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soverignty and accountability

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posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 03:40 AM
Here's a piece of news for you, apparently Bush wants the election process to be immune to civil accountibility. The soverignty of the american people is in dire straights, and it looks to me like the Bush administration is at the forefront of this dangerous trend. One could argue that this would clean up the electoral process and keep it out of the judicial system, but one could also argue that this is a slap in the face of accountability of the election boards and other organizations. If we as a people can't bring suit against corrupt election officials, are we actually going to expect that a federally mandated justice department will for us?
Administration lawyers argue that only the Justice Department, not the voters, may sue to enforce provisions in the Help America Vote Act.
Washington - Bush administration lawyers argued in three closely contested states last week that only the Justice Department, and not voters themselves, may sue to enforce the voting rights set out in the Help America Vote Act, which was passed in the aftermath of the disputed 2000 election.

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