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Is 'Olympus Has Fallen' foreshadowing a false flag for May 2013?

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posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:09 PM
Dear fellow ATSers & lurkers,

I went to watch the latest invasion movie "Olympus Has Fallen"

In which South Korea is visiting the White House for talks regarding North Korea, amidst much of the same kind of events we are presently hearing about on ats.
For example:

Now, the movie was very die hard like and insane, however.. It lead me to wonder if South Korea had any upcoming plans to visit the White House. Lo & behold I found this:

So basically, the South Korean leader is expected to visit in May!!! Hmm, what a coinci-dink! If you've watched Olympus has Fallen, you can understand the eerie feeling I got.

Lets just hope we do proper background checks on issued visitor passes, haha.

Anyways -- thoughts and theories, my friends? Interesting times ahead, indeed.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:12 PM
Maybe, but who cares. America wins at the end and the whole thing is over in a day...
edit on 26-3-2013 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by kathael

It was a good movie. I would have to think that letting ANY foreign diplomat or part of their entourage into the bunker would definitely be against protocol, regardless of what the President says. Some security concerns transcend the White House and whoever happens to occupy it at the time. I would also have to think that a 15-minute military response seems excessive, but I guess you never know. Hopefully, planners have thought out most attack scenarios including some of the unique ones in the movie.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by kathael

Sure does remind me of a false flag simulation with the movie perhaps being a precursor. Let's hope this isn't the case.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:18 PM
It's basically a modernized version of Die Hard.
Beyond that the movie was completed filming sometime ago prior to most of the NK saber rattling.
It's no different the people believing The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, Deep Impact or Armageddon are prepping the public for something catastrophic when in reality they are just one of the many action themed films that start coming out this time of year.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by starfoxxx
Maybe, but who cares. America wins at the end and the whole thing is over in a day...
edit on 26-3-2013 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

Just like in real life.

Not sure about the false flag thing. As unlikely as it seems anything could happen. I mean if on Sept. 10th, 2001 I told you some crazy people were going to fly jets into the twin towers you would have thought I was the crazy person.

All the same I wouldn't worry too much.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:23 PM
No, it's a movie. It's sole purpose for existing is to make money.

I realize this is ATS, but everything can't be a conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:37 PM
If if's not 'predictive programming', then it's just a way for them to subconsciously inject your mind with a set of ideas and thoughts (behavior placement) based on their latest move towards their agenda. I like to think that most movie titles have some sort of spiritual or foreign policy symbolic meaning based on the timeline of their plans. I read it more as a script of sorts in their playbook.

I do find it odd that 'Olympus has Fallen' came on March 22, 2013 (3/22). If there is going to be some sort of false flag attack or pre-emptive strike on North Korea, I would look towards May-Day (May 1st, 2013) and look for a large casualty loss due to the significance of that day, it being a day that calls for blood sacrafice. Just like almost two years ago when Osama Bin Laden was pronounced "dead" on May-Day.

There are 40 days between March 22, 2013 - May 1st, 2013.
In Biblical Numerology, 40 symbolizes Death.

edit on 26-3-2013 by Brad Jones because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2013 by Brad Jones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:39 PM
No; there is a purgative action with movies, that it takes those aggressive impulses within the consciousness of a nation, and flings the events onto a reflective silver screen. It means it could have happened had there not been a movie made about it. Because our eyes are seeing fiction that's where it is going to be in this world; that there won't be enough social collaborative energy to make it authentic, or maybe you'll get a blip. Maybe in a parallel world there'd be chaos.

Movie worship is one of those signatures of mental illness that I would prefer to steer clear of.

There are more than a few people in intelligence who happen to have sidelines in making movies and other projects for TV. Where the camera is you'll find change makers, and a big part of their business is in government productions. Maybe the OHF movie is a little early in the propaganda.

May isn't here yet. There's plenty of time for meetings to be, um, cancelled.
edit on 26-3-2013 by Sandalphon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by starfoxxx
Maybe, but who cares. America wins at the end and the whole thing is over in a day...
edit on 26-3-2013 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

(throws hands up with a big shower of popcorn spilled everywhere)

Thanks! I was going to see it too. Now you went and spoiled the ending. I was in such suspense.


posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:45 PM
Sometimes a movie is just a movie... and usually a bad one at that.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:55 PM
Yay another dooms date to wait for

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:05 PM
Sure and you foiled the plans so now it cant go down. Smooth move exlax!

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:08 PM
I actually watched this last night and it was very entertaining.

I appreciate how a lot of movies based in fiction all have certain elements in plot connected with fact and the only thing I could spot in this movie, was the incompetence of the response unit getting there in time, kind of reminded of 9/11

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 11:11 PM
I like to OP's idea. While I am not going to go along with the dooms day clock I did think a "what if" situation!

Some of the replies here are staggering. "doesn't matter america wins in the end." Did you not see the bloodshed that one AC130 created? American citizens lit up like ants and a...well...AC130. While the movie didn't portray it, people were ripped in half, left bleeding out, and traumatized indefinitely. The picture the movie painted wasn't anything close to real life. Any soldier who has seen battle will tell you that. This conflict isn't pretty and people should stop hiding behind the same nation they are demonizing.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 08:40 AM
I posted a thread just like this last week. I was afraid the plot in the movie would be carried out the same day the movie was released. Although I wasn't correct in the day I had chosen my fears seem to be becoming a reality in the wake of the threats from North Korea and China. North Korea is setting a plan to attack the US right now and Washington is one of the targets. (

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 09:23 AM
I got a question. Why is another movie showing the destruction of Washington, (White House Down) being released IMMEDIATELY right behind Olympus has Fallen? I don't want to hear "well they're running out of ideas" for an answer because movies like this with the same theme coming practically back to back is extremely repetitive.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 10:29 AM

I imagine you were all sorts of spun up when Deep Impact and Armageddon (1998) came out in the exact same year.

This is what Hollywood does. Every Spring/Summer the release no thought power action films with the current flavor of choice.

One year its Meteors going to kill the earth (see the first line)
Then its movies about lava killing everyone (Dante's Peak and Volcano both released in 1997)
Then its weather\nature disasters (2012 and The Day After Tomorrow though they were not released in the same year)..

This. Happens. Ever. Year.. dumb and unrealistic action movies come out in the spring and summer.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 02:16 AM
Thank you all for your comments

And no, by posting this I am not assumin anything will happen, lol. I'm just having some fun speculating and saw the upcoming visit.

I like to think we aren't going to witness WW3

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Brad Jones

I just came back from watching the movie, and immediately punched in "olympus is fallen predictive programming" in Startpage, as I knew a lot of bloggers would have picked up on it. One big clue I picked up on is where the bad-guy traitor in the Secret Service who sells out to the Korean terrorists, makes a statement against Wall Street bankers and globalization, instantly demonizing and characterizing as a traitor, and potential terrorist, anyone who is aware of, and has concerns about, that aspect of the New World Order conspiracy.

Another red-flag was the complete reversal of the reality of the military situation in such a scenario. If there were a genuine terrorist attack (not a false flag) on the White House, the response (in the absence of political interference ie a stand-down as happened in both 9/11's - 2001 and 2012) would be competent and overwhelmingly successful. The US military is an unsurpassed fighting force, and most in the military, particularly the special forces which would be involved in a counter-terrorist response, would fight to the death in defence of the US president. I say most, as obviously there are Illuminist sellouts in all branches of the US government who would be acting against the national interest. In short, the real traitors in the US today would not be found dead in a grass-roots libertarian or constitutionalist movement, unless placed there deliberately by the globalists in an attempt to steer, demonize or derail that movement.

What I found incredibly funny, is how the terrorists managed to take over an advanced weapon system installed in the White House, and use it against the US forces trying to mount a counter attack. If this system was there all the time, why didn't White House security use it to defeat the initial attack by the AC-130? That's kind of a big hole in the plot. Also the inability of the USAF to shoot down a lone, slow-flying transport aircraft, and the fighter pilots were so slow to respond to the gun ports opening in the side of the Herc, that they got shot down by mere bullets. Why did they bother drawing alongside it anyway, it should have been shot down as soon as it entered protected airspace, by ground-to-air missiles if not by the fighters involved. If the intial missiles were defeated by flares, as happened in the movie, they could have used cannon or Gatling gun fire to take down the AC-130. If I can think of that, you can bet USAF fighter pilots would be way ahead of the game, and would probably have a few more tricks up their sleeve.

Sorry if I gave away a lot of the movie, I certainly enjoyed it, but anyone who thinks Hollywood reflects reality would come away with a lot of misconceptions about the real situation with terrorism in the world today. Real terrorists are supported by the US in Syria, and even the alleged Boston bombers have been found to be connected to the CIA, and were probably patsies anyway, not the real technicians who set up the bombs. If you want to find sophisticated terrorism that can evade government security agencies, you have to look inside those agencies themselves. Most so-called anti-government movements are not against government per se but are opposed to the rampant corruption that exists in government, and actually despise violence rather than embracing it. This is not 1776, and it is no longer possible for one group of men with rifles to overthrow another group of men with rifles.

Because governments now have access to incredibly expensive high-tech weaponry which grass-roots movements have no access to, revolution has become an intellectual pastime, and overthrowing governments has become the preserve of the CIA and other affiliated intelligence agencies. If you don't belong to the big boys club you migh as well just sit on your hands and observe the gathering stormclouds knowing full well that global government as prophesied in the Bible, is inevitable. Having said that, the role of internet alternative media in exposing and opposing the corruption of the Illuminists, is vital for spiritual reasons. The truth needs to get out there, that the kingdoms of this world are corrupt, and not to be trusted, and the Kingdom of God is a kingdom of light. Hence the reason why so many Christians are involved in the truth movement - we just can't help ourselves, we see this spiritual battle for what it is. As our Bible says, we battle not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual powers of this dark age. In that sense the issue of the 2nd Amendment is a red herring, in the sense of guns being essential to freedom. Not that I oppose those who have guns keeping them, they are useful in deterring common criminals on the streets, but they don't have any value in keeping the government honest any more. We have gone way beyond that. If Boston proved anything, it is that governments have all the trump cards.
edit on 11-5-2013 by AusKiwi because: Correction of grammatical errors

edit on 11-5-2013 by AusKiwi because: Correction of grammatical errors

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