still fresh in my mind i was dreaming a couple of hours ago...
it was a regular cloudy day in my city, i lived in an apartment building and i left my wife and kids home, i went downstairs to walk across the street
to do my daily exercise....and then that's when i saw it..a loud noise, like a jet but just 100X more was booming like rolling
thunder...then i saw them...up in the sky, in the distance what at first seemed like "747 Boeing landing everywhere...but it wasnt airplanes, it was
some sort of helicopter about half the size of a cruise was enormous! it had propellers everywhere...these enormous helicopters where white
in color, and they each had a "name" like cruise ships do, the company logo was on the side and the unique name of the craft was under the company
logo, and there where many of them could see them all over the sky...they landed so quickly...
immediately i grabbed my cell phone and started taking pictures, to have "proof" of what i was witnessing...everyone had stopped what they were
doing... people stopped walking their dogs and just stared and pointed at the sky others got out of their cars and just looked at the sky in
disbelief...and then thats when i heard that booming thunder noise get louder! of those gigantic helicopters was landing in the middle of the
street where i lived! mind you at this point im only across the street from where i live...suddenly the helicopter starts landing and as it gets
closer the force of its propellers starts blowing everything away...i remember looking at the name on the side of the craft but i couldn't read it, it
seemed like it was Russian.
as the huge helicopter landed on my city street i could clearly see blinking "red and blue" police lights on it...every single fiber of my being told
me this wasnt good..i suddenly got that feeling of dread just before you experience something traumatic...suddenly the craft lands and a giant hatch
opens from the back almost like the war planes that the U.S uses...suddenly men in dark camouflaged uniforms holding assault rifles, start to pour
out of the sounded like they were speaking Russian, and they had "translators" holding bull horns and they were saying with a heavy accent
"do not panic everything is okay, do not resist please form a single file line to enter inside the vessel, there is not time to grab your belongings,
again i repeat do not panic, do not resist" i could hear people screaming, and gun shots going off in the distance, the panic and chaos was horrible,
but it gave me the cover i needed to run back into my apartment..
as i ran back across the street to my apartment it all came to me, what will all my prepping do? how will it help me? it was USELESS! there was no
escape, they were everywhere! and if i even slightly resisted i would be shot on the spot in front of my wife and kids! this point i made my way
inside the building, i ran up the stairs and into my room where i saw my wife peering out the balcony window...i ran towards a box that i had full of
weapons and survival gear, i grabbed my revolver and a knife..i told my wife we had to leave now..and she replied.."maybe we should go with
might be in our best interest" i told her that these people did not want anything good for us, i grabbed her and our kids and ran....
again the thoughts of doom, and hopelessness just flooded my system that unshakable dread..that death is eminent...we were outnumbered and out gunned,
i couldn't even "bug out" to the woods because those helicopter things were everywhere..this was a calculated attack, and it caught us all by
surprise! i was looking for a place to hide with my family i remember trying to make a phone call to call my mother, and all communications was
cut i ran through the hallway i came across a storage room me my wife and kids decided to hide last thought was that i needed to
get out of the city and maybe find a small island of the coast to hide....and then i woke up
they say that when we dream sometimes we are actually witnessing or experiencing another part of our soul living in an alternate reality, or
world....maybe it wasnt a dream..but let me tell you this it probably didn't end well for my alternate self in that universe...the sheer similarities
between that dream world and this "real one" was uncanny!..
there is no escape.....only through death...and then we wake up somewhere else in another world in another reality...of course thats if you chose
that...i think im done experiencing life after death from now on...
edit on 22-3-2013 by k1k1to because: (no reason given)