posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:03 PM
So I don't watch much t.v., nor do I usually make posts like this because I. Don't believe 99 percent of the media propaganda/subliminal media
conspiracies. Also I don't like making short posts, but I couldn't find an appropriate existing thread to ask this in. Also, I don't really have any
interest in militias, I'm just a libertarian and the term "constitutional extremist" stuck out to me.
So all disclaimers out of the way, I stopped on the show "the following" the other day and something stuck out to me ( a show, apparently about a cult
whose leader is after his wife who is in FBI protection - in a nutshell). In the episode I watched the cult leader hires two guys to find and kidnap
his wife. The two guys give the impression they are professionals. The leader asks if they are ex military and a follower says "no, better than that"
and explains they were raised by militia people. The two hired guns elaborate further and explain they are or were trained by "constitutional
extremists." Come on! It wasn't even intrinsic to the plot. What is a constitutional extremist? Why would they be bad guys? Why would they help a cult
Later in the episode they go up against the main character and his friend. The friend is a guy in witness protection who has one box of bullets so
they had to "make them count." I don't have any theory, I just thought it was strange. It seemed so contrived and I want to know what others think
about it if they've watched the show.
It was a small thing, but it was very strange to me and I know a lot of people here like/take interest in the concept of the media or govt possibly
fear mongering using militias.
Like I said, I don't know if it's suggestive. I don't really buy into a lot of the entertainment subliminals theories. Also does anyone have any
knowledge of real life events that could account for the concept? Militia people using their training in an illegal enterprising way?
Also, like I said, the show is so so, if I had the option i'd be watching new episodes of arrested development or game of thrones.
edit on
26-3-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)