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Most Disturbing Dream I Ever Had

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posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

i dreamt something similar last year, i recognised my surroundings as the seaside village in North Wales that i visit often, was stood at the top of a mountain looking over the bay and the sea,

i noticed a light coming from the sea that i can only describe as looking like a small round rainbow, it seemed to slowly expand outwards and started to look more like your average arched shaped rainbow, i knew something was very wrong and i was yelling at everyone get to shelter, but it looked so beautiful that everyone just kept watching as it grew,

but as it was expanding i could see that it was also spreading in every direction and i knew when it reached us we would be dead, but no one would listen to me,

luckily i woke up before it reached me but it still really freaked me out

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

I live in town..but in the 3 dreams I have had, 2 of which are documented here on ATS..I was looking across a seems a little weird that the field or open land connects all of our dreams..what do you think..

I agree though probably too much info being absorbed from doom and gloom sites..but to be honest I try not to read the "worlds coming to an end" threads..I mainly look for breaking news....

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 06:11 PM
In mines I was some kind of future cop coming upon a suspects home. He emerged from house before I got to knock with pantyhose over his face and he said "the people inside are dead or dying"...then I woke up. I was like 11 or 12.
edit on 22-3-2013 by Foobler because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2013 by Foobler because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

Lets make a list, perhaps someone can better interpret when the commonality is define.

What's in common:
Man made structure cabin / store
Whip crack
Anticipation of Mass destruction
ATS Members

Not in common:
Mushroom cloud / solar flares
Cabin / Store

This is want I got so far. Add any that I missed.

As for the odds - please tell me two people on ATS who has experienced a similar dream, on the same night, whom also don't even know each other. Like I said, the odds exceed well beyond 1 in 1000.

No doubt the odds of this are astounding. The fact that they don't matchup perfectly is better, if they did one might accuse you two of conspiring. Same argument for the difference in the Gospels.

I want to help you get to the crux of all this, to get a better idea of what these dreams mean, besides the obvious destruction.

Now I'm NOT 100% sure if I saw was the sun rising, because it very well could have been a mushroom cloud only I wasn't focused on that but rather than the shockwaves themselves around the sun/mushroom cloud whatever it was but it's possible that it could have been a mushroom cloud because what else would create those beautiful shockwaves around it...

I think the theme of an atomic force detonating could be agreed.

Did your dream have a specific location?

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Neopan100

They're very disturbing dreams, for sure.
And so realistic.
I'd like to think that it's a different reality, and won't affect us.
I've never had a premonition dream, so that's reassuring.

I have had a dream that was happening to a friend in the distance.
I dreamed that his house was up on stilts and he needed help and a place to stay, and then I found out that his house had flooded from the river rising. Same night that I dreamed it. Quite the coincidence.....

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 07:28 PM
In response to your other thread.
One time I had a very specific dream about walking through a 6 inch deep pond, gathering coins. Mostly pennies, nickels and dimes.
At one point, I decided to swallow some of these coins; so I decided to go online and check the dream interpretation of this. (As I have never had this kind of dream before.)

Nothing would have seemed strange, but I happened upon another person's dream in which the exact same thing happened, only the environment was off a little.
It wouldn't have been a big deal, except they mentioned they were looking at a penny that said 1947 (or some similar date) and in my dream, I had picked up and examined the exact same coin.
It was uncanny.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Neopan100
reply to post by TheProphetMark

Make that 3 kind of...two night ago..I had a dream that is similar with a few really freaked me out. I woke up and told my husband about it..I had a dream that something was happening to the was growing dark in the middle of the day..I went to look out this big glass window in the front of my house..(I even know that I was looking south/soutwest..the sun was on that side)..I was looking out over a FIELD..I see what appears to be homes burning or something..because there was smoke coming up from them..but then a few seconds later I see what seems like a huge cloud of whitish green smoke with tints of magenta. This cloud was like the arizona dust storm only moving incredibly FAST..I run into my kitchen and my girls are on the floor..I am yelling at my husband that this smoke is burning my lungs and had an acrid taste..I grab towels from under the sink and cover my 5 year olds face..I yell at my husband to cover my 7 year old and run to the basement..I could hear our house popping and slightly swaying (shockwave???) I hear my husband say don't breath this or you will die..and then I woke up...It was so vivid..the colors, the scene, the was just way too real..I don't put any prophetic meaning to it..just thought I would add my dream as was horrifying..any dreams where my kids are in danger makes me feel really weird for days....

edit on 22-3-2013 by Neopan100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2013 by Neopan100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2013 by Neopan100 because: because I can't type today..

Very chilling to read this. Seems so real. I always have been taught that we should interpret dreams by how they make us feel. We can get feedback but if it doesnt resonate you leave the feedback and keep asking. If you feel like you cant shake the dream identify with the salient feeling associated with it and explore where its coming from. Having said that, lots of people posting dreama that are simiar and unnerving, which seem to be connected to a collective knowledge. Facinating stuff.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:29 PM
Couldn't say for sure because I don't know you, but...

The world you once thought you knew ended as in you realized it wasn't what you though it was so you turned to conspiracy theory. The mushroom cloud probably represents the destruction of what you perceived the world to be. The grocery store with all the panicked people likely represents places such as ATS. It's a grocery store because the consumables represent information, articles and such that you would read from a community of people who are generally more panic prone than the average person.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Neopan100
reply to post by TheProphetMark

Make that 3 kind of...two night ago..I had a dream that is similar with a few really freaked me out. I woke up and told my husband about it..I had a dream that something was happening to the was growing dark in the middle of the day..I went to look out this big glass window in the front of my house..(I even know that I was looking south/soutwest..the sun was on that side)..I was looking out over a FIELD..I see what appears to be homes burning or something..because there was smoke coming up from them..but then a few seconds later I see what seems like a huge cloud of whitish green smoke with tints of magenta. This cloud was like the arizona dust storm only moving incredibly FAST..I run into my kitchen and my girls are on the floor..I am yelling at my husband that this smoke is burning my lungs and had an acrid taste..I grab towels from under the sink and cover my 5 year olds face..I yell at my husband to cover my 7 year old and run to the basement..I could hear our house popping and slightly swaying (shockwave???) I hear my husband say don't breath this or you will die..and then I woke up...It was so vivid..the colors, the scene, the was just way too real..I don't put any prophetic meaning to it..just thought I would add my dream as was horrifying..any dreams where my kids are in danger makes me feel really weird for days....

edit on 22-3-2013 by Neopan100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2013 by Neopan100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2013 by Neopan100 because: because I can't type today..

You noticed that the world was full of lies. The homes being on fire represents the peoples belief systems having been consumed by lies or false truths. The smoke burns your eyes and lungs because it is damaging you. It damages you because in order to make safe and informed decisions in life you must be in good possession of the facts, but if your information is contaminated with lies or falsehoods then the decisions you make will lead you in the wrong direction.

Your house was probably shaking because the realization that the world is full of lies, the realization that you don't really know what the truth is has caused you to question just what it is that you believe in. However; it could also represent that your current belief system is shaky or not based upon a solid foundation.

Dreams are rather personal so it's hard to offer an accurate interpretation to someone I don't know.

Edit: The symbolism found in a dream is not limited solely to the dream world. We can find this symbolism in our daily lives, even in the fictions we write as the dream is an activity of the creative mind just like the act of writing a short story or painting a picture.

Interestingly enough lying is an act of the creative mind too. There is always a truth contained within a lie because the truth is woven into the fabric of the lie via symbolism.
edit on 22-3-2013 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 10:37 PM
In March of 2005.....

I had a similar vision....not a dream, with some minor/major differences in detail. I saw in a vision a dry grass like prairie (making me think it was in one of the great plains states) a huge mushroom cloud off in the distance. No shockwave, but everything all around me was fire red like it was burning up. THE BIG difference was that I was not alone. I saw black silhouettes of people walking around in this prairie grassy type of field walking around untouched by the fire. NOT hundreds of thousands of people, more like 75 - 100. I did not count, I was more perplexed that these people were just walking around nothing was happening.

I asked God who are these people? He did not answer me until that night in a dream, because I hardly stop praying and asking for an answer...He said "You are in the fellowship of the saints" and I knew the people walking around in the nuclear explosion untouched were Gods saints...unharmed.

Yes, this country will see a nuclear blast, maybe even multiple ones?! In my was a singular mushroom cloud before me.

If you haven't already....get right with GOD! Yes, it was very frightening and consumed my thoughts all the rest of the day and night.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 10:39 PM
I have had dreams similar to this. It is scary, and it is coming. Dreams are much more than we give them credit for.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 11:44 PM
I can verify the two people dreaming the same dream scenario comes true.

I and my hubby, when our first child was only 7mths, dreamt that we were walking down Mainstreet in Disney World, Florida. (We had honeymooned there on a half paid /won holiday from UK.)

I wrote it down and said to myself Well only two ways that's happening; We win some money (We were really poor) which I didn't have the faith for OR we win a holiday to Florida, which I did have the faith for (as I had won some small things before like a big bottle of whisky.)

So I entered all the holidays I could find and one of them was at Tesco.
I posted the form and went around the store saying thankyou God for my Florida holiday 5 times before I got a feeling that was enough.
I didn't think about it again until just before Christmas over a year later that my hubby came bounding up the stairs and I said before he could tell me, 'We've won the holiday' and he said 'yes!'

The weird thing that holiday helped us to concieve our next child, as I have chronic vitamin D deficiency.

I have also seen a dream that I posted it on ATS last February, about UFOs vapourising people back in time and that is the Joel 2 battle.
But since then I have realised Joel 2 is describing a second occurance of this atrocity as the New Army of Jesus comes and beats the UFOs. They didn't the first time and God had to change the timeline.

I was thinking that both of you had seen this happening but now I am pretty sure, you saw the Louisana sinkhole blow up.
Last year the Neo nazis in their UFOs tried to ignite the sinkhole but the UFO was shot down over Minden and this was the real cause of the Minden explosion.

It will be a Global catastrophe-I don't know why. But it will be bigger and worse than Fukushima.
I have heard that it could take just a match to ignite it now.

We just got to pray that God will protect us, as He has been doing all last year. And this year too.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 12:32 AM
I have just lurked for quite a while (almost a year i think) because I love hearing about all of you guys' stories and dreams.
I made an account because I had to post this.

I had an extremely similar dream to you guys.

It started out with me driving my friends car across state to watch his parents' house or something. Our mutual friends and I had a party there (with his permission, and for the record I am 21, so when I say party I refer to a dancing/booze party). The next day he calls me early in the morning while we are all sleeping off our alcohol, and he sounds really frantic, alas the conversation is extremely blurry and I can only recall that I had details whatsoever.
So I start getting changed and get ready to leave when there is a knocking on the door. I open it and it's one of the middle aged ladies from down the street. She tells me that down the street is on fire and everyone is heading to the water and that we need to start making our way to the water.
So i begin waking everyone up and we grab a few things like clothes and a little food apiece and we start heading down the street to what is apparently a beach. (I'm in Lexington, KY and my friends hometown is London, KY so the only beach I can think of this being is possibly Boonesboro).
The sky is red from the fire that has engulfed the city (I don't know what happened to cause it, unfortunately). And everyone is saying they can't breathe and that they are choking and that their skin hurts, and we are all trying to get in the water to get away from it.

And then I woke up.

Ever since I was little I have had almost what I would call increased perception, possibly a sixth sense. I believe that I inherited it from my father. He has told us things were going to happen and he had bad feelings that turned out to be true numerous times in his life. And I have come to notice that that is generally the case for me too. If I have a bad feeling about something, it usually is true.
I sleep with a dream catcher, I believe in it. I just don't feel good about this dream. Normally nonsense dreams like this, and destruction dreams that I have I just ignore. Usually I don't feel bad about dreams, and my thinking is that if I have a dream about total destruction and I don't have a bad feeling about it when I wake up, it's just a dream. I am an artist and have an active imagination.

But I really don't feel good about this dream. And when I read this stomach sank. That feeling got worse. So much so that I had to comment.

I'm really worried for all of our well being. Something big is looming near.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by jrn2392

Pray my Brother. If something is indeed coming, there's nothing we can really do to stop it.

Otherwise I hope the dream really means nothing.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:14 AM
Oo, how spooky.

I dreamed last night that I was outside, walking hand in hand with my 3 year old...and all of a sudden the sun went really bright....and then brighter still, and the heat coming from it was intense.

I didn't seem at all bothered or scared by it, and seemed to accept that if it was some kind of ominous apocalyptic event then it would be for the greater good!

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

How awful for a parent to dream this,i can well believe that you felt too uneasy to go back to sleep.I had such a dream,a nightmare last year during December- about vampires-part of the vampire dream pertained to my personal life,and that bit was very easy to figure spoke to me of something i had to recognise regarding certain individuals in my life.I had just rather dramatically resolved a situation that was causing me unhappiness and unnecessary stress,so it was an affirmation i did the right thing-put a stop to a situation that would have caused me stress and bad stuff for years to come,DRAINING me emotionally and mentally,and so cutting those individuals out of my future was for the best.

The second part of the dream contained vampires too,but in another setting.The hubby and i were at a school,to pick up my 6yo son from kindergarten,and there was a young man hanging around,waiting for something or just loitering.James Dean type of disaffected youth,wearing black T-shirt and jean,dark sunglasses-and in the dream i knew he was a vampire.Then someone came to tell me we would'nt be able to pick up my son,because the teacher that was supposed to bring him upstairs(the classrooms were underground for some reason) would not be able to,something had happened to her.So we started to leave,even though i had the feeling we won't be getting our son back (this part of the dream is incomprehensible to me,as you can understand,being a parent) and then things got a bit chaotic,some vampires and normal people running around,a bit of a chaotic situation,then the dream ended-and i was terrified.

This dream came just before the Sandy Hook atrocity,so idk what to make of that

When i woke up, entire "quality" of the night was different-there was a definite feeling in the air in my room,almost a tangible "vibration" just a really strange athmosphere in the room.Quite frankly,it felt like something horrible had just departed from my room,and left this invisible miasma behind.I did something i have very very seldom felt to do after childhood-i left my lamp on till dawn,and my husband came into my room to use the connected bathroom.Gnarly

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Symbiot

WOW..that's pretty good..and honestly, that is exactly how I really feel most's like I have so much information that it's hard to know fact/fiction/lies/etc. I feel like I want to do things (go back to university, move, travel, etc) but then I see all the news about the economy going to sh!t and we will all end up eating out of tincans and I think..which move is the correct move..I wish someone would just direct my life!

Like I posted earlier..the majority of the time my dreams consist of me running through office buildings, schools, hotels..with LOTS of doors, elevators, stairs and hallways..I am constantly running trying to find a way out..It's like I am at the Lookout Hotel (THE SHINING) and I can't get out. I just keep running looking for the doors..and in these dreams if I go onto the lift/elevator it always breaks down or tilts, or falls to the bottom while im in it.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 08:22 AM
Interesting thread thanks!! Has anyone heard of the kill shot thing from some remote viewers?
I suggest the ones having these dreams do a google search for kill shot remote viewing.
Let me know if that is kinda what you all are dreaming. Thanks

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 08:57 AM
I really despice posting this but it is worth considering.

KJV Bible: Acts 2:17-21
17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
19And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
20The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
21And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Personal note written 3/3/2013


Thou shall behold her towering figure,
an awesome display of her power
and know her destructive force.
The dawning morning.
Thou shall witness her approaching,
sweeping across the lands,
her devouring presence coming.
The rising sun.
Thou shall have no escape,
but stand and embrace thy fate
and give thy life to her.
The light of day.

It is probably nothing but superstition. I am sorry you had such a horrible dream OP.

I wish you and your loved ones the best of fortune, health and joy.
edit on 23-3-2013 by ABeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by smilesmcgee


I too had a 1947 vision ( actually - two of them ) that both started with 1947. It's the whole reason that I signed up at ATS so I could post it. It's the first thread I ever posted! For about a year straight I had multiple visions, and a few dreams, and then haven't had any since then. The part 2 of the 1947 bit scared the holy hell out of me! The part 1... I didn't understand until many, many months later when part 2 of the vision came.

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