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Bloomberg calls domestic drones ‘scary’—but inevitable

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posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 12:31 PM
Yahoo! News

NEW YORK—Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the idea of law enforcement officials using drones and other controversial methods like face recognition technology to monitor Americans is “scary,” but he suggested the practice is inevitable.

In a radio interview on Friday, Bloomberg acknowledged there are privacy concerns when asked about the use of drones by the New York Police Department or other entities. He suggested, however, that there’s little people can do to stop the “tides from coming in.”

Mayor Bloomberg goes on to say...

“We're going into a different world, uncharted. And, like it or not, what people can do or governments can do is different, and you can to some extent control, but you can't keep the tides from coming in. We're going to have more visibility and less privacy. I don't see how you stop that. And it's not a question of whether I think it's good or bad. I just don't see how you could stop that because we're going to have them.”

I find this very disturbing. Everyday we see more and more of our privacy and rights taken away from us.

Now we have this high level government official pretty much telling us there is nothing we as the people can do about it.

This drone thing clearly getting out of hand now.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by mikemck1976

Wouldn't it be nice if Bloomberg took the same attitude towards sugary drinks, unsaturated fats and smoking.

I dare say that they will be a 'tide' that might sink his stupid ship.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 12:45 PM
Man, that dude needs to be victimized by his own police state.
'Scary but inevitable' pandering to the increasing amount of democrat voters that are against drones while doing nothing about it. You know at home in private that guy is drooling over all the protesters er I mean domestic terrorists, he can use drones on.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by mikemck1976

This man thinks that because he is one of the richest in the world, he can say and do anything he wants.
Now, why would such a billionaire WANT to be a mayor for NYC? POWER! He must be corrupt to the bone...hiding behind his ideas verified by quotes such as these...

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 02:26 PM
Public Bloomberg;

Private Bloomberg

It's inevitable that the drones end up in the hands of someone who doesn't take kindly to drones on their soil.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 02:42 PM
At least he's admitting that there can be no discourse on this issue - It is going to happen.

I'm concerned:
1) FEMA camps - thoroughly debunked I thought at one point. They are coming.
2) DHS buildup of troops and arsenal - wasn't completely sure the extent of it. It will be a huge army!
3) Drones - heard about using them at the border, people say they won't be abused. BS complete BS all of it.
edit on 22-3-2013 by ibiubu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Bloomberg calls domestic drones ‘scary’—but inevitable

Oversized sodas should be outlawed but drones are... inevitable?

This guy needs to be captured in a butterfly net and hauled away to someplace where he is safe from hurting anyone else.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by mikemck1976

By saying that its scary, while at the same time, by means of the "power of suggestion," he implies very strongly that the practice is inevitable." is the whole point of Bloomberg's (and all other dictators in the Obama administration) psy-op propaganda strategy. His is saying that since its 'inevitable' there's nothing you can do about it. So people relent and become obedient to the propaganda.

The people themselves have given dictatorial powers to Bloomberg - its nowhere written in any law or state constitution that he has the power to do the things he's doing. Poor saps who have surrendered their freedom to hin - to 'them'..........I do not feel one iota of sympathy for them.

By the way - New Yorkers call him a "nanny" or some such attribution to a "nanny state" - I say he's a dictator operating from the powers vested in him by means of a police state.

edit on 23-3-2013 by POXUSA because: txt

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 10:45 AM

“You can’t keep the tides from coming in,”

the mayor remarked when asked about drone surveillance in NYC on his weekly radio show. Sounds a little familiar doesn't it - as in "its inevitable" as pertains to the gestapo tactics used in NYC in order to condition the public mind into acceptance of the implementation of the "total surveillance state!"

The most common usage of the ominous term sur·veil·lance [ser-vey-luhns, -veyl-yuhns] noun
1.a watch kept over a person, group, etc., especially over a suspect, prisoner, or the like: The suspects were under police surveillance.

2.Close observation or supervision maintained over a person, group, etc, esp one in custody or
under suspicion - from French, from surveiller to watch over, from sur- 1 + veiller to keep watch
(from Latin vigilāre; see vigil )]

This means that all New Yorkers are to be treated as such in the definition(s) you have just read.

No need to heed a simple "nanny" now is there? C'moooon folks what're ya all getting your panties all in a wad about? Bloomie is no more harmless than your mommy telling you to put on your galoshes - its for your own good - right?

Military-style Drones Will Patrol NYC: Bloomberg
Read full article
David Seifman
New York Post
March 23, 2013

Like it or not, the eye in the sky will soon be following your every move, according to Mayor Bloomberg.
“You can’t keep the tides from coming in,” the mayor remarked when asked about drones on his weekly radio show.
“We’re going to have more visibility and less privacy. I just don’t see how you could stop that.”
The NYPD already has cameras mounted at strategic locations around the city and there’s no reason, by the mayor’s reckoning, that they have to attached to light poles.
“It’s scary. What’s the difference if a drone is up in the air or on a building,” he said.

edit on 23-3-2013 by POXUSA because: txt

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