sexual, at present, this is not part of the legal argument one can make. It should, and likely will in the future, but currently, not a factor in the FED.

Federal discrimination didn't originally protect race either - it all happened during the civil rights period, after SCOTUS ruled on it. This is the gay rights period, so it's time for SCOTUS to recognize that sexual preference should be protected. Then it will be included. All it takes is for SCOTUS to be willing to rule on the issue. It'll happen - eventually.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Wrong sir. Marriage is not a human "right". It is a right for a man and a woman. Marriage is a wonderful natural bond by God when used in it's natural state. Two men should not have sex with each other more or less get married to each other. Nor should two women.

Says who? You? Your God? Did you know that your God is not part of our legislative body?

Also, read your own Bible many of the people in there had MULTIPLE wives (i.e. see Abraham, for example) God was perfectly fine with marriage not being defined as between a man and a woman.

For the record, I am a man, and happily married, to a woman, and have been for 9 years now, and will be until the day I die...but I see no reason to deny others happiness or the state benefits of marriage.

I've seen some serious issues happen when a member of a same-sex couple dies, and then has to go through hell to try and get what is entitled to him or her, as the spouse of said person.

reply to post by kaylaluv

Agreed, but at present it isn't protected, so moot point in the Constitutional argument.
edit on 27-3-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

My God was originally a pert of our legislative body. When our country was started God and or part of his word (The Bible) was on everything in our government. His Ten Commandments were displayed in government buildings until about 10 to 20 years ago. He is still on our currency. All congressional hearings and debates opened with a Christian prayer until recently. So again I will disagree with you.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Again it boils down to monetary greed. "Getting what is owed to him/her" give me a break. I married my wife because I was in Love with her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and wanted to make a committment to her publicly and make a promise to her and God. Not because of money when she passes away. Give me a break.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Christian Voice

And that is the beauty of our nation...the ability and RIGHT to disagree. I respect your opinion, but only insofar as it does not infringe on the rights of others, and in this case it does. The bigger question to ask is...why do you care? What harm does it do you, or your beliefs, if a man marries another man, or a woman marries another woman? How in any way does that affect you and yours? Why do you feel the need to shove YOUR religion and beliefs down the throats of others?

IF you are truly correct, and God sees it as a sin, then surely HE will be the one to punish them, correct? Who are you to presume to be God's enforcer? Let God judge them...not the courts.

Again it boils down to monetary greed. "Getting what is owed to him/her" give me a break. I married my wife because I was in Love with her and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and wanted to make a committment to her publicly and make a promise to her and God. Not because of money when she passes away. Give me a break.

I'm not even talking about money, and money doesn't just equal greed. Two people had built a life together, and intertwined finances, etc. Also, decisions needed to be made, and her partner for 29 years couldn't legally make them, my wife, the woman in question's daughter, had to make them. Of course, we simply followed her partner's wishes, but for some, they don't have that luxury, and legally, we could have simply tossed her wishes aside. There is the injustice of it. I'm not talking about something as arbitrary as money...I'm talking about life or death decisions.
edit on 27-3-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Also Jesus nullified the whole concept of multiple wives. A man is to leave his parents and cleave unto his "wife", not wives and not life partner. Jesus himself set the standard for the marrital relationship right there.
Matthew 19:5 and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:08 AM
Listen, LOL

I dont hate you, or your gays.

Its just I do not believe in you, or it, or them.

So I choose not to accept, partake, or encourage.

You can do what what you want, when you want, if you want.

It is not going to work out for you gay people, the sooner you get that swallowed and acknowledged the sooner you can start advancing the happiness inside yourselves.

And really I feel for you in a way, because I know you have this conviction within you, that tells you you are gay.

Nothing I can tell you will change this, nothing you can show me will sway me.

This is why you are gay and I am not. I will never be gay, and I would imagine youll never be straight.

What I have going on is working out, can you say the same 100%?

OR are you awkward? and is your awkwardness making you defensive?

Stop being awkward and you may stop being so defensive. And when that happens, more people like me may come around to being OK with it to some SMALL degree.


You must rub it continually into my face, telling me what a low life scum bag I must be because I do not agree with you.

Go about your business and stfu, you guys are getting like radical Islam, and you know how people think when they are spouting off at the mouth.

Or do you?

I love you man now give me a nice big french kiss and tell me how good I look in these nylons I pinched from my old ladys knicker drawer.

I dont hate you or wish you harm, I am just as passionate about it as you, just on the other side.

But I am a closet homosexual or a very bad person because of it.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

It's my business because homosexuals are pushing it down our throats. They are infringing on my rights and my family's rights. Everytime I turn on the news I see homosexuals whining about something and trying to change our laws and force our acceptance of their lifestyle. I see it in public when I take my children anywhere now. It is being forced onto our children in school now. That is nowhere it should ever be discussed. That is why it is my business.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by lnfideI

I must say, I, at no point, read any Pro-Gay or Pro-Hetro statements from you. The only reason I say so is in rereading, after the last few attacks made me think you were laughing your ass off and antagozing on purpose. Literally holding the mirror up so the fools could see themselves. Kudos, if that was the plan.

I have no Choice. Except that I'm tired of hearing it. On TV, from Govenor Dip or Mayor Whiney, from random people whose sexual orientation/religious beliefs I never cared about.

It's under the Nunya Clause.

It's None of Your business. If you're black, white, native American, male, female, Catholic, agnostic, jesuit, transgender, gay or straight. It is part of how you define yourself, okay.

I'm happy in my identity. I don't need to know yours, or any political agenda attached to it. That's your identity.

Please don't shove it in my face. I don't care. "Hi, I'm Bob and I'm a homosexual" is about the strangest sentence I've ever heard come out of someone's mouth. My response was "Hi, I'm Seenalot, and i couldn't give a $hit"

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
reply to post by Hefficide

No I am equating gay people with Zoophiles. Both are unnatural relationships. If they are saying they should be free to marry whoever they wish then why just same sex marriages? Why not animals ? Sounds just as ridiculous as two men or two women.

One is two consenting adult American citizens, and the other is one human adult and one animal which is incapable of comprehension or informed consent. A similar argument can be made in the case of the other analogies people draw in order to support the slippery slope argument.

Polygamy: Usually when people talk about polygamy, they mean a patriarchal, quasi-religious community where the man chooses his wives. There is often abuse, psychological manipulation, and often the wives are chosen before the age of consent. That isn't consenting adults mutually deciding to marry, either. If it were just a group of consenting adults who all mutually agreed to wed free of any manipulation, abuse, or compulsion of any kind, actually - and this may make me out of step with many others and much of society, so be it - I wouldn't have a problem with legalizing that either.

Incest: Most incest is instigated by an adult against a child. That isn't consenting adults. Children who end up incestuous on their own (which is debatable, as there is always an adult present who is responsible for preventing it) aren't two consenting adults, either. As with polygamy, while I may not understand or take to it personally, if two completely aware, free, adult citizens without any compulsion or duress of any kind wish to have a relationship that is incestuous and harms no one, as far as I'm concerned, it's none of my business.

Essentially, if something is between truly informed, free, consenting adults and harms no one, I have absolutely no ethical problem with it, whatsoever. And frankly I don't even think there should be a legal problem with it, personally. But I know that places well out of step even with most who support gay marriage. So be it.

I respect everyone's opinions whether I agree with them or not. Peace.
edit on 3/27/2013 by AceWombat04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Christian Voice

While your assistance in pointing out the inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible are appreciated, they only strengthen my argument, not yours. And of course, you still haven't answered the question as to how it impacts YOU.

Sorry, must have posted at same time, so editing...

It's my business because homosexuals are pushing it down our throats. They are infringing on my rights and my family's rights. Everytime I turn on the news I see homosexuals whining about something and trying to change our laws and force our acceptance of their lifestyle. I see it in public when I take my children anywhere now. It is being forced onto our children in school now. That is nowhere it should ever be discussed. That is why it is my business.

Gays are here...your answer is to try and hide it from your kids? Stick your head in the sand? Stick your fingers in your ears and go "no, no, no, no, no"? Seriously? Or, you can further indoctrinate your children, explain to them how God hates homosexuals, and that their immoral lifestyle will cause them an eternity of roasting in the Lake of hard is that?
edit on 27-3-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:12 AM

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
reply to post by Gazrok

Also Jesus nullified the whole concept of multiple wives. A man is to leave his parents and cleave unto his "wife", not wives and not life partner. Jesus himself set the standard for the marrital relationship right there.
Matthew 19:5 and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?

You should probably throw that thing in the bush asap, because when you start waving that around here you'll just en-flame them more.

Gay folk

We need to stop being so en-flamed by all this.

Why cant we just go about our business?

This is about $ isn't it?

Its the $ or you'd be going about your business.


My F-350 takes diesel.
You can put gasoline in your F-350 diesel if you want, thats OK with me.
But when you say that you want me to acknowledge it as being normal and OK, and even good, I have to draw the line, because I know my F-350 was designed for diesel not gasoline

YOu as a man or a woman have the same function as my truck, you have been designed a certain way, or youd not have tender parts, we would all have the same organs

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

I never ever said God hates homosexuals. Get it straight. However his word is very clear on homosexuals.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:21 AM


posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by lnfideI

Oddly enough, I also have an F350 Diesel (Dual Wheel)...

If I put regular gas in it, I'm sure it would stop working in short order...

However, men and women sticking their parts in each other, same sex or not, do NOT have the same kind of a bad analogy. I have lots of animals, and I can say that homosexuality is rampant in nature, so it stands to reason it will be so in humans too... In fact, I don't have a SINGLE animal that hasn't tried to get it on with the same sex....

I don't like seeing two dudes together...makes me kind of ill...but I will support their right to be together if it makes them happy. Doesn't do any harm to me, or my beliefs. If it DOES threaten your beliefs, then maybe you should ask yourself why.

So I'm an idiot? Oh Mods wherefore art thou?

Personal attacks aren't tolerated...was actioned before I even saw your reply...

edit on 27-3-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:24 AM
One last time: Please stick to the topic instead of attacking each other.

Next time post bans will be issued.


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