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My Shadow-Person/Ghost picture!

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posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

The phone it was taken on is reasonably old, with no auto-focus or flash. This photo is pretty normal for a photo taken with low megapixels in low lighting with no focus.
I've got photos with the same camera specs, and the 'grain' on the photo is almost identical...

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:39 AM
I have seen that exact same thing. About a year ago I was sitting at my desk on my computer when the room got really cold and it felt like a gust of cold air had circled around the room. I felt like something was watching me even though I was the only one in the room. I turned around and about 6 or 7 feet there was this large black shadow floating in the air coming towards me. It scared me but I've seen many strange and crazy things my whole life. I imagined a white light around me, thought happy thoughts and sang a happy song. I can't recall what song it was. Within a few seconds, it started to retreat and faded away back into the area it had come from. I wish I had been fast enough to take a picture.

Since then, my daughter told me she saw it coming into and out of her bedroom recently. So, whatever it is, it's still here.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by Lulzaroonie

Ah I wasn't sure. I was playing with the color levels while trying to make it brighter, with just the right contrast, and noticed the weird thatched blocks with weird artifacts(blemishes). I wanted to see more pictures to see if the thatched blocks and artifacts would be in those pictures as well. Is this what you're referring to as well?
edit on 3/28/2013 by Bleeeeep because: -would

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Bleeeeep
reply to post by Lulzaroonie

Ah I wasn't sure. I was playing with the color levels while trying to make it brighter, with just the right contrast, and noticed the weird thatched blocks with weird artifacts(blemishes). I wanted to see more pictures to see if the thatched blocks and artifacts would be in those pictures as well. Is this what you're referring to as well?
edit on 3/28/2013 by Bleeeeep because: -would

Those are Jpeg compression artifacts.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 08:41 AM
When it comes to paranormal phenomena in general, too many people will capture something that they deem to be odd in a random photograph, that let's say was taken in their house. But their house has no history of being haunted. And one will know if their house is haunted, even though they may not want to believe it, deep down they know. So a picture caught in a circumstance like that is not likely to be paranormal. But in your case, because this particular location has such heavy activity, the picture is way more likely to be authentic.

The one thing I am wondering though is if the person taking the picture saw the shadow. It does not seem like it from what I can tell from your description, but I could be wrong. Usually with paranormal activity of this nature, the naked eye can see these things. Actually, the most common physical apparitions seem to be shadows, instead of resemblances of someone who is alive. This may have to do with the energy necessary to manifest into a dark mass being less than manifesting and looking like an actual person. It seems that ghosts can do this though, and look exactly like a person to the degree that one cannot tell the difference.

Then they can also appear in the shape of a person, with the detail and all, but without the color. Instead they are a solid color, usually very light. So basically they seem to be able to take the form of everything from a person to a dark mass, but I do not know whether there are different types of apparitions with different abilities, or if they can all take on these shapes and colors, depending solely on their energy levels. Evil entities seem to appear as dark shadows like this, but not always from what I understand. I totally give you the benefit of the doubt here, because I know what is possible.

Did your girlfriend ever mess around with the occult? Or did this all start as soon as they moved in? When these things started is a KEY piece of evidence in determining the cause. I highly doubt this has anything to do with the death in the house that you mentioned, but I could be wrong. I would advise that she and her family immediately begin looking for someone who can remedy the situation. I advise against most paranormal groups, as they can do nothing to help the people who are being haunted. This is why I always laughed at shows like ghost hunters. They claim to be helping people, but they do not. The only thing they do is tell people that they do not have to worry, etc. The people are not going to just get over being haunted.

Now an interesting approach is taken By John Zaffis, who believes that most hauntings are caused by energy attached to some item in the home. At least he attempts to help people with this method, and there are many people, even in his own family, who will attest to the fact that he knows what he is doing, as they have gotten rid of ghosts with his help. Maybe look into something like that. And to all the people who laugh at this stuff and say it is not real, I would advise you to put up or shut up. Join a paranormal team. If the team does active investigations regularly, you will run into what you claim is not real, and we will see who is right. I don't claim to know how the paranormal stuff works, but I know from three experiences that I have had, plus the testimony of a handful of family members whom I trust, that there is something going on that is independent of an individual's mind. And things like standing waves just do not cut the mustard as far as explanations go.

These standing waves, at the most, will cause hallucinations, or seeing things that are not really there. But they do not cause the majority of things that are present in the more severe cases of hauntings. Too many people attempt to use these ideas to dismiss what is happening, without even researching and investigating enough to realize that these "explanations" fall well short of what they claim to explain.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 08:57 AM

'The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them.'

Ghosts are resonant entities that often defy rational analysis.
Thats why ATS is such a great place to share our observations.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by RainofStars

I have a question ... Why do ghosts, shadow people and such always seem to have a human form? Surely they don't need to be that "shape" in the spiritual realm. Or do they keep that shape just to frighten the # out of us?

This is actually a serious question so it would be cool to hear others' thoughts on this.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Psyagra

Ghosts still seem to be alive and sentient long after the corporeal bodies are gone so its probably just a choice of memory? Most of the ghosts that I witness are non-corporeal shaped entities, just strong resonances. Associations that I know were intended to be experienced at some level. Like putting a small part of a jig saw puzzle together to reveal a womans face. Having no idea why you happened to pick those pieces out of an apparently random pile of unsolved puzzle?

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Psyagra
reply to post by RainofStars

I have a question ... Why do ghosts, shadow people and such always seem to have a human form? Surely they don't need to be that "shape" in the spiritual realm.

This is actually a serious question so it would be cool to hear others' thoughts on this.

Did you mean "Surely they don't need to be that "shape" in the physical realm?" Just curious if that was a typo.

I can't remember if I had a choice regarding what form my awareness would take, so maybe these "shadow people" operate from a similar system.

Maybe they are curious why we humanns have adopted their general "form" as a vessel for awareness.

edit on 28-3-2013 by DeliberatusImmemor because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by DeliberatusImmemor

Originally posted by Psyagra
reply to post by RainofStars

I have a question ... Why do ghosts, shadow people and such always seem to have a human form? Surely they don't need to be that "shape" in the spiritual realm.

This is actually a serious question so it would be cool to hear others' thoughts on this.

Did you mean "Surely they don't need to be that "shape" in the physical realm?" Just curious if that was a typo.

I can't remember if I had a choice regarding what form my awareness would take, so maybe these "shadow people" operate from a similar system.

Maybe they are curious why we humanns have adopted their general "form" as a vessel for awareness.

edit on 28-3-2013 by DeliberatusImmemor because: (no reason given)

Not always. In some cases Shadow Forms have appeared in other forms. Cats and Dogs are the most commen Shadow Forms that appear outside of the Human Form Shadow People.

As for their shapes, well I don't think that they can choose what they look like any more then we can.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Guyfriday

Not always. In some cases Shadow Forms have appeared in other forms. Cats and Dogs are the most commen Shadow Forms that appear outside of the Human Form Shadow People.

Maybe the person "observing" the shadow form controls what it looks like on a subconscious level, collapsing a wave of possible forms into a single form.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by DeliberatusImmemor
reply to post by Guyfriday

Not always. In some cases Shadow Forms have appeared in other forms. Cats and Dogs are the most commen Shadow Forms that appear outside of the Human Form Shadow People.

Maybe the person "observing" the shadow form controls what it looks like on a subconscious level, collapsing a wave of possible forms into a single form.
I thought this too for a while, but after reviewing evidence, conducting investigations, and reading though Shadow People encounters it would appear that the Shadow Form are self aware.

There was talk about a condition in the late 70's and early 80's where it could be possible that a person could project an image out of their eyes. If I remember correctly, it was described like a person has a seizure in the visual cortex. This serge of electrical activity could force an image out through the eyes. I have no idea whatever happened to this theory, nor do I know if it ever was testible.

If that theory was true, then yes it would be very possible for the person projecting the image to control what the image does. I have not heard of this theory since it was first being played with by the 90's, and none of the Shadow People cases I've investigated could be contributed to this (I have investigated numerous cases, but only had three cases where a Shadow Person was seen by me. One case wasn't really a investigated case, but rather a Shadow Person that stopped me from driving on a badly iced bridge)

Many other encounters can be read in my thread:
ATS: Shadow People: What do they do?

And in Vrill's thread:
ATS: Shadow People

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 02:39 PM
The other day I was at my wifes cousins house. She said she heard something. That night i looked around. I saw a ghost.

This type of story is repeated about 2000 times on ATS always with some photograph of a fake looking ufo or ghost.

Excellent way to get a thread going although boring at this point.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Psyagra

I think we should look at the differences in tulpa/thoughtform, residual ghosts, intelligent ghosts, doppelgangers, demons/djinn, shadow people, and the things you some times see when you wake from a lucid dream(I'll call them dreamforms for now).

Here is how I would place them:

some forms that are thought to be tulpa are demons
some forms that are thought to be residual ghosts are demons
some forms that are thought to be doppelgangers are demons
all intelligent ghosts are demons
all shadow people are demons

some forms that are thought to be tulpa are truly tulpa/thoughtforms
some forms that are thought to be residual ghosts are tulpa
some forms that are thought to be doppelgangers are tulpa
all dreamforms are tulpa

What categories would you make for the different things and how would you place them? If you place shadow people in the demon category, then it answers why they take that scary looking form. They're malevolent.

And to keep this on topic, I would place the the thing in the pic(if real) into the demon/djinn category.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 02:48 PM
I dont know how or why they did it, but it appears to be a hoax..

Take a look at the first picture, the objects arm on the left side of the screen is clearly shadowing on to the white/brown looking mantle its next to.

How could a shadow person have a shadow of its own....

edit on 28-3-2013 by ContractedMercenary because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by ContractedMercenary

I was thinking it was some halloweenish see through costume and he used smudge/push tool to blur the edges, and then a filter to mask it. The top of it looks just like a smudge tool would.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 07:39 PM
All I can say to the skeptics and naysayers is sorry for not being up to your standards. Let's see all of your legitimate, sharp, crisp images of ghosts. I don't see how some people's ectoplasm and smokey pictures can be considered real but not this? Time and time again on this site people come to spout their disbelief or are too dumbfounded by something that has credibility and immediately call "fake".

I have better things to do than edit a picture that is nearly four years old. Keep your Stars and Flags, I was just hoping to add something to the paranormal and for people who enjoy the field as much as I do.

Next time I will be sure to have something more up to your standards. Maybe this perhaps?

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 09:14 PM
I wouldn't say this was a hoax, purely for the fact that this thing is behind an object and the surrounding area doesn't seem to have been tampered with from what I can see. It's inconclusive at best, but very interesting, and coupled with the grain and girls eyes, it is suitably creepy.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by RainofStars

For the record, No face is awesome, and I was just trying to be objectionable - playing devils advocate, if you will. For all I know, all ghosts, in real life, look like they have been smudged in photoshop/gimp, if you take their picture. You say it wasn't shopped, that's cool, but it does look smudged.

Just saying.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by ContractedMercenary

Look I appreciate your opinion but what they call a shadow person is usually a manifestation like a black mist or smoke, that like ectoplasm simply disappear's what it is made of I do not know but what I encountered was something different these were semi transparent entity's 3 dimensional that seemed to absorb the light itselt, even there eye's though red pin point's were a darkness compared to the area, it was at about 02.30 am while I was walking through a place that used to be called the trim trail that was an open air exercise area were the developer's had bulldozed some old spoil heap's from the old coal mine's and something I did not add was as these thing's came toward me there was a thin mist already in the air, heavier at the ground and I observed grey apparition's that seemed to sweep along from the old folk's home on the other side of Glenburn road and swirled around these black thing's seeming to be drawn into them but driving them back, it was like whitnessing two distinct groups battling (though it think the mist one's were trying to protect me) and I was terrified, the following day I convinced myself I had been imagining it and walked the same way in broad daylight it was then that I was injured with the stabbing sensation in my heart just above my physical heart as since that day I have not felt emotion though I still have it though my feeling's are very numb to the point of feeling almost dead inside, I can not feel love and fear is also distant more an uncomfortable sensation than the electric shock fright I used to feel,.

SO if something is occluding the light then no matter what it is it will leave a shadow and you are using this proof of a semi physical manifestation as an excuse to deny it, if it was a projection onto the camera image or a fake it would leave no shadow unless it was a manikin but as it is not a manikin (but may be something solid) it is a physical projection so it cast's a shadow, what you are trying to say is a ghost does not cast a shadow but I have to disagree as a hallucination does not cast a shadow but I am afraid a ghost can very easily cast a shadow and in some cases you would never know it was a ghost until they behave or do something not normal.
edit on 29-3-2013 by LABTECH767 because: Sausage's for finger's and pin head sized key's

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