posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 02:07 AM
I was curious as to how many kinds of psychokinesis (PK) there are, and after a bit of searching I came up with the following.
Firstly, some definitions:
"Kinesis" means movement; and
"Psychokinesis" means movement caused by the mind.
The list thus far:
Aerokinesis - influencing/changing the movement of air currents
Aquakinesis - drawing water from the atmosphere or an object/creature; purifying or changing the chemical composition of fluids
Atmokinesis - affecting/influencing the weather
Biokinesis - influencing/changing bodily functions, DNA, etc. now known as DMILS (Direct Mental Influence of Living Systems) for testing
Cryokinesis - slowing molecules to create cold and/or ice
Electrokinesis - affecting electrons and/or electricity, static and otherwise
Hydrokinesis - affecting/influencing water on the molecular level
Levitation - self-explanatory
Magnetokinesis - effecting a magnetic field that attracts metal objects to the PKer or each other
Photokinesis - affecting/influencing/creating light (the origin of "glamour"?)
Pyrokinesis - speeding up molecules to create heat and/or fire or affecting/influencing fire
Teleportation - self-explanatory
Please feel free to add to the list!