To ride means to murder the coward you "could" be, by murdering him first before he murders you. This is why death followed our rider of one of those
horses mentioned in Revelation.
To die means to bury yourself in your sinful desire.
In other words, if I were to write that ride or die question in full strength, it would go like this:
Do you want to ride against an envisioned cowardliness of your inactions? Or do you want to die in your sins?
^Your answer then should be yes to either.
Dying in your sins is your acting to save yourself from a bad eternity. It is inaction that would damn you into recieving a bad eternity. Sinning is a
necessary wickedness. In truth, we are our own Christs. Life is what you make it to be. You can make it be a great eternity by acting, as in riding or
dying, or you can make it be a bad eternity by not acting, as in not riding or dying.
If the coward surfaces in you, then it murdered you, because you will then be recieving a bad eternity for the rest of eternity, unless you get your
act together and realize that sinning is our necessary wickedness to save us from a bad eternity.
You might be saved if you choose to act. You might be damned if you choose not to act. It is all on you however you do or dont do.
Have you ever had a moment where some extremely good-looking girl walked past you, and you knew you should have talked to her, to see if something
grand could become of doing so, though you didn't, and then you had a feeling of regret once the oppurtunity to talk to her was over with? Well that
is exactly how bad you could cause the rest of your eternity to be if you choose inaction like a stupid little coward. In other words, get your sin
on! Live your life like a hog!
edit on 24-3-2013 by WarJohn because: (no reason given)