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This May Be A Very Important Day For Gay Rights

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posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by jimmiec
reply to post by technical difficulties

There will be unintended consequences just like Row vs Wade. SCOTUS would not have ruled to allow abortion had they forseen the unintended consequences of it. Married couples aborting a baby because it was not the gender they wanted, partial birth abortions, etc. This will be no different, it will evolve into a monster and yet another issue to divide the country. Community church's help needy people by paying their utility bills,rent,food,medical. Church's will be and have been sued over same sex marriage issues already. Will the gay community step up and fill the void left when church's disapear? No, they won't. This is an attack on the church. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

The government allowing legal marriage contracts of same sex couples is an attack on the Church?

Sorry, it's the other way around, certain loud and rather un-Christian members of the Church have been the ones attacking same sex couples for years.

As far as homosexuals are concerned, this has nothing to do with the Church. The Church just keeps rubbing its nose in business that it shouldn't be involved in at all. Marriage far predates Christianity, as does homosexuality. Certain rather obnoxious and adolescent members of the Church are demanding authority for issues which they are undeserving of any say whatsoever.
edit on 5-4-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by jimmiec
Rewriting the bible will divide the country. All for less than 4% of the population.

An argument against your own opinion, whether or not you're aware of it. Most of the original hebrew scriptures don't refer to homosexuality at all, they were changed to say homosexuality in areas when what was really being conveyed as sinful was infidelity.

So, you're right for once. The country is being divided because the Bible has already been rewritten thousands of times to support divides you happen to be blindly proliferating right now.

The answer isn't to stop changing the Bible, though. The answer is to stop acting as if there's any truth to be found in it, or, at the very least, stop acting as if the Bible is a moral compass for anyone's life but your own should you choose to believe it.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by technical difficulties

Originally posted by jimmiec
reply to post by technical difficulties

There will be unintended consequences just like Row vs Wade. SCOTUS would not have ruled to allow abortion had they forseen the unintended consequences of it. Married couples aborting a baby because it was not the gender they wanted, partial birth abortions, etc. This will be no different, it will evolve into a monster and yet another issue to divide the country. Community church's help needy people by paying their utility bills,rent,food,medical. Church's will be and have been sued over same sex marriage issues already. Will the gay community step up and fill the void left when church's disapear? No, they won't. This is an attack on the church. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Try providing proof for these claims. We aren't gullible, unlike the anti-marriage equality crowd you associate yourself with. Marriage Equality deals with legal marriage, not religious marriage. It's been said to you before in this thread. Stop playing dumb.

As for your other comment, unlike marriage equality, both sides have a valid point in the Abortion debate. If we allow abortion then we (arguably) allow the killing of innocent life. If we ban abortion however, we're denying women the rights to their own bodies. Both valid points.

The only consequence of allowing marriage equality is that stupid people will have slightly less power in this country as a result, which really isn't a consequence execpt to the aformentioned stupid people.

got any proof?

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