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Which Groups Are Clearly 100% Against Coming New World Order?

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posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Before you go proclaiming that the Bible or to be more precise "The New Testament" is the word of god, you should understand that is conflicts with the old testament in so many ways it hard to give it any credibility. Though I agree that prophecies have been fulfilled, you cannot discount that those prophecies could of been fulfilled to suit certain peoples agenda's.

Firstly, the New Testament says that Jesus is God.. Here's my question to you. If this is the case, why does the Old Testamet say this remembering it contradicts the very teachings in the New.

"You will not be able to see My face, for no human can see my face and live" (Exodus 33:18-20)

So if this is correct, No-one should of seen Jesus let alone been able to witness his miracles and wonders. How could the write or tell his followers what he done if they cannot stand before him? The next quote

"You did not see any form on the day G-d spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of fire" (Deuteronomy 4:15)

Again, it is clearly stating that God does not take any kind of form and therefore, what most Christians actually believe must be somehow fraudulant. The Torah states that G-d cannot take any form.

Now this brings me to the Islamic view. Well its simple, it agrees with the Torah.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
How do you know? Maybe they are being fulfilled right now.

I know because religion ALWAYS lies.

Labels such as "The Prophet" and "Religion of Peace" mean nothing when there is NO fruit to back them up.

The fruit of false Religion is death, hate, and lies.

This is the proof of who is REALLY behind it.

God and religion are complete opposites.

Like I said, Religion is a VERY effective form of mind control.

Islam is covered with Vatican fingerprints...

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by AnnieWolf19

At this point, that is difficult to clarify.
You really need to define just exactly what you mean
by a "New World Order". For the realignment of power after World War 2
was a New World Order.
The new alignment of Power and Economics of the past 30 years was truly
a New World Order.
Yet what we have now is Clearly not any form of order at all.
I truly believe that is on the shoulders of The Common People of the World
to CREATE a New World Order.

This New World Order would be an advancement of the Civil Rights Movement
in America. In Particular, it would be an Economic Rights Movement.
The New World Order of Human and Economic Rights.

Would you be willing to stand up for that?
Is this a New World Order worth fighting for?
Of Course it is.

Hidden in Plain Sight

S&F to your Thread

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

"Religion" as we have come to understand it in modern times, is a warped vestige of its former self. It has become a dogmatized institution, a veil to the higher understanding, the esoteric truths. The same truths that the authors of these religions were trying to enshrine, to vesselate through the ages.

The teachings of the world's Holy Books are great and worthy notions. However, the path of enlightenment present in these texts have been obfuscated by those that would seek to enslave nations. Now we are "told" what is right and wrong. We no longer seek truth - we have the "truth" handed to us at a young age.

"Religion" isnt intended to be dogmatic. It isnt intended to be "believed". It isnt intended to make enemies with other religions.

MEN have warped it into this. A convenient social and cultural control system, based on the great Holy Books. They have made us "religious" in this sense.

My point of this post is to say that "religion" is a dumb thing. However, the Holy Books and their teachings therein are certainly truth and have tremendous value. But the teachings have been warped into this modern "religious" system by those that would deceive us, and to their credit, they have done a grand job of it over the centuries. Most people are born into this system of thought now, and are less and less likely to seek that higher truth anymore.

"The Great Deception"
"The Devil is at his best when he's quoting scripture."

Think about it...

edit on 23-3-2013 by Heliophant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Heliophant


Just my reflection:
"That would be great for the world I think if people who were claming that they are Christians throughout past centries would giving to simple people and everyone to read or listen words from the Bible, that we have now....maybe if that was really like that people haven't been slaves of organized religions based on some teachings, not all from the Bible". Allowing to listen or read Bible by people of past centries=no troubles with organized religions.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ANWER....I mean New World Order of our times

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Its my understanding that most NWO conspiracy jobs don't necessarily complain about the concept of united humanity, but rather, the loss of it is accomplished via backroom deals and the like moreso than a fair representive government of earth.
Which is a valid concern.

Interesting point of view.

What opponents of centralism are most concerned about (at least here) is that a unified political/fiscal system fails to meet the needs of the diversity of the nations over here (see the ongoing EU/€Z-crisis).

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

I agree to a certain extent. A global civilization should be inevitable but it depends on it's organization.

I would be militarily opposed to any Dystopian-wannabe state,
but would welcome with open arms an actual attempt at reconciliation between all peoples of the planet.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

You are thinking it would be like a Star Trek Type paradise, but as along as greed exist it will not. Besides who would you put in charge of this NWO, Obama, Putin??

People are not evolved enough to live in a NWO of Paradise. It would more then likely just be the 1% with a lot more slaves.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:55 PM




sorry for all caps...typed before thinking..LOL
edit on 25-3-2013 by FrankBlackMillenniumGrp because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Sure, a NWO could be good if it were like on Star Trek where we had nothing better to do with our new time from freedom of the menial tasks to go out and explore space. Unfortunately, it's Tyrants who want to Rule the NWO, who are likely Satanic, and THAT is the problem with the NWO before us.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 08:55 AM
think about it ....the euro ....maiking everyone go green ...dissarming nuclear weapons .....NATO .....its all be heading for one world government for years ...its just a matter of time before a war starts and then its voted for

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by AnnieWolf19

new world order will banish all religions n make them follow the one path ! that my friend is a fact it wont benifit any religion thats for sure

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 09:30 AM

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 11:57 AM
Religions love the concept of a new world order. Christians and Muslims would LOVE to control the world with their own respective leadership and bureaucracy for example. Christianity fracturing into Eastern Orthodox sects, Protestantism and Catholics is all that stopped us from being under their boot heel. The different caliphates tried the same and inter-mural squabbling slowed the Muslims down as well.

We NEED a NWO, who is happy with the current one, or the old one (see above) for that matter?

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by Murgatroid

Before you go proclaiming that the Bible or to be more precise "The New Testament" is the word of god, you should understand that is conflicts with the old testament in so many ways it hard to give it any credibility. Though I agree that prophecies have been fulfilled, you cannot discount that those prophecies could of been fulfilled to suit certain peoples agenda's.

Firstly, the New Testament says that Jesus is God.. Here's my question to you. If this is the case, why does the Old Testamet say this remembering it contradicts the very teachings in the New.

"You will not be able to see My face, for no human can see my face and live" (Exodus 33:18-20)

So if this is correct, No-one should of seen Jesus let alone been able to witness his miracles and wonders. How could the write or tell his followers what he done if they cannot stand before him? The next quote

"You did not see any form on the day G-d spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of fire" (Deuteronomy 4:15)

Again, it is clearly stating that God does not take any kind of form and therefore, what most Christians actually believe must be somehow fraudulant. The Torah states that G-d cannot take any form.

Now this brings me to the Islamic view. Well its simple, it agrees with the Torah.

It's all subjective i see the new testament as the word of god more so then the old i think the prophets or the scribes of the old did not fully understand the concept of god until Jesus taught his (G-d's) true meaning, where i agree with you is that Jesus is the truth and really the only part i care about in either testament......
edit on 1-4-2013 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 07:35 AM
I doubt the intentions to ruin the lifes of people are real such as that of the evil TPTB.

I hope to think that the guys at the very top of intelligence are rooted in an all rounded experience of truth and knowledge. I think the truth is buried for reasons that societies behavior is sick and so a wise decision is to withheld such "secrets" (even if it is small) so that the people who hold the "knowledge" can stay safe and can still carry out acts of good.

Let’s hope that evil men at the top only exist in little boy’s comic books.

Put it this way, how could a full grown man who was born in a family knowingly make a decision to screw the planet over because of stuff he knows and can use. I think its Childs play to assume someone with such knowledge and power would choose to betray his own specie and planet.

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 08:15 AM
Do you want to know which groups are against a NWO? You will be surprised.


also known as 'The Party of God,' is a radical Shi’a Muslim group fighting against Israel and “western imperialism” in Lebanon. The group does not recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel and it has labeled as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) by the U.S. State Department since October 1997.

Hezbollah refers to itself with multiple titles including the “Organization of the Oppressed on Earth” and the “Revolutionary Justice Organization.” Its main goal is the establishment of an Islamic government across the Arab world that will “liberate” Jerusalem and the entire area of the present-day State of Israel.

Islamic republic of Iran

In 1953 US President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized Operation Ajax. The operation, supported by the Shah, was successful, and Mosaddegh was arrested on 19 August 1953. The coup was the first time the US had openly overthrown an elected, civilian government of another sovereign state.

If you want to find anyone who is against a NWO, look no further than the international terrorist blacklist.. And maybe a few random Westerners who understand the situation. Remember Bush made it quiet clear to everyone not too long ago.

Bush said he would not point out any specific countries in his speech.

"Over time it's going to be important for nations to know they will be held accountable for inactivity," he said. "You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror."

If your not with the NWO, you are a terrorist.
edit on 1-4-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by skorpius
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

You are thinking it would be like a Star Trek Type paradise, but as along as greed exist it will not. Besides who would you put in charge of this NWO, Obama, Putin??

my vote goes for this man here

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by DarknStormy

So being against NWO means being a terrorist???


Anyway, I am still wondering what WORLD GOVERMENT will do with people, who will say NO for implanting RFID CHips in their hands...
edit on 4-4-2013 by AnnieWolf19 because: (no reason given)

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